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Development of Lean Manufacturing Course


An Interactive Qualifying Project

Submitted to the Faculty of
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of Bachelor of Science

Submitted to:
Project Advisor-Professor Torbjorn Bergstrom

Submitted by:

Jessica Dzwonkoski

Gary Feldman, Jr.

Christopher Harris

Date of Submittal: 1 March 2013

Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Our goal was to develop lean manufacturing course material for high school students in
machine tool technology programs. In addition to developing a potential curriculum, we
researched different lean manufacturing principles and decided that a module on 5S Visual
Management would be best suited for the first teaching module. We were able to test the
module and gather the necessary feedback required to improve it.

Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Table of Contents
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 3
List of Figures .................................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5
Objective ..................................................................................................................................... 5
State of the Art ............................................................................................................................ 5
Rationale ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction to Lean Manufacturing........................................................................................... 6
Approach ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Methods ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Project Organization.................................................................................................................. 15
Survey Creation and Implementation ....................................................................................... 15
Lean Manufacturing Research .................................................................................................. 17
5S Teaching Module Creation ................................................................................................... 17
5S Teaching Module Testing ..................................................................................................... 19
Results ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Survey ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Chicopee Comprehensive High School Feedback ..................................................................... 19
Local Manufacturing Firm Feedback ......................................................................................... 20
College-Level Manufacturing Class Feedback ........................................................................... 20
Discussion...................................................................................................................................... 20
Logistical Issues with Survey ..................................................................................................... 20
5S Teaching Module Development ........................................................................................... 21
5S Module Proctor Copy Development .................................................................................... 21
5S Teaching Module Testing and Feedback .............................................................................. 21
5S Teaching Module Revision.................................................................................................... 22
Project Continuation ................................................................................................................. 22
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 24
IRB Information ......................................................................................................................... 24
Survey Drafts ............................................................................................................................. 28
5S Teaching Module and Proctor Copy ..................................................................................... 30
Sample Presentation from Local Manufacturing Firm ............................................................. 56
Works Cited ............................................................................................................................... 62

Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

List of Figures
Figure 1- Lean Manufacturing Principles ........................................................................................ 7
Figure 2- Basic Value Stream Mapping Flow Chart ......................................................................... 7
Figure 3- Continuous Flow Production ........................................................................................... 9
Figure 4-Cellular Layout .................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 5- Flow Chart of 5S ............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 6- Implementation process of 5S ....................................................................................... 14
Figure 7-IRB Approval Form .......................................................................................................... 24
Figure 8-IRB Application Form, page 1 ......................................................................................... 25
Figure 9-IRB Application Form, page 2 ......................................................................................... 26
Figure 10-IRB Application Form, page 3 ....................................................................................... 27
Figure 11-Survey Rough Draft ....................................................................................................... 28
Figure 12-Final Survey ................................................................................................................... 29

Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Create training material available on the internet in order to enhance the educational
experience for high school students in a machine tool technology program at no cost to the
individual schools.

State of the Art

A simple Google search will yield numerous results for online lean manufacturing courses.
Most of these sites have a variety of modules including 5S Visual Management. Each website
gives a brief description of the content in the modules and other material that is available with
a subscription. Most of the websites require the purchase of a subscription to the site which
ranges from 3 months to 1 year and they vary in price.
For example, the development of lean course material has been visited by a company called
Lean Marketplace.1 This company offers a program which includes various modules on lean
principles such as 5S, Lean Management, Lean Maintenance, and others.

This program also

offers presentations and resource assistance for developing course curriculums and student
projects. A subscription to the Lean Marketplace costs $69.99 every three months.
Productivity Innovation2 is also another website that offers various teaching modules. This site
offers 5S visual management for $279.00 for a one month subscription.

The 5S Visual

Management program consists of seven separate modules: Introduction, Sort, Set, Shine,
Standardize, Sustain, and an implementation module. This site also offers a variety of exercises,
handouts, worksheets and templates.

Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

The purpose of this IQP is to develop material that can be used to help teach high school
machine tool technology students. The material will be interactive with various forms of
multimedia, questions and answers, and activities for students to do. The material developed
in this IQP differs from other companies products because it is free to use and access, thereby
alleviating the high cost of similar material for schools that may already have a tight budget.

