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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: January 13-14, 2014

2014- 01- 18 14:01:13 GKToday

1. Who among t he f ollowing has won T he Hindu Prize f or Best Fict ion 2013?
[A]Manu Joseph [B]Anees Slim [C]Sonora Jha [D]Manjul Bajaj
Anees Slim
Kerala-based writ er Anees Slim won T he Hindu Prize f or Best Fict ion 2013 f or
his novel, Vanit y Bagh f or consist ent writ ing and humour and imaginat ion. T he
book is a very comic account of a young man f rom minorit y group f rom a
place called Vanit y Bagh, also called lit t le Pakist an. T he Hindu Prize f or Best
Fict ion recognises t he cont ribut ion of Indian writ ers t o lit erary cult ure. It
comprises a cash component of Rs. 5 lakh and a plaque.
Show Answer 2. As per t he Index of Economic Freedom 2014, which among
t he f ollowing is t he count ry / t errit ory wit h highest economic f reedom? [A]Hong
Kong [B]Swit zerland [C]Singapore [D]Aust ralia
Hong Kong
T he Index of Economic Freedom is an annual index and ranking creat ed by
T he Herit age Foundat ion and T he Wall St reet Journal in 1995 t o measure t he
degree of economic f reedom in t he worlds nat ion. T he Index of Economic
Freedom rat es 186 count ries in 10 cat egories of economic perf ormance such
as rule of law, regulat ory ef f iciency, limit ed government and open market s.
Hong Kong and Singapore f inished f irst and second in t he ranking f or t he 20t h
st raight year. T he Index ranks India 120t h globally and 25t h among 43
count ries in t he Asia-Pacif ic region.
Show Answer 3. Namdeo Dhasal who passed away recent ly, was a f amous
poet in which language? [A]Kannada [B]Marat hi [C]T amil [D]Konkani
Namdeo Dhasal was a Marat hi poet , writ er and Human right act ivist s. His f irst
collect ion of poems Golpit ha was published in 1973. He along wit h ot hers
f ormed a radical organisat ion called Dalit Pant hers on July 9, 1972 inspired by
t he American Black Pant her.
Show Answer 4. T he FARC is one of t he worlds richest guerrilla armies
act ive in which count ry? [A]Egypt [B]Columbia [C]China [D]Spain
T he FARC is t he oldest and largest group among Colombias lef t -wing rebels
and is one of t he worlds richest guerrilla armies.

Show Answer 5. Which among t he f ollowing count ries has conduct ed Island
def ence drill in t he cont roversial Senkaku islands, recent ly? [A]China [B]Japan
[C]Viet nam [D]Sout h Korea
T he Japanese Self Def ence Force held a public drill wit h t he t heme of Island
def ence t o simulat e recapt uring an island f rom an enemy nat ion f or t he
second year in a row, as Chinese government vessels sail near islands
disput ed wit h Japan f or t he f irst t ime t his year.
Show Answer 6. In which among t he f ollowing cit ies, Indias f irst Climat e
Change T heat re opened, recent ly? [A]Kapurt hala [B]Bangalore [C]Chennai
[D]Kolkat a
Indias f irst climat e change t heat re was opened at Pushpa Gujaral science
cit y in Kapurt hala t o educat e people on one of t he pressing development al
issue in t he world. T his t heat re is Indias f irst , it is second in t he world, wit h t he
ot her in Canada.
Show Answer 7. Recent ly, which among t he f ollowing has announced t he
launch of Academia Accelerat or programme which is aimed at building a
deep and long-t erm associat ion bet ween indust ry and academia? [A]IBM
[B]Inf osys [C]Microsof t [D]T CS
Microsof t
Microsof t has announced t he launch of t he Microsof t Academic Accelerat or, a
new programme aimed at building a deep and long-t erm associat ion bet ween
indust ry and academia. Under t his programme Microsof t in collaborat ion wit h
t he f acult y at 10 leading Indian engineering colleges, will aim t o enhance t he
Comput er Science curriculum in select ive areas and f ost er even great er
st udent -driven innovat ion and ent repreneurship.
Show Answer 8. Current ly, which among t he f ollowing nat ions holding t he
number one posit ion in t he FIFA ranking? [A]Spain [B]Port ugal [C]Brazil
Spain remains t he best t eam in t he world according t o t he lat est world
rankings. Spain has 1507 ranking point s which gives t hem a comf ort able lead
over Germany (1,318) and Argent ina (1,251).
Show Answer 9. Indias only and f irst hospit al f or f ish will come up in which
of t he f ollowing st at es? [A]Andhra Pradesh [B]Kerala [C]Karnat aka [D]Goa

T he count rys f irst hospit al f or f ish has been coming up in Kochi, Kerala. T he
hospit al will be set up wit h Rs 5.6 millions assist ance f rom t he cent ral
government . T he hospit al will act as a one-st op place f or t echnical
assist ance, help and guidance f or people who are int erest ed in aquacult ure
and also it will address pollut ion-relat ed problem f aced by t he f isheries sect or.
Show Answer 10. Name t he India-American, who has been elect ed a f oreign
member of t he Chinese Academy of Sciences, recent ly? [A]Subra Suresh
[B]Mahesh Nair [C]Aravind Singh [D]Amit h Mishra
Subra Suresh
Subra Suresh, Chennai-born Indian-American president of Carnegie Mellon
Universit y has been elect ed a f oreign member of t he Chinese Academy of
Science, a rare and highly covet ed dist inct ion wit hin t he academic f rat ernit y.
He was chosen f or his scient if ic cont ribut ion in mat erials science and
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