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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: July 3, 4, 2014

2014- 07- 07 17:07:21 GKToday
1. The Golden Pen of Freedom Award is an annual int ernat ional journalism
award given by t he _____?
[B]Unit ed Nat ions
[C]World Associat ion of Newspapers
[D]Times Group
World Association of Newspapers
The Golden Pen of Freedom Award is an annual int ernat ional journalism award
est ablished in 1961, given by t he World Associat ion of Newspapers t o
individuals or organisat ions.
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2. Recent ly, which count ry has decided t o issue mult iple ent ry short -t erm st ay
visa t o Indians t o broaden t he relat ionship bet ween t wo count ries?
Japan will issue mult iple ent ry visas f or short -t erm st ay t o Indians. The
decision will help increase t he number of Indian t ourist s t o Japan and improve
convenience in business act ivit ies, t hus f urt her developing bilat eral exchanges
bet ween t he t wo count ries.
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3. Recent ly, t he Indian railway has t est drives a semi-bullet t rain which set s
new nat ional speed record of ____ kilomet re per hour. Fill t he blank wit h
correct opt ion?
Indian semi-bullet t rain set s new nat ional speed record of 160 kilomet res an
hour during a t est bet ween t he Delhi and Agra. This is now t he f ast est t rain in
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4. Recent ly, t he Pent agon has not if ied t he US congress about it s decision t o
sell ant i-ship Harpoon missile t o India at an est imat ed cost of $200 million. On
which of t he f ollowing submarines t he Harpoon missile syst em will be
[A]Shishumar class submarines
[B]Sindhughosh class submarines
[C]Chakra class submarines
[D]Scorpene class submarines
Shishumar class submarines
The Harpoon missiles syst em will be employed on t he Indian Navys Shishumar
class submarines and will provide enhanced capabilit ies in def ence of crit ical
sea lines of communicat ions.
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5. Who among t he f ollowing f ounded t he Bharat iya Jana Sangh on 21 Oct ober
[A]Mot ilal Nehru
[B]Gopala Krishna Gokhale
[C]Syama Prasad Mukherjee
[D]Sardar Vallabhai Pat el
Syama Prasad Mukherjee
The Bharat iya Jana Sangh was st art ed by Syama Prasad Mukherjee in Delhi
wit h Rasht riya Swayamsevak Sangh, as it s polit ical arm, and t o be a
nat ionalist ic alt ernat ive t o t he Indian congress. It s ideology was cent red on
Hindut va.
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6. According t o NCRB report , which cit y has recorded highest number of cyber
crime cases in t he count ry?
[B]Vishakhapat nam
Bangalore has recorded highest cyber crime cases (417) f ollowed by
Vishakhapat nam (175) and Hyderabad (160).
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7. The Sant Kabir award is given f or t he personalit ies who have given
out st anding cont ribut ion in t he f ield of _____?
[A]Handicraf t s and Handlooms
[B]Lit erat ure
[C]Hindust ani Music
[D]Cult ure and Herit age
Handicraf ts and Handlooms
The Sant Kabir award was est ablished by Government of India and conf erred
t o out st anding weavers who have made valuable cont ribut ion in keeping alive
t he handloom herit age.
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8. The Art icle 371E in t he India const it ut ion is relat ed t o _____?
[A]Special provision regarding t o Assam st at e
[B]Est ablishment of Cent ral Universit y in Andhra Pradesh
[C]Special Provision regarding t o Tripura st at e
[D]Special Provision regarding Nort h-East ern Areas
Establishment of Central University in Andhra Pradesh
371E. Est ablishment of Cent ral Universit y in Andhra Pradesh.- Parliament may
by law provide f or t he est ablishment of a Universit y in t he St at e of Andhra
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9. In cont ext t o Indian Army, DHVANI which is in news recent ly, is a _____?
[A]Marksmanship t raining syst em
[B]Sea-weed based prot ein f ood
[C]Robot ic soldier
[D]Novel t echnology based bullet proof jacket s
Marksmanship training system f or Indian Army
DHVANI is st at e-of -t he-art marksmanship t raining syst em developed by CSIR
f or Indian Army. The sophist icat ed acoust ic sensor-based syst em will help t he
army t o develop shoot ing t echniques of it s combat personnel during t raining.
The syst em will help t hem in perf ect ing marksmanship skills by accurat ely
det ermining t he locat ion of bullet impact and providing real t ime f eedback
during t raining.
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10. Apart f rom West Bengal, which among t he f ollowing is predominant ly a
Bengali Speaking st at e?
In addit ion t o more t han one Hindi speaking st at es in India, t here are t wo
Bengali speaking st at es: West Bengal and Tripura, t wo Telugu speaking
st at es viz. Telangana & Andhra Pradesh. Bengali and Kokborok are of f icial
languages of Tripura.
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