In the competitive job market, many technical high school graduates find it difficult to find
employment. As such, it is imperative that they have the necessary skills that are on par with or
exceed the industry standards. Companies are now starting to heavily rely on lean
manufacturing principles, and unfortunately some current curriculums at the technical high
school level do not incorporate or have overlooked these principles. By sending out a survey to
manufacturing teachers at vocational high schools, we hoped to learn what principles the
teachers want to teach and what principles might be missing from the current curriculums.
However, we were unable to collect data from this survey due to logistical complications.
Therefore we decided to create presentation material on 5S because it is a fundamental
technique for lean manufacturing.

Introduction to Lean Manufacturing

The objective of a lean approach to manufacturing is to maximize the value of the product to
the customer while minimizing waste. Many companies in the manufacturing industry use lean
manufacturing principles (LMP) to maximize their profit, minimize their cost of production, and
eliminate waste.

Lean principles can be applied to nearly anything from optimizing

management to developing vertical and horizontal integration that help with optimizing the
flow of products.

Figure 1 shows several tools which can be used to promote lean


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Figure 1- Lean Manufacturing Principles

Value Stream Mapping: A flow chart that incorporates symbols and pictures to depict the flow of
material and other information. Value Stream Mapping is used to provide the customer with
maximum satisfaction along with creating a process with minimal waste in design, assembly, and
sustainability. (George, 2002, pp. 51-55)

Figure 2- Basic Value Stream Mapping Flow Chart4

Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Standard Work: By creating a process that is standardized, a baseline process is created enabling for
continuous improvement to occur for that particular process. Standardizing work usually consists of
three basic principles: Takt time, a precise work sequence which tasks are performed inside of the
takt time window, and a standard inventory which could include machines or products. Standard
work is the basis for many of the lean principles used today.
Poka-Yoke: This Japanese term refers to mistake proofing devices. These devices are often built into
or interlocked with machinery or fixtures to prevent missing an operation or loading the part wrong.
(Fisher, 1999)
Point of Use Storage: This is a process where materials are stored in a particular work area where
they are used and easily accessible. This allows for the simplification of physical inventory tracking,
storage, and handling. The point of use storage method is best utilized when suppliers deliver small
shipments frequently and timely.
5S Visual Management: Visual management allows for the production floor to be analyzed quickly
and easily. 5S incorporates five stages to reduce distractions, clutter, and potentially hazardous
situations: Sort which gets rid of trash and clutter, Set which is to ensure that every tool has its own
place, Shine which ensures that the workplace is clean and well maintained, Standardize which
makes the production process consistent, and finally Sustain which allows for the process that was
refined by the four previous stages to remain in working condition. (Monden, 1993, pp. 199-219)
One-Piece Flow Production: One-piece flow production, also known as continuous flow production,
is a manufacturing technique where parts move from one operation smoothly to the next without a
wait or Work-in-Progress (WIP) in between steps. In the past, many companies would manufacture
a batch of parts with the entire batch moving one step at a time. This method tends to create a
bottleneck where excess parts build up at a slower step. Using batches can also cost a company
significantly more money when a defect is found because an entire batch of product can be ruined.
Continuous flow allows parts to arrive at the next step just as they are needed. This method results
in a more efficient use of machine time and floor space. (Hobbs, 2004, pp. 17)

Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Figure 3- Continuous Flow Production5

Continuous flow production works best in a cellular layout where the different machines for each
step are close to each other. This design allows parts to move quickly from step to step.

Figure 4-Cellular Layout6

One-Piece flow does not always work. Some cases when this method will be inefficient are:

If a particular process has a high probability of creating a defective part, the next step will
not receive a part and machine time will be wasted.
If process times are not consistent, you cannot design a continuous flow system because
you never know when a part will be ready to move to the next step
If machine equipment has low reliability.
If processes cannot be scaled to take approximately the same amount of time as the slowest

Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

TPM Equipment Reliability: Total Productive Maintenance Equipment reliability deals with
ensuring that machines are running as much as possible. While half of all downtime is due to
employee breaks and regular maintenance, the other half is due to unscheduled downtime like
malfunctions, breakdowns, material shortages, or employee error. This half of downtime is what
TPM eliminates. (George, 2002, pp. 214-217)
Level Mix Model Production: Level mix model production analyzes areas of production with excess
parts and areas with a shortage of parts with the intent of providing supply equal to demand. This
system eliminates space wasted with a stockpile and time wasted waiting for products to arrive. It
also helps a company better match customer demand quickly by allowing for smaller batch sizes
that allow production to flow more smoothly. (Monden, 1993, 24)
Kanban: Kanban is a system that utilizes signs and signals to determine when to replenish supplies.
It simplifies how inventory is tracked and managed by alerting staff when they need to order
materials. This allows companies to better match production with demand. The goal of Kanban is
to maintain a rapid manufacturing pace while lowering the cost of maintaining inventory. (Monden,
1993, pp. 15-35)
SMED Quick Changeover: Single Minute Exchange of Dies, or Quick Changeover, is a system created
to keep a product moving through various production steps by keeping the time between steps to a
single-digit minute (0-9min).
FMEA: Failure Mode Effects Analysis is a process that identifies potential places of failure in a
manufacturing process. The possible failures are then ranked by the severity of their consequences,
the potential failure frequency, and the failures ease of detection. FMEA also keeps track of past
failures in an effort to continually improve production. In order to be effective, FMEA must be
involved in all steps of designing a production process. (George, 2002, pp. 190-191)

Eliminating waste is a major part of creating and developing a lean process. A major part of
developing a lean process is eliminating waste, the most obvious of which is material waste
created by inefficient machining processes. Other types of waste addressed by lean processes
are stockpiling of incomplete parts in an inefficient process and wages of workers who do jobs

Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

that could be automated. The most important waste addressed is perhaps waste created by
errors in machining. This particular waste is multi-faceted because it not only involves remaking faulty parts, but also the fact that companies have to inspect parts in the first place to
see if they are good. Processes that are lean will eliminate as much waste as possible all along
the path from raw material to finished part. If waste is eliminated along the entire value
stream rather than focusing on isolated points, it creates processes that do not need constant
attention from employees which in turn maximizes space efficiency and productivity.
While the manufacturing industry tends to be most associated with lean principles, other
industries can benefit as well. For instance, businesses and government can streamline their
processes and increase efficiency by applying lean principles. These companies may or may not
refer to their new principles as lean, but they still have the same end goal of reducing cost
and increasing efficiency. This paradigm shift towards lean principles shows that a company is
eliminating outdated and inefficient processes in favor of newer, more efficient methods.

Many people believe that the principals involved in lean manufacturing originated with the
Toyota Motor Corporation. However, Henry Ford really started implementing lean principles
like standardization of parts, waste reduction, and limiting downtime between production steps
in the early 1900s. Fords assembly line revolutionized the production of automobiles from a
series of complicated steps that required a high level of knowledge to a longer series of simpler
steps that could be completed by lesser-trained employees. The assembly line also brought the
part to the builder rather than the other way around. In his book, My Life and Work, Ford shed
light on the concept of waste by discussing how companies often have an inefficient layout for
their machines and how people will habitually do something even though it is inefficient.
Kaizen is the modern equivalent of how Ford rearranging the workplace for increased
efficiency. Ford also pioneered the concept of standardization where a part from one vehicle
will fit in the same space on an identical vehicle. Before standardization, every part was custom
fit to each automobile which slowed the manufacture of each car and made them more difficult


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

to repair. Ford also explored waste reduction in other areas of manufacturing like ensuring that
all the iron from the furnaces was used to create cars and none was left behind. (Ford, 2008)
Toyota Motor Corporation took over where Henry Ford left off with the Toyota Production
System (TPS). TPS focused on increasing profits while cutting costs by eliminating waste. Some
principles pioneered in the TPS are:

The concept that production should adapt to market changes.

Just-in-Time (JIT) manufacturing wherein parts are machined so they arrive at the next
step exactly when they are needed. This prevents excessive stockpiling.

The Kanban System which is used to ensure that material and products flow smoothly
through a facility. This helps to reduce lead time and allows for smaller lot sizes.

A standard operations routine which aims to make each production step take the
same amount of cycle time.

With TPS, Toyota was able to improve their manufacturing process by increasing efficiency,
reducing defects and waste, and increasing worker morale. (Monden, 1993, pp. 114)

Introduction to 5S
5S is a one of the most fundamental parts of Lean Manufacturing.

It is also relatively

straightforward to teach. This section discusses 5S in greater detail because it is the topic of
our projects first module.
5S is a system used to help make production more efficient and cost-effective. The system
involves 5 individual processes, or pillars. These pillars focus mainly on eliminating waste and
creating a more organized workplace.

