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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs : February 27-28, 2014

2014- 03- 02 13:03:18 GKToday
1. Which of t he f ollowing count ries are not members of t he Shanghai
Cooperat ion Organisat ion (SCO)? 1. India 2. Kazakhst an 3. Pakist an 4.
Tajikist an Chose t he correct answer f rom t he codes given below: [A]Only 1 & 2
[B]Only 2 & 3 [C]Only 1 & 3 [D]Only 2 & 4
Only 1 & 3 The Shanghai Cooperat ion Organisat ion is a Eurasian polit ical,
economic and milit ary organisat ion which was f ounded in 2001 in Shanghai by
t he leaders of China, Kazakhst an, Kyrgyzst an, Russia, Tajikist an and
Uzbekist an.
Show Answer 2. Who among t he f ollowing has been appoint ed as new
Prime Minist er of Egypt in February 2014? [A]Ibrahim Mehlib [B]Hazlem-el-
Beblawi [C]Ibrahim Sharif [D]Abdel Fat ah al-Sisi
Ibrahim Mehlib Ibrahim Mehlib, a f ormer member of Hosni Mubaraks polit ical
part y has been appoint ed as Egypt s new Prime Minist er.
Show Answer 3. Which of t he f ollowing st at es has become t he f irst t o
legally ban consumpt ion of all f orms of smokeless t obacco? [A]Assam
[B]Karnat aka [C]Himachal Pradesh [D]Goa
Assam Assam became t he f irst st at e t o legally ban consumpt ion of all f orms
of smokeless t obacco, including pan masala cont aining t obacco and nicot ine,
t hrough an act .
Show Answer 4. The Khyber t ribal area, which has been rest ive in recent
t imes is a region in __? [A]Pakist an [B]Af ghanist an [C]Iran [D]Iraq
Show Answer 5. Which among t he f ollowing st at e has got Krishi Karman
award 2014 f or f oodgrain product ion of more t han 10 million t onnes?
[A]Madhya Pradesh [B]Ut t ar Pradesh [C]Punjab [D]Rajast han
Madhya Pradesh For t ot al f oodgrain product ion, Madhya Pradesh get s t he
award in large cat egory (f oodgrain product ion more t han 10 million t onnes),
Odisha in medium cat egory (f oodgrain product ion 1 t o 10 million t onnes) and
Manipur in small cat egory (f oodgrain product ion less t han 1 million t onnes). In
individual f oodgrain crops, Chhat t isgarh get s t he award f or rice, Bihar f or
wheat , Jharkhand f or pulses and Andhra Pradesh f or coarse cereals. Ut t ar
Pradesh, West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura
get commendat ion prizes f or t ot al f oodgrain product ion. Maharasht ra get s
commendat ion prize f or rice, Assam f or pulses and Punjab and Haryana f or
rice and wheat .
Show Answer 6. Recent ly, t he Theat re Level Operat ional Readiness
Exercise (Tropex) was conduct ed by __? [A]Indian Army [B]Indian Navy
[C]Indian Air Force [D]Border Securit y Force
Indian Navy The Indian Navys major annual exercise TROPEX (Theat re
Level Operat ional Readiness Exercise) concluded recent ly. The exercise
involved large scale naval manoeuvres in all t hree dimensions viz. surf ace, air
and underwat er, across t he Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and t he Indian Ocean.
Show Answer 7. Approximat ely, what f ract ion of India's GDP is shared by
t he Micro, Small and Medium Ent erprises (MSME) sect or? [A]6% [B]8% [C]10%
8% MSME Account s f or 8 per cent of t he Count rys GDP, 45 per cent of it s
Manuf act ured Out put and 43 per cent of our Export s. It provides employment
t o over 10 crore people.
Show Answer 8. Chandi Prasad Bhat t is a well known ___? [A]Archit ect
[B]Environment alist [C]Novelist [D]Theat re Art ist
Environmentalist Chandi Prasad Bhat t is t he winner of Gandhi Peace Prize
For 2013. Bhat t , born in 1934 , is a not ed Gandhian environment alist and social
act ivist . He was one of t he pioneers of t he Chipko movement f or which he was
awarded t he Ramon Magsaysay Award in 1982. He is also a recipient of t he
Padma Bhushan in 2005. One of Indias f irst modern environment alist s, t oday
he is known f or his work on subalt ern social ecology
Show Answer 9. Who among t he f ollowing is t he writ er of CRPF t heme
song? [A]Gulzar [B]Javed Akht ar [C]Vishal Bhardwaj [D]Prasoon Joshi
Javed Akhtar Mr. Javed Akht ar, Indias f amous lyricist has writ t en t he t heme
song, which has been sung by not ed singer Mr. Javed Ali and composed by
Music Direct or Mr. Raju Singh.
Show Answer 10. The Model Code of Conduct has become an inst rument
of immense import ance and legit imacy in Indian Elect ions t oday. In which
among t he f ollowing elect ions, Model Code of Conduct f ound it s origins?
[A]Lok Sabha Elect ions 1967 [B]Kerala Assembly Elect ions 1960 [C]Rajast han
Assembly Elect ions 1962 [D]Karnat aka Assembly Elect ions 1967
Kerala Assembly Elections 1960 The origin of t he MCC dat es back t o 1960
when t he MCC st art ed as a small set of Dos and Dont s f or t he Assembly
elect ion in Kerala in 1960.
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