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Famil Ot Origin Issues


(_ ,... )


Teeth: Chaotic

Teeth: Space E>etween

2 Front Teeth

Psychological Meaning:

Possible lack of inner nurturing as a

child, chaotic family of origin

Psychological Meaning:

Between the ages of 3-6 his father

was away (working, army, divorce)

On ajob:

"I really appreciate my older (man)

boss who is my mentor. He helps
me know how to move forward
with the company's vision."

"I might have a hard time focusing

in a career as a family divorce
lawyer because I would get too
absorbed in the emotions of the
injured children.''

On a Date:

On a Date:

"I might be a bit nervous about

meeting your dad on our first date.''

''My family wasn't so close, so I

really want to put energy into this
relationship to make it work."

On thejob:






( ,_._ _...)



Large Front Teeth

Small Teeth

Psychological Meaning:

Psychological Meaning:

Strong willed, stubborn, fixed

Quick learner, auditory and visual


On thejob:

On thejob:

"I intend to set my goal for sales:

500 units this month. Next month
I'll be at 600, even ifi have to work
1 0 hours per day."

"Show me how to do this, and I can

make another one quickly."
On a Date:

On a Date:

"If you'll show me how you like

your neck rubbed, I'd be happy to
do this to get rid ofyour headache."

"I've considered your point of view,

but I want to do it my way.'' "I can
be strong willed, but I can also be

1.; -.



-4- .











Naso-Labial Lines


Visible Gum Line

(Go in a circle around the

mouth and outer nose)

Psychological Meaning:

Psychological Meaning:

"I budget, and then I spend." "I

swing with money - I save and then
I make big purchase."

Able to talk with anyone about

anything. Very outgoing and great
communication skilJs.

On theJob:

On theJob:


might not be the best choice as

accountant for the company."

"Let me take that new client to

lunch and explain the project to his
company." "How are you today?"

On a Date:

"Last week I bought a sports car.

Had been saving up by taking my
lunch for about a year. What do
you mean that'll only pay for gas?".
"I have $50 saved. Do you want to
help me spend it?"

On a Date:

"I can make you feel right at ease."

"Tell me about your children."
''Want to go to a stand-up comedy
club tonight?"


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