Many companies use 5S as a primary means of

improving efficiency. 5S is also one of the simplest ways to improve a manufacturing process
because it forces the workspaces to be clean, organized, and free of clutter.


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Figure 5- Flow Chart of 5S


Sort (Seiri). It looks at an existing workplace and analyzes what tools, equipment, and
material are required for a given production task. Anything that is not necessary is removed
from the workspace. The primary benefit of sorting is a reduction in the required floor
space for that production task.
The Sort step in 5S also increases productivity by
eliminating potential distractions like clutter.


Set in Order (Seiton). This pillar creates an efficient equipment layout so that workers can
easily find tools and material needed for the process. This pillar also requires that the first
pillar has already been completed and the area is free of unnecessary items. A popular tool
for this pillar is the use of a shadow board to organize tools.


Shine (Seiso). It involves cleaning the workplace and keeping it clean. Once the area has
been organized, it needs to be thoroughly cleaned and repaired. Then, everyday cleaning is
required to maintain a high level of cleanliness and organization. The step Shine raises
moral of workers because they are responsible for the cleanliness of their workspace and it
is easier to work and be proud of the work they produce.


Standardize (Seiketsu). This pillar involves creating a consistent way to do every task so that
they are done the same way every time. It also involves assigning people to maintain the
first three Ss. Some tools of standardizing are checklists, charts, and short meetings to
ensure that jobs are being completed correctly.


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Sustain (Shitsuke). It ensures that 5S practices are carried out all day, every day. This pillar
is also critical in helping to change workers mentality so they follow 5S practices in their
daily routine.

The implementation of 5s is important to the manufacturing workplace because it enables the

company to analyze their existing process and discuss ways to improve the process.

Figure 6- Implementation process of 5S

It is imperative that the 5Ss be maintained because if they are not, then the infrastructure of
the process will fail and potentially cost the company money. One benefit of implementing 5S
is that it reduces waste which in turn improves the efficiency of the process. Another benefit of
5S is it reduces the space that is required for storage is reduces. 5S also improves maintenance
of the equipment and the appearance of the manufacturing floor, improves safety by removing
clutter and items that are astray, and it also improves quality of the product along with the
quality of work done by the employees. (Monden, 1993, pp. 199-219),

(Hobbs, 2004, pp. 129-



Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Our approach to the project was as follows:
1. Design and Implement a survey to gauge high school teacher interest in certain
2. Research Lean Manufacturing Principles to determine what information could
feasibly be included in teaching modules
3. Determine which media format to use for the module
4. Create the 5S Teaching Module
5. Test the 5S module
6. Edit the 5S Module to reflect feedback

Project Organization
The majority of this project was organized with a SharePoint account which allowed the project
members and advisor to upload and edit documents and assign tasks while maintaining an
adequate timeline.

Survey Creation and Implementation

The next step of the project was creating an effective survey. The purpose of the survey was to
adequately gather information about our research topic. After the first draft was created, it
was clear that it needed some editing. We researched how to create effective surveys using
different educational resources from Keene State and Colorado State Universities.

We were

able to use these sources to create a successful survey that was easy to follow. For example,
the general consensus from all three sources was to order the questions in such a fashion so as
to avoid biased opinions by putting sensitive questions at the end of the survey. Another key
piece of information we took from the documents was not to make the survey too long because
if there are too many questions in the survey, the participants would be less likely to finish it.


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

In order to improve the rough draft of the survey, we removed the first question because it
involved potentially sensitive material that was not relevant to the scope of our project. Then
we to provided survey participants with more detailed answers to our survey questions so we
could gather more detailed information than yes or no questions could provide. We also
wanted to determine why certain principles were covered in the classroom while other topics
were neglected, along with what topics the teachers would prefer to have material for. This
would allow us to develop the teaching modules in accordance with what teachers want or

Another piece of information we asked for was what teaching medium (PowerPoint,

videos, pictures, etc.) teachers preferred and whether or not they would use such a resource.
Our last change was to give participants the option to us by using a Worcester Polytechnic
Institute mailing list called Both the rough and final drafts of the survey can be
found in the appendix section of this paper.
When the survey was edited and reviewed by Professor Bergstrom, we sent the survey and its
intent to the Institutional Review Board (IRB). The purpose of the IRB review process is to make
sure that our questions do not endanger survey participants by asking personal or private
information. The forms required to submit a survey to the IRB are found in the appendix.
These forms are available on the WPI website ( in the Offices and Services
section. After the survey was sent to the IRB ( a reply was sent to all of the
authenticated users on the project, stating that the survey was approved and we were free to
send the survey out to the participants which can also be found in the appendix section.
After the review process from the IRB was completed successfully, the survey was sent out to
high school machine tool technology teachers along with a paragraph about what it is we are
trying to accomplish. However, the survey was not as successful as hoped and only received a
few views due to logistical complications. Therefore, we decided to come up with a backup
plan. After discussing options with Professor Bergstrom, we decided that a teaching module
covering 5S would be a good place to start because most industries use 5S principles.


