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Issues in Educational Technology

Edmund J. Ofalt III
EDU 352: Foundations of Educational Technology
Dr. Elizabeth Forgione-Barkas
January 31, 2015


For my issue I chose the digital divide. I feel like in order for any of the other
issues, either real or perceived, to be addressed within the use of educational technology
we need to first address the issue of students who are simply not on the same playing
Around 1980 the first Apple IIs were put into schools. Shortly thereafter, 1983 to
be exact, there were already studies being released displaying the difference in
technology availability based on socioeconomic status (SES) (Compaine, 2001). These
differences in the availability of technology can make it extremely difficult for teachers to
effectively integrate technology in the classroom. The availability of technology,
specifically internet access at home, is directly proportional to the income of the
household (Compaine, 2001). In the mid to late 2000s the definition of digital divide
expanded to include not only the accessibility to computers but the information disparity
between those who have access to computers and those who dont (Eastin, Cicchirllo &
Mabry, 2015) Personnel who have access, again usually based on SES, tend to get
information faster than those who either have no access, or unreliable access. (Eastin et
al, 2015). Expanding the definition and understanding of the term digital divide does not,
however, mean that there has been a closing of the gap between low SES areas and those
that are more privileged. With 23% of schools lacking internet connectivity capable of
providing students with adequate internet access, and 40% lacking wifi, there is still a
long way to go before every student is on a level playing field (Braverman, 2016). The
digital divide must be bridged in order for teachers and students to be able to fully take
advantage of the technology that is available today. There doesnt seem to be any
argument that a digital divide doesnt exist. I tried. I couldnt find any.


Please see the below references for extra reading:
Van Volkom, M., Stapley, J. C., & Amaturo, V. (2014). Revisiting the digital divide:
Generational differences in technology use in everyday life. North American
Journal Of Psychology, 16(3), 557-574
Peral-Peral, B., Arenas-Gaitn, J., & Villarejo-Ramos, . (2015). From Digital Divide to
Psycho-digital Divide: Elders and Online Social Networks. Comunicar, 23(45),
57-64. doi:10.3916/C45-2015-06
Campos-Castillo, C. (2015). Revisiting the first-level digital divide in the United States:
Gender and race/ethnicity patterns, 20072012. Social Science Computer Review,
33(4), 423-439. doi:10.1177/0894439314547617



Braverman, B. (2016). THE DIGITAL DIVIDE. (cover story). Literacy Today (24117862), 33(4), 16.
Compaine, B. M. (2001). The digital divide. [electronic resource] : facing a crisis or
creating a myth?. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2001.
Eastin, M. S., Cicchirillo, V., & Mabry, A. (2015). Extending the digital divide
conversation: Examining the knowledge gap through media expectancies. Journal
Of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 59(3), 416-437.

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