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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: May 20, 21, 2014

2014- 05- 31 14:05:58 GKToday

1. T he InSight is a NASAs unmanned lander mission designed t o probe on

t he surf ace of ____?
[A]Jupit er
[B]Sat urn
InSight is an unmanned Mars lander mission planned f or launch in March 2016.
T he name st ands f or Int erior Explorat ion using Seismic Invest igat ions,
Geodesy and Heat T ransport . T he mission object ive is t o place a st at ionary
lander equipped wit h a seismomet er and heat f low probe on t he surf ace of
Mars t o st udy it s early geological evolut ion.
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2. Which among t he f ollowing count ries has won t he 2014-Uber Cup
t ournament ?
[B]Pakist an
Chinas shut t lers hoist t he Uber cup af t er beat ing Japan 3-1 in t he f inal. T his is
Chinas 13t h Uber cup t it le.
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3. Who among t he f ollowing is t ook over as t he new Chief Inf ormat ion
Commissioner in t he Cent ral Inf ormat ion Commissioner?
[A]Rajiv Mat hur
[B]Abhay Singh
[C]Sat hish Chandra
[D]Rakesh Sinha
Rajiv Mathur
Former IB chief Rajiv Mat hur t ook over as t he new Chief Inf ormat ion
Commissioner in t he Cent ral Inf ormat ion Commission.
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4. Recent ly, t he RBI has direct ed all banks t o make all AT Ms inst alled f rom ___
as t alking AT Ms wit h Braille keypads. Fill t he blank wit h correct opt ion?
[A]July 1, 2014
[B]July 1, 2015
[C]June 1, 2014
[D]June 1, 2014
July 1, 2014
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5. Ahn Dai-Hee, has been named as new Prime Minist er of ____?
[A]Nort h Korea
[C]Sout h Korea
South Korea
Sout h Korean President Park Geun-hye has named a f ormer Supreme Court
judge as t he count rys new prime minist er. Ahns appoint ment comes in t he
wake of f ormer premier Chung Hon-won announcing resignat ion over t he
government response t o t he Sewon f erry disast er.
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6. What is t he name of Indias indigenously developed high-t ech runway visual
range assessment syst em which is going t o inst all at various airport s of t he
count ry?
[B]Drisht i
Drisht i is t he name of Indias indigenously developed high-t ech runway visual
range assessment syst em. T he new syst em will be joint ly developed by CSIRNat ional Aerospace Laborat ories and India Met eorological Depart ment . Drisht i
T ransmissomet er is a visibilit y measuring syst em designed and developed t o
cover lowest t o highest visibilit y levels aiding pilot s f or landing and t ake-of f .
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7. Which among t he f ollowing const it uencies has recorded highest vot er
t urnout in t he recent ly concluded Lok Sabha elect ion?
[D]Kant hi

T he Dhubri const it uency in Assam has recorded t he highest vot er t urnout at
88.22% f ollowed by Nagaland at 87.82. Srinagar of Jammu and Kashmir
regist ered t he lowest t urnout at 25.90%.
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8. Madhav Mant ri, who passed away recent ly, was Indias oldest ___?
[A]Hockey Player
[B]Foot ball Player
[C]Cricket er
[D]T ennis Player
Madhav Mant ri was Indias oldest living t est cricket er. An opening bat sman
and a wicket -keeper, Mant ri played f our t est s f or India and represent ed
Mumbai wit h dist inct ion. He also served as Indias chief select or in t he 1960s
and was t he president of t he Mumbai Cricket Associat ion bet ween 1988 t o
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9. As per t he lat est report of t he Revised Nat ional T B Programme which st at e
has highest T B pat ient s in t he count ry?
[A]Ut t ar Pradesh
[B]Maharasht ra
[C]Ut t arakhand
[D]Himachal Pradesh
Ut t arakhand has large number of people af f lict ed wit h t uberculosis, bot h in
t he hills and in t he plains. A quart erly report of t he Revised Nat ional T B
Programme Ut t arakhand has list ed t hat st at e has 3,389 T B pat ient s, of which
over 1,300 are cases of f resh inf ect ion.
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10. Malavat h Purna who became t he youngest f emale climber t o scale t he
Mount Everest belongs t o which st at e?
[A]Karnat aka
[B]Andhra Pradesh
[D]West Bengal
Andhra Pradesh
Malavat h Purna, a class IX st udent f rom Khammam dist rict of Andhra Pradesh
became t he youngest f emale climber t o scale t he Mount Everest .

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