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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: March 8-9, 2014

2014- 05- 18 13:05:27 GKToday
1. Who among t he f ollowing has won t he World Snooker Championship-2014
t it le?
[A]Ronnie OSullivan
[B]Mark Selby
[C]St eve Davis
[D]Greame Dot t
Mark Selby
Mark Selby won his f irst world t it le by def eat ing def ending champion Ronnie
OSullivan 18-14. This was Selbys f ourt h ranking t it le and made him t he nint h
player t o complet e snookers Triple Crown of World Championship, UK
championship, and mast er t it les.
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2. In India, monet ary policy is cont rolled by ____?
[A]Finance Minist er
[B]Union Government
[C]Reserve Bank of India
[D]Finance Minist ry
Reserve Bank of India
In India, t he cent ral monet ary aut horit y is t he Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is so
designed as t o maint ain t he price st abilit y in t he economy.
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3. Which among t he f ollowing part ies has won t he nat ional elect ion of Sout h
Af rica held recent ly?
[A]Democrat ic Alliance
[B]Af rican Nat ional Congress
[C]The Economic Freedom Fight er
[D]Democrat ic Social Part y
Af rican National Congress
Sout h Af ricas ruling part y Af rican Nat ional Congress has won t he nat ional
elect ion. ANC has won 62.1 percent of t he vot e, while t he main opposit ion
part y, t he Democrat ic Alliance won 22.2 per cent of t he vot e.
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4. Recent ly, Unit ed Nat ions has vot ed t o est ablish a Medal f or except ional
courage in t he name of an unarmed UN peacemaker f rom Senegal ____?
[A]Eugene-Richard Gasana
[B]Mbaye Diagne
[C]Prince Zeid al Hussein
[D]Henry Dussent
Mbaye Diagne
The UN Securit y Council vot ed unanimously t o est ablish a UN medal f or
except ional courage in t he name of t he unarmed UN peacekeeper f rom
Senegal Capt ain Mbaye Diagne, who lost his lif e af t er saving hundreds of
Rwandans f rom deat h in t he 1994 genocide. The resolut ion, sponsored by
Jordan, creat es t he Capt ain Mbay Diagne Medal f or Except ional Courage t o
be awarded t o UN milit ary, police, civilians and associat ed personals, who
demonst rat e except ional courage, in t he f ace of ext reme danger.
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5. Recent ly, which among t he f ollowing count ries has imposed ban on import
of chilli pepper f rom India?
[A]Saudi Arabia
[C]Sout h Af rica
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia has banned import of chilli pepper f rom India, cit ing t he presence
of high pest icide residues in it . Saudi Arabia is t he f if t h largest import er of
f resh veget ables f rom India.
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6. The SGR-A1 is a milit ary robot sent ry belongs t o which count ry?
[A]Nort h Korea
[B]Sout h Korea
[C]Sout h Sudan
South Korea
The SGR-A1 is a Sout h Korean milit ary robot sent ry designed t o replace
human count erpart s in t he demilit arized zone at t he Sout h and Nort h Korea
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7. The Dinka people are largest et hnic group inhabit ing in ____?
[B]Aust ralia
[C]Sout h Sudan
South Sudan
The Dinka people are an et hnic group inhabit ing t he Bahr el Ghazal a region of
west ern Sout h Sudan. Dinka people are largest et hnic t ribe in Sout h Sudan.
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8. Which among t he f ollowing is not a part y t o t he Cent ral Asian Nuclear-
Weapon-Free Zone (CANWFZ)?
[A]Kyrgyzst an
[B]Turkmenist an
[C]Af ghanist an
[D]Tajikist an
Af ghanistan
The CANWFZ is a t reat y legally binding commit ment by Kazakhst an,
Kyrgyzst an, Tajikist an, Turkmenist an and Uzbekist an not t o manuf act ure,
acquire, t est or possess nuclear weapons.
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9. Which among t he f ollowing count ries is t he Indias only land bridge t o
Sout heast Asia?
Myanmar is Indias only land bridge t o Sout heast Asia and t he Indo-Burmese
border st ret ches over 1,600 kilomet res.
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10. Who among t he f ollowing has won mens single Mandrid Mast er t it le-2014?
[A]Kei Nishikori
[B]Roger Federer
[C]Raf ael Nadal
[D]Andrew Murray
Raf ael Nadal
Raf ael Nadal won his f ourt h Mandrid Mast ers t it le 2014. Top seed Nadal claim
a 2-6, 6-4, 3-0 win f or his 27t h Mast er t it le and 63rd career crown.
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