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Marcelino Guerra

AP Environmental Science
2nd period
Article name:

Summary of article:
Global warming has a significant effect on our communities, health, and our climate.
Global warming is beginning to be incredibly harmful to us. Much is at stake for mankind
if we do not do something. An example of the Global warming effects is the rising of sea
levels. It is the primary cause of sea level rise. From 1880-2009, the global average sea
level has risen roughly 8 inches. From 1993-2008, the average annual rate of global sea
level rise has accelerated tremendously. Increasing 65-90% above the twentieth century
average. The fastest rates of rising sea levels in the twentieth century has been
experienced by the U.S east coast and the Gulf of Mexico. Since 1880 the planet has
warmed by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit. This is due to many human activities, (burning coal
and oil, cutting down tropical forests) have increased atmospheric concentrations of
heat trapping gases. These activities are causing temperatures to rise, which is then
causing many glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets, etc., to shrink faster and faster. In doing so,
water is being added to the worlds oceans.

Opinion on Article:
This article gives many facts about Global warming and the dangers that will occur if we
do not take action. It gives us much information on the rising of sea levels and what is
causing it to happen. This article tells us what precautions we need to take in order to
protect ourselves from rising sea levels. Also how to limit the long term pace and
magnitude of sea level rise.

How does it affect me?

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