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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: June 8, 9, 2014

2014- 06- 11 13:06:40 GKToday
1. In which year India host ed Asian Games f or t he f irst t ime?
Delhi has host ed t he Asian Games t wice t he f irst edit ion in 1951 and t he 9t h
edit ion in 1982.
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2. The "St reet Art Project " is a cult ural init iat ive of __?
[A]Microsof t
Googles Paris-based Cult ural Inst it ut e has creat ed a dat abase called t he
St reet Art Project . Using images provided by cult ural organisat ions, it includes
st reet art f rom around t he globe like t he 5Point z murals or t he walls of t he
Paris 13 t ower in France.
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3. Which among t he f ollowing is NOT an aut onomous region in Mainland China?
[A] Inner Mongolia
[D]Hong Kong
Hong Kong
China has f ive aut onomous regions viz. Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Tibet
Aut onomous Region and Xinjiang . Special Administ rat ive Regions are also
aut onomous t errit ories t hat f all wit hin t he sovereignt y of t he People's
Republic of China, yet do not f orm part of Mainland China. At present , t here
are t wo SARs, namely t he Hong Kong SAR and t he Macau SAR.
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4. Which among t he f ollowing is NOT chemical subst ance of daily use?
[A]Blue vit rol
[B]Club soda
[C]Brimst one
[D]Yellow Cake
Yellow Cake
Yellowcake is a kind of uranium concent rat e powder obt ained f rom leach
solut ions, in an int ermediat e st ep in t he processing of uranium ores.
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5. The Avadhut a Git a, which is based on t he principles of Advait a Vedant a, is
ascribed t o __?
[A]Tembe Swami
[C]Dat t at reya
[D]None of t he above
Apart f rom Avadhoot Geet a, Dat t at reya is also credit ed as t he aut hor of t he
Tripura Rahasya, a t reat ise on Advait a Vedant a.
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6. Which among t he f ollowing is commonly known as blue sheep?
[A]Tibet an Fox
[D]Nilgiri Tahr
Common name of Bharal is Blue sheep or Himalayan blue sheep or naur. It is
f ound in high Himalayas of Nepal, Tibet , China, India, Pakist an, and Bhut an.
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7. In which st at e is locat ed t he Kuno Palpur Wildlif e Sanct uary, which is
expect ed t o become t he second home of t he Asiat ic Lion, which are current ly
only f ound in Gujarat 's Gir Nat ional Park?
[A]Ut t ar Pradesh
[B]Madhya Pradesh
[C]Rajast han
[D]Maharasht ra
Madhya Pradesh
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8. Iran is current ly in negot iat ions wit h t he so called P5+1 group over it s nuclear
programme. Which among t he f ollowing count ry is denot ed here as +1?
[D]Aust ralia
The P5+1 group include t he f ive permanent UN Securit y Council members
Brit ain, China, France, Russia and t he US, plus Germany.
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9. Which among t he f ollowing is NOT a sit e of Inf ormat ion Technology
Invest ment Regions?
The current locat ions of ITIRs include Bangalore, Bubneshwar, Chennai and
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10. Which among t he f ollowing are t wo largest Soya producing st at es of India?
[A]Madhya Pradesh and Maharasht ra
[B]Gujarat and Maharasht ra
[C]Karnat aka and Tamil Nadu
[D]Rajast han and Ut t ar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra
Current ly, soya bean cult ivat ion is conf ined largely t o Madhya Pradesh and
Maharasht ra, which t oget her account f or over 85 per cent of t he t ot al out put .
In f act , Madhya Pradesh alone account s f or nearly 60 per cent of product ion
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