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Otvio Henrique Ramos Duarte BUS 3020 Achieving Effective Operations

Assignment 1 Wyatt Earp - The Buffalo Hunter

Comparing the old timers and the Wyatts methods for hunting buffalos,
taking in consideration the operations success as being continuously improving the
capability of operations systems to match stakeholder expectations, it is possible to say
Wyatt was doing greater than the old timers.

Once Wyatt analyzed the old

timers method finding out some improvement opportunities that could be done and
flaws that could be eliminated, he made the hunter process more efficient.
The old timers believed they should kill as many buffalos as they could, using
a way to hunt that had been used for years and having activities in the process for each
man, being each one of them responsible for just one specific activity.
Then Wyatt made the hunter process more efficient by planning a more
intelligent way to shoot the buffalos, investing in less equipment, having all the
activities in the process divided between the skinner and him, and taking a better care of
the product. He noticed as well that quality is more important than quantity. This way, in
despite of utilizing his method resulted in less buffalos killed, the profit obtained was
bigger than the old timers method.
Thus, in the Wyatts way, buffalo products consumers, hunting workers and
hunting investors would all get what the value they were looking for.
If the hunters had used Wyatts operations system, the buffalo hunting industry
could have been saved in terms of preserving the buffalo herds. Once using his ways,
less buffalos would have been hunted, giving them time to reproduce.

However, it is difficult to affirm that for sure, since many other factors could
have led to the end of this industry.

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