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Avatar, is a human mind in an alien body. It is the paraplegic story of an exMarine who finds himself thrust into hostilities on an alien filled with exotic life forms
known as Pandora. He find himself battling humankind alongside the planet's
indigenous Na'vi race. The film, which marks Cameron's first dramatic feature since
1997's Titanic, follows Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a war veteran who gets called to
the depths of space to pick up the job of his slain twin brother for the scientific arm of a
megacorporation looking to mine the planet of Pandora for a valued ore. Unfortunately
the biggest deposit of the prized substance lies underneath the home of the Na'vi, a tenfoot-tall, blue-skinned native tribe who have been at war with the security arm of the
company, led by Col. Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang). Because of the planet's hostile
atmosphere, humans have genetically grown half-alien/half-human bodies which they
can jack their consciousness into and explore the world in. Since Jake's brother already
had an incredibly expensive Avatar grown for him, he's able to connect with it using the
same DNA code and experience first-hand the joys of Pandora while giving the scientific
team, led by Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) and Norm Spellman (Joel David
Moore), some well-needed protection against the planet's more hostile forces.
On a chance meeting after getting separated from his team, Jake's Avatar is
rescued by Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), a Na'vi princess, who brings him into her tribe in order
to give the humans a second chance at relating to this new environment. When word
gets out of his increasing time with the alien species, Quaritch enlists Jake to do some
reconnaissance for the company, as they'd like to persuade the tribe to move their home
before taking more drastic measures to harness the treasure hidden below. Yet as Jake
becomes one with the tribe and begins to understand the secrets of Pandora, his
conscience is torn between his new adopted world and the wheelchair-bound one
awaiting him when the psychic connection to his Avatar is broken. Soon battle lines are
drawn and Jake needs to decide which side he will fight on when the time comes.


Nowadays, this movie is very crucial especially for what is happening in our
environment wherein, as the caretaker of nature experiences various kind of
catastrophe due to climate change which resulted to flashfloods, volcanic eruption, tidal
wave (tsunami), weapons of mass destruction, illegal minings, illegal logging,
avalanche, etc. These are the tremendous effects of global warming were facing today.
Some of us did not realize the essence of protecting and preserving the habitat of
species and kingdom of plants and animals like flora and fauna in the ecosystem. As we

see our environment in this generation affects too much our ways of living. The trees
which shelter us from Ultraviolet Rays of sun were turn into illegal logging activities and
garbage of manufacturers in factories brought us air and water pollution to its consumer
as the effect of greenhouse gases.
We live in an environment of modern world were the development of Science and
Technology carried toxic waste to our Mother Nature. We forgot to give emphasis on
its occurrence because of the selfish mind and personal interest of our Political Leaders.



Therefore I conclude that our Political Leaders must focus, guide, and maintain
their implemented laws and programs in relation to the environmental protection,
preservation and appropriate use of the allotted budget for the reconstruction and
beautification of surroundings.
Humans should be responsible to their actions for the common good so that the
next generation will benefit it.

Sam Worthington
Zoe Saldana
Sigourney Weaver
Stephen Lang
Michelle Rodriguez
Giovanni Ribisi
Joel David Moore
CCH Pounder
Wes Studi
Laz Alonso
Dileep Rao
Matt Gerald
Sean Anthony Moran
Jason Whyte
Scott Lawrence

Avatar (2009)





... Jake Sully

... Neytiri (as Zo Saldana)
... Dr. Grace Augustine
... Colonel Miles Quaritch
... Trudy Chacn
... Parker Selfridge
... Norm Spellman
... Moat
... Eytukan
... Tsu'tey
... Dr. Max Patel
... Corporal Lyle Wainfleet
... Private Fike
... Cryo Vault Med Tech
... Venture Star Crew Chief
... Lock Up Trooper

"Avatar" is not simply a sensational entertainment, although its has an anti-war

message. It invents a new language, Na'vi.It involves a mission by U. S. Armed Forces
to an earth-sized moon in orbit around a massive star. This new world, Pandora, is a
rich source of a mineral Earth desperately needs.
Pandora harbors a planetary forest inhabited peacefully by the Na'vi, a blueskinned, golden-eyed race of slender giants, each one perhaps 12 feet tall. The
atmosphere is not breathable by humans, and the landscape makes us pygmies. To
venture out of our landing craft, we use avatars--Na'vi lookalikes grown organically and
mind-controlled by humans who remain wired up in a trance-like state on the ship.
Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), who is a paraplegic has been recruited because
he's a genetic match for a dead identical twin, who an expensive avatar was created for.
In avatar state he can walk again, and as his payment for this duty he will be given a
very expensive operation to restore movement to his legs.

