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Miss Owens Monday Memo

Feb. 8, 2016

Kindergarten News

Dates to Remember

What Were Learning:

Feb. 15: NO SCHOOL-Presidents Day

Phonics: -it Word Family

Feb. 18: 3rd Quarter Progress Reports

Word Wall Words: review

Writing: Informative Writing
Math: Classifying 2D and 3D Shapes
Science: Polar Animals

Monday: Shape Sorting- Cut out the
shapes at the bottom of the page.
Then decide whether they are 2D or 3D.
Glue them in the appropriate section.
Tuesday: Valentines ABC Order- Color
the pictures. Cut out the word boxes
along the dotted lines. Glue the words
in ABC Order.

Classroom News
* Friday February 12, we will celebrate
Valentines Day! Please be sure your child
has a Valentine card for each of his or her
class members! There is a list of all the
students names on the back of this
newsletter. Its also on our website!
*We are in need of some classroom
supplies. We would love any donations of
the following items. Thank you so much for
your generosity!!
Bright Colored Cardstock
iTunes gift cards to purchase iPad
Glue Sticks

Wednesday: Reading Homework- Read

a story with your mom or dad. Draw a
picture of the action in the story. Label 5
things in your picture, and write at least
2 sentences describing the action.
Thursday: Counting- On the back of last
nights homework, write the numbers
you say with counting by 5s to 100.
Then, use a light colored crayon to color
the numbers you say when counting by
10s to 100.

Parent Readers
Feb. 12: Ryan Dennis
Feb. 19: Shelly Walker

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