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Profile Offered
Work Experience

Rohit Jain
Marketing (Circulation)
22 months (Accenture)

Pre Process
Application form
If Yes, questions
Psychometric test
Written Test (Y/N)
Written test
Interview Rounds

(To be mentioned in bullet points)


Process (GD + PI)

GD Topics

(To be mentioned in bullet points)


Profile Sector
Specific questions

What did you do in your marketing project Kingfisher Airlines

Problems faced by Kingfisher Airlines and how would you solve it
What are the issues going on with Kingfisher Beer
Some questions on beer industry
Some basic questions on Marketing Concepts

HR Based

About yourself
What are your strengths?

No other specific HR question was asked

General Questions

Your role at Accenture and how do you think it will help you in
Any situation in life where you would have applied a marketing
concept to complete the task

How did you prepare for the Interview Process? How much according to you was relevant?

Prepared basic HR questions (about you, strengths, weaknesses etc.)

Studied all the Marketing fundamentals and concepts
Good knowledge of current affairs
Thoroughly prepared the resume (any point could be a potential question)

My overall preparation was really useful in the interview as there were questions based on Marketing
concepts, current affairs (Kingfisher issue) and some from resume which I was able to answer.
Why do you think, you were selected?
I had good knowledge about the marketing concepts and some of my past achievements in academics
also helped

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