On Pandora, Jake begins as a good soldier and then goes native after his life is
saved by the lithe and brave Neytiri (Zoe Saldana). He finds it is indeed true, as the
aggressive Col. Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang) briefed them, that nearly every species
of life here wants him for lunch.
The Na'vi survive on this planet by knowing it well, living in harmony with nature,
and being wise about the creatures they share with. In this and countless other ways
they resemble Native Americans. Like them, they tame another species to carry them
around--not horses, but graceful flying dragon-like creatures. The scene involving Jake
capturing and taming one of these great beasts is one of the film's great sequences.
A 163 minutes, the film doesn't feel too long. The Na'vi stories, for the Na'vi are
also developed as individuals. The complexity of the planet, which harbors a global
secret. The ultimate warfare, with Jake joining the resistance against his former
comrades. Small graceful details like a floating creature that looks like a cross between
a blowing dandelion seed and a drifting jellyfish, and embodies goodness.

AVATAR was directed by James Cameron, and stars Sam Worthington,

Sigourney Weaver, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, etc. With a
production budget of over $237 million(plus $150 million in marketing/promotion), the
production quality is FIRST-RATE! I was in awe with the spectacularly computergenerated world(moon) of Pandora. The realistic-looking world-scapes had me
transfixed plus combining that with the EXCELLENT cinematography by Mauro Fiore
and 3D with tremendous depth, Pandora truly came ALIVE! I was mesmerized by the
bio-luminescent night-time flora and fauna - a veritable fairy-land of soft glow and
breath-taking lights. I must have hurt my jaw as it dropped and hit the floor. The
banshee flights = exhilarating! However, the average plot begged for improvement.
That, and the fact that the characters are basically one-dimensional - these were the
only drawbacks. VERDICT: James Cameron delivered a spectacular gorgeous actionpacked spectacle.
Ever seen Pocahontas? Then you've seen Avatar. James Cameron takes cliche
to the extreme. He steals his whole movie from countless other movies such as
Pocahontas, adds a few machines obviously inspired by various science-fiction like
Halo, and probably (I have no doubt) even steals a couple lines from said movies. The
plot is generic. There are only a few things that are different than Pocahontas. 1. It's on
another planet, so obviously it's a science-fiction movie. 2. The native americans are
now giant, smurf-cat people. 3. The white hero is in a wheelchair. Other than that, it's
pretty much the same. Even then, it doesn't make any difference whatsoever. Jake Sully
proudly plays the part of John Smith. Neytiri proudly plays the role of Pocahontas.
Tsu'tey proudly plays the part of Kocoum. Eytukan proudly plays the part of Chief
Powhatan. The Tree of Souls proudly plays the part of Grandmother Willow (except for
the fact she doesn't talk). You get the point. It's pretty cliche.
I have to say the technology in filming/creating this movie is amazing, from the
CGI to the stereoscopic cameras to the amazing 3D. I really felt like I was inside a video
game the entire time. Thanks for that experience James Cameron. The story is just very
generic though. I mean we already learned about this in American History class. Yes,
James Cameron we get it. We understand what your trying to tell us about native
people and nature and all the stuff that we as humans have done to destroy this. I kind
of felt I was watching Blood Diamond mixed with a little bit of Pocahontas and throw in a
big scary corporation (USA, UK, etc.) that is hell bent on getting what it wants (gold,
diamonds, oil, land) and bam you have Avatar. I really think that they could've done so
much more with the story then what they came up with. You know when you hear about
a movie for so long, you think you're going to walk into this Epic Film....but I came out of
it thinking good movie, not great.
I went to see the midnight showing of Avatar last night and I was completely
blown away. The one thing that I truly loved about the movie is that it does a great job of
building the storyline. Too many movies sacrifice storyline for action and this move
provided both in a way that kept you engrossed. Critics are paid to criticize. The story is
far from lame, I'd agree that it's nothing that hasn't been told before but not in this scope
or with such breathtaking beauty that James Cameron has done. I think there are
people out there that just have no sense of good taste or their imagination is so limited
that they can't let themselves get swept away by something so creative. As far as
hidden propaganda as one guy asked about...respecting nature is one of the few

messages I have no problem with my kids hearing. Don't rate 'uh-no' if you haven't seen
it. That's just nuts. Go see it!!!!!
HOW much did they spend on special effects? Well, every penny the
script budget--clearly there was no money left over. Never mind, no need to hire writers,
the movie had already been written anywaymany times. White man hired to fight the
Indians finds himself attracted to the noble savages and takes on their way of life. At
first he is a bumbler but soon becomes a better Indian than any of the Indians. He wins
the hand of the Indian princess and uses his superior white man ways to lead the
savages in battle against the oppressors. Search and replace Indian with Alien, add
a butt load of special effectsmove over Titanic, Cameron needs more space on his
Oscar shelf.
Just got home from Avatar. What an awesome film! Easily the best CG effects
ever. A well written plot that really