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Lean Manufacturing Research

We researched Lean Manufacturing Principles to gain the necessary level of knowledge to
create the Introduction to Lean Manufacturing Section of this paper.

We then further

researched 5S principles in order to create the 5S Teaching Module.

5S Teaching Module Creation

We then needed to determine what form of media would most effectively convey our
message to the students. We were considering using a teaching tool called ASSISTments to
create an online course. Based on personal experience with high school technology students,
we decided not to use ASSISTments because it was not interactive enough and some schools
might not have the necessary number of computers to facilitate such a product. As such, we
determined that using a PowerPoint presentation in combination with interactive classroom
activities would be the best way to teach a class because it allows for a single teacher to
present to an entire class and the material will keep students attention.
We created an outline and a basic template for the module in the form of a PowerPoint
presentation. This presentation gives a brief overview of 5S and then details each 5S pillar. We
also included a short video for each section. After each video, we show picture examples of
how each pillar can be used. Then we ask 2-3 short questions for each pillar. These questions
provide a comprehensive review of the important points for each pillar. The module is
designed to give a basic understanding of 5S principles upon which students can build during
their careers. This way, students will at least be familiar with 5S when they apply for a job after
high school
In addition to the teaching module outline, we also included a teacher copy of the outline
which includes some additional information and the answers. The proctor copy also details
how an instructor should go about teaching the module. For example, we suggest that teachers
bring their students into their shop and actually apply the 5S principles. By applying the
principles from the module, students will be more likely to retain information.

Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

We considered suggesting that teachers demonstrate each 5S pillar immediately after its
respective slides, but we decided that it would be more effective to demonstrate all of the
pillars at once after the module. Our rationale for this decision was that moving an entire class
of students could take several minutes, and moving the class multiple times within a class
period would only waste time. We designed the module to take about 30-40 minutes and then
a demonstration of 5S could take up to an hour or more at the teachers discretion.
There were several important factors we had to keep in mind when creating the module. The
first was the modules audience. Because it is geared towards technical high school students,
we had to make sure that the material difficulty was such that high school students who may or
may not be academically strong could understand without becoming too elementary. We also
had to note that 5S principles are applied very differently at every shop. Therefore, we could
not include a specific floor plan because it would not be directly applicable to the students
We created two versions of the PowerPoint. The first version includes links to the YouTube
videos and the second version has the videos embedded. The video quality of the embedded
videos is not as good as the YouTube videos due to conversion and compression, so we
recommend that teachers use the first version if a good internet connection is available.
The videos we used were all produced by a company called Manufacturing Skills Australia
(MSA). We chose to use their videos because the presentation format was clear, consistent,
and concise. MSA works to develop training for Australian manufacturers on a wide variety of

MSAs website is


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

5S Teaching Module Testing

We decided to test the 5S Teaching Module several times in order to receive feedback on its
effectiveness. The first test was conducted at Chicopee Comprehensive High School (CCHS).
One of the group members presented the module to the students and teachers at CCHS. After
the presentation, we were able to obtain feedback which was then useful for improving the
modules quality.
We also sent a copy of the module and proctor copy to a contact at a local manufacturing firm
for review, and we received positive feedback. A copy of a presentation they use was also sent
to us to use for comparison.
We presented the module to college students in a machining class for feedback. We showed
the presentation as we intend it to be utilized as well as a question and answer session at the
end of the module presentation.

The survey experienced logistical issues and did not produce any feedback. Therefore, it was
not a valid tool for determining what topics to include in the teaching module. Based on
research and a discussion with our advisor, we determined that 5S was a universal part of Lean
Manufacturing. Therefore, we decided to make a module covering 5S.

