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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: February 14, 15, 2014

2014- 02- 22 19:02:17 GKToday

1. T he Lokt ak lake, which is also called t he only Float ing lake in t he world is in which st at e? [A]Punjab [B]Kerala [C]Haryana [D]Manipur Manipur Show Answer 2. Sage Kot ensburg, who won f irst gold medal at t he Sochi wint er Olympics, is a player in ___? [A]Alpine Skiing [B]Snowboard [C]Luge [D]Cross-count ry Snowboard Sage Kot senburg is an American snowboarder. He won t he f irst gold medal in Snowboard Slopest yle at t he 2014 Wint er Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, and became t he f irst gold medallist at t hese Olympics. Show Answer 3. Which of t he f ollowing commit t ee was set up t o probe bet t ing and mat ch f ixing in t he Indian Premier League? [A]Mukul Mudgal Commit t ee [B]Shah Commit t ee [C]Verma Commit t ee [D]Shome Commit t ee Mukul Mudgal Committee Show Answer 4. T he Kuril Islands disput e or Nort hern T errit ories disput e, is a disput e bet ween Japan and ___? [A]China [B]Sout h Korea [C]Russia [D]Philippines Russia T he Kuril Islands disput e, also known as t he Nort hern T errit ories disput e, is a disput e bet ween Japan and t he Russia. Show Answer 5. Recent ly, Brit ish scient ist s have discovered a Canyon deeper t han t he Grand Canyon under which of t he f ollowing oceans? [A]At lant ic Ocean [B]Pacif ic Ocean [C]Ant arct ica Ocean [D]Indian Ocean Antarctica Ocean A giant valley deeper t han t he Grand Canyon is buried beneat h several miles of glacial ice in West Ant arct ica, according t o a new st udy by Brit ish scient ist s. T he sub-glacial canyon is nearly t wo miles deep, 200 miles long and 15 miles wide. Show Answer 6. St uart Hall, who passed away recent ly, was a pioneer of ___? [A]Nanot echnology [B]Cult ural St udies [C]Cryogenic Science [D]Biot echnology

Cultural Science St uart Hall was a Jamaican-born cult ural t heorist and sociologist who lived and worked in t he Unit ed Kingdom f rom 1951. Hall was one of t he f ounding f igures of school of t hought t hat is known as Brit ish Cult ural St udies. When St uart Hall came on t he scene in t he mid-1960s, t he st udy of cult ure and popular cult ure in part icular, was not t aken very seriously. Hall helped change t hat . He was dubbed t he godf at her of mult icult uralism f or t he huge inf luence had on academics around t he world. He was President of t he Brit ish Sociological Associat ion 1995-97. St uart Hall died at 82. Show Answer 7. Who among t he f ollowing is t he aut hor of t he cont roversial book T he Hindus: An Alt ernat ive Hist ory? [A]Christ opher Minkowski [B]Wendy Doniger [C]St anley Wolpert [D]T homas T raut mann Wendy Doniger Unit ed St at es Indologist Wendy Doniger is t he aut hor of t he book T he Hindus: An Alt ernat ive Hist ory. Recent ly, t he Penguin Books of India has decided t o wit hdraw copies of t he book f ollowing a court backed set t lement wit h a Delhi-based volunt ary group which had object ed t o several inaccuracies and biases in it . Show Answer 8. Recent ly, t he Int ernat ional Cricket Council (ICC) vot ed f or a st ruct ural revamp, which allow f ive man execut ive commit t ee wit h t hree permanent seat s. T he count ries wit h permanent seat s in t he execut ive commit t ee are ___? [A]India, Aust ralia and England [B]India, England and Sri Lanka [C]England, Aust ralia and Sri Lanka [D]India, Sout h Af rica and England India, Australia and England Int ernat ional Cricket Council proposed a new f ive execut ive commit t ee wit h permanent seat s f or India, England and Aust ralia. It will make recommendat ions t o t he ICC board, which remains decision-making body. Show Answer 9. According t o t he lat est report on digit al governance India was ranked 8t h in t he list of t en count ries. T he count ry which t opped t he list is ___? [A]Singapore [B]UAE [C]Aust ralia [D]Brazil Singapore According t o a new comparat ive report by Accent ure, Singapore, Norway and t he UAE rank f irst , second and t hird, respect ively among 10 count ries in t heir use of digit al government . T he t en count ries were measured against t hree crit eria-Cit izen Service Delivery Experience, Cit izen Sat isf act ion and Service Mat urit y- and were given a cumulat ive score f rom 1 t o 10. Show Answer 10. T he Halayeb T riangle is an area of disput ed land locat ed on t he border bet ween _____? [A]Egypt and Sudan [B]Nort h Korea and Sout h Korea [C]France and Germany [D]India and Sri Lanka Egypt and Sudan T he Halayeb T riangle, also somet imes called t he Halaib

T riangle is an area of disput ed land locat ed on t he border bet ween Egypt and Sudan. Show Answer

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