Chicopee Comprehensive High School Feedback

The module was piloted and presented to Chicopee Comprehensive High School. We were able
to take the feedback from the pilot and determine what changes needed to be made to the
module to further develop the product. The feedback from Chicopee Comprehensive was to
add more before and after pictures. Therefore, we added more interactive questions and
activities along with the existing pictures. Another suggestion was to make the presentation

Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

flow better, so we added animations to hide the answers and to better allow for discussions.
The proctor copy document cues the teacher or professor to bring up certain points and open
up a discussion.

Local Manufacturing Firm Feedback

We sent the module and proctor copy to a contact a local manufacturing firm for review and
feedback. They informed us that the presentation was exceptional and the proctor copy was a
useful tool in the presentation. They also sent along a PowerPoint presentation that is used in
their training program. Unfortunately, they requested that we did not disclose the name of the
company or the name of the company that developed the sample presentation.

College-Level Manufacturing Class Feedback

We presented the module to the class and ended the presentation with a discussion. Some of
the feedback we received was to fix the animations in the presentation to make the multiple
choice questions appear with the answers and highlight the answers and maybe discuss other
implementations of 5S. Additionally we were able to discover other minor issues with the
module like some links to the videos were not hyperlinked and the last video cut out early.

Logistical Issues with Survey
When we sent the survey out, it first went to our advisor. He then sent it out to a connection
that we were told would send it to all high schools that used HAAS technology. Unfortunately,
due to some lack of communication, the survey did not get sent out to the intended
participants. To address this unexpected issue, we had to determine which topic we wanted to
go into depth about. After analyzing basic lean manufacturing topics, it was decided that 5S
visual management was the most beneficial topic to go into depth on because it is a relatively
simple tool that is used in almost every industry and school and it is an easy topic to illustrate
with classroom exercises.

Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

5S Teaching Module Development

After dealing with logistical issues with the survey, an interactive module on 5S visual
management was created. This module included information about 5S as a whole and each
step of 5S and how it can be implemented on the machine shop floor. For example, the Sort
section of the module gives information and presents a video on what Sort is and how industry
uses this step. At the end of the Sort section there is a quiz that measures if the students
retained the information. There is also a series of pictures that represent before and after the
sorting process was initiated. This format is consistent throughout each of the 5 steps of 5S. At
the end of the entire module there is an activity that allows for the students to go out to their
work station and analyze and implement the different steps of 5S. This activity allows for the
students to visualize what each step accomplishes and how it affects their work. The students
are then encouraged to share their findings and suggest ways to fix the problems they may
have encountered at their work station.

5S Module Proctor Copy Development

After the teaching module was developed, we felt it would be beneficial to create a document
that would be able to be utilized by the teacher to aid in presenting this module. The purpose
of this document was to make the presentation easy to give and the person giving the
presentation did not have to necessarily know everything about 5S visual management.
The document walks the teacher through the presentation slide by slide and also guides them
into discussions and interactive activities. For example, some of the questions can have more
than one answer and this document guides the teacher into discussions about other answers or
topics and examples that should be covered. These topics are in this document instead of being
right in the presentation because it makes the presentation easier to understand and prevents
the teacher from just reading the slides.

5S Teaching Module Testing and Feedback


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Over Christmas break, the module and the proctor material was presented to the machine tool
technology students and teachers at Chicopee Comprehensive High School. The presentation
was successful but there were some complications with the presentation. Because we are
presenting this material to students between the ages of fourteen and eighteen it was difficult
to maintain the students attention and concentration. With the interactive questions, videos,
and activities, the students were able to keep their attention for most of the presentation. The
questions and discussion points helped maintain the students attention because they felt as if
they were actually part of the presentation instead of being lectured at. In the beginning of this
project, we speculated that it would be difficult to keep students interested, and we designed a
product to accompany young students. At the end of the presentation we asked the students
and teachers for feedback. The main feedback we received to have more discussions and to
add animations to the slides to allow for the presentation to flow smooth.

5S Teaching Module Revision

We were able to take the feedback from the pilot program and redesign the module to better
accommodate the desires of the students and teachers. This project allowed us to take an idea,
research a topic, and develop sufficient teaching material that is appropriate for a younger
audience. We were able to implement a full manufacturing process to develop the finished
product: Brainstorm an Idea, Draft the product, Pilot the product, re-Draft the product, Pilot the
product again, and create a finished product.

Project Continuation
We hope that our IQP is just the first step in a recurring IQP here at WPI. As such, we have
some ideas and suggestions for continuing this project in the coming years.
We would suggest creating an Introduction to Lean Manufacturing module next. Such a
module would explain what lean manufacturing is and why it is important to the industry. The
module should contain an overview of lean manufacturing origins, tools, and basic examples of
how each technique is used. Some potential tools to include are discussed in the Introduction

Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

to Lean Manufacturing section of this paper. Subsequent modules would cover one or more of
these tools in greater detail in a fashion similar to the 5S module presented in this paper.
A future group could then compile all of the modules into comprehensive Lean Manufacturing
course. The course and modules could then be put into a free online database where teachers
can access them and use them to teach their students. Future groups may want to include
students knowledgeable in web design to create this database.


Were presented with logistical issues and dealt with them accordingly.

Developed a teaching module on 5S Visual Management

Developed supplemental teaching materials for teachers

Piloted the module and supplemental material at Chicopee Comprehensive High School
and a college-level manufacturing class

Implemented the feedback from the pilot sessions in order to improve the teaching

Determined that this project can be continued to present more lean manufacturing
tools and to create a database with all of these documents online


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

IRB Information

Figure 7-IRB Approval Form


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Figure 8-IRB Application Form, page 1


Form can be found at:


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Figure 9-IRB Application Form, page 2


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Figure 10-IRB Application Form, page 3


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Survey Drafts

Figure 11-Survey Rough Draft


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Figure 12-Final Survey


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

5S Teaching Module and Proctor Copy



Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Proctor Copy
Learning Objective for this module: Be able to convey the aspects of 5S to a group of students and have
them understand how to implement the steps in their learning environment.
Slide 2: What is 5S?

A way to organize a workplace in an efficient manner

Speaking point: 5S can be used in any business to improve efficiency and productivity. It is a
good way to evaluate current processes and eliminate wasted time and materials. It also
enables problems to be recognized, evaluated, and fixed easily and in a timely manner.
Speaking Point: The translations are not exact, so some words may vary, but they mean the
same thing. For example you may encounter straightening instead of setting

It is composed of 5 simple steps that each start with S


Originally developed by Henry Ford and then it was adopted by Toyota as part of their Lean
Manufacturing techniques

Speaking Point: Talk about how Henry Ford was one of the first to develop the assembly line and the
technology was then adapted by Toyota and implemented into their manufacturing process


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Slide 3

Have students watch a video on an introduction to 5S: after video

Speaking Point: Ask the Class for suggestions on What Kind of waste does 5S remove? It removes
unnecessary tools and material while reducing production time.
In Industry time = money, the less time it takes for a process to be completed the more money the
company makes and vice versa.
Slide 4

Introduction Questions
What are the 5Ss?
Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize, Sustain
What is an optional sixth S?
Safety: Talk about why safety is important in a shop environment.


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Slide 5


Evaluate what tools are necessary for production. You look at your personal work
station and analyze what is there and what is missing. Along with what is not necessary.
Eliminate all of the unnecessary equipment and parts. After looking at your work
station decide what is absolutely necessary and eliminate the unnecessary tools or
material into storage.
Prioritize required tools and equipment by usage. When organizing tool boxes or work
benches, take what tool or material is used the most and that tool is put the closest to
you. Each tool should be placed within reach accordingly.

Give an example: Suggest or ask the class what tools and materials that would be necessary at a work
station to complete a job, maybe provide them with a print and ask them to analyze what tools and
materials and fixturing that would be needed for the job.
Slide 6

Sort Video


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Slide 7

Sort Questions
What does Sort look at in the workplace?
Sort looks at an existing workplace and analyzes what tools, equipment, and material
are required for a given production task.
What is the primary benefit of Sort?
Primary benefit is the reduction of unnecessary material on the production floor. Bring
up why having unnecessary material on the shop floor is detrimental to production.

Slide 8

There is a picture on this slide and the teacher should ask the class to make some suggestions on how to
improve this scenario.
Some points that can be brought up are:
Get rid of trash that is on the work bench
Remove obstacles that are on the floor (skid)
Put newly received material or tools where they belong


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Slide 9

This is a picture of what a shop or workplace should look like

Slide 10

Arrange the necessary tools in a way that they are easily accessible
Ask the class what the importance of this- by making tools and materials more
accessible it cuts back on the time that an employee or student takes looking for a tool,
this makes the production time shorter which in turn increases the value of the product.
Prioritizes tools by usage allowing the most used tools readily available
This is important from an ergonomic standpoint: by having the tools that are used most
often right at hand it decreases the amount of bending and reaching that the employee
or student will have to do for the job.
Could also be called Straightening
Additional comment: Shadow boards are commonly used across shops and industries and even offices.
A shadow board is something that has the outline, shadow, or label of the tool that belongs in that spot.
These can also be cut outs in foam that fit inside of a drawer to hold tools.


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Slide 11

Video on SET
Slide 12

Questions on Set

What is a good example of Set?

a) Shadow Board
b) Tape outlines
c) Removing unnecessary material
d) A and B

How should tools be prioritized?

Tools should be organized in an ergonomic fashion. Or they are organized in a fashion
that allows for the most used tools to be easily accessed.


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Slide 13

Have the class offer suggestions for this picture:

Make specific places for each item.
Use tape to section off parts of the shop for each item.
None of these items are easily accessible.

Slide 14

Picture of After Setting


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Slide 15


Make sure that all of the equipment is clean and well organized.
This is important not only for the presentation of the shop, but for the maintenance of
the equipment. This makes for repairs to be easy because the equipment wont have to
be cleaned in order to be repaired and the equipment will last longer this way as well.

Repair anything within the workplace that needs repair.

Making little repairs/ maintenance will extend the lifetime of a piece of equipment or

At the end of each shift, make it a task to clean your workspace.

This is also important because it enforces that the tools and equipment you utilize at
work is your own and you would not want to come into work with your workstation a

Could also be known as Sweeping

Slide 16



Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Slide 17

Questions have the students answer the questions as a class.

Shine or shining can also be known as what?
a) Swiping
b) Sweeping
c) Sustain
What does Shine involve?
o The involvement of cleaning the workplace and repairing any equipment that needs

Slide 18



Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Slide 19

Slide 20

Make sure that all work stations that do the same job are identical.
This will enable anyone who does that one task to use your bench and know where
every tool is.
Everyone that is responsible for the same job should be able to work at any station
This eliminates confusion if a student or employee is re-located to a different area. Also
if a work station is shut down for maintenance or repairs the employee or student will
be able to continue his or her work.
Some tools of standardizing are checklists, charts, and short meetings.
Involves assigning people to maintain the first three Ss


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Slide 21

For some reason this video has been cut short. The video still represents what Standardize entails in the
5S process.
Slide 22

Standardize ensures that all works stations are _____?
a) Different
b) Identical
c) Similar
d) Personalized
Identify tools used to implement Standardizing?
a) The use of checklists, charts, and small meetings


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Slide 23

Maintain the developed standard work practices
Sustain is critical in changing the workers mentality so they follow 5S practices in their daily routine
Sustain ensure that 5S practices are carried out all day and everyday
Slide 24


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Slide 25

What is critical about the pillar Sustain?
Sustain is critical in changing the workers mentality so the follow 5S practices.

Talk about how it may be hard to implement new ideas because people are

accustomed to the old way and dont think it needs to change.

In brief what does Sustain do for the 5S system?
Sustain allows 5S to work, it ensures that workers follow the 5S system and makes sure this
system thrives day in and day out.

This is probably the most important aspect of 5s because if you dont sustain then all
of the work you did in the other steps will be lost and useless.
Slide 26

1. On a piece of paper write down the 5Ss and why they are important.
2. You are a shop manager, Create a check list for your employees using this information to
evaluate their workspace to make sure they are implementing 5S.
3. Take evaluations and if things need to be fixed have the students come up with ideas

that would benefit them, and have them involved, not just the teacher assigning tasks.


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Sample Presentation from Local Manufacturing Firm


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material


Development of Lean Manufacturing Course Material

Works Cited
Survey Sources

Research Sources
Fisher, M. (1999). Process Improvement by Poka-Yoke. Work Study, 48(7), 264.
Ford, H. (2008). My Life and Work: BN Publishing.
George, M. (2002). Lean Six Sigma. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Hobbs, D. (2004). Lean Manufacturing Implementation. Boca Raton, Florida: J. Ross Publishing, Inc.
Monden, Y. (1993). Toyota Production System. Norcross: Institute of Industrial Engineers.

Videos used
Introduction to Lean:
1. Sort:
2. Set:
3. Shine:
4. Standardize:
5. Sustain:
The company that created all of these videos is Manufacturing Skills Australia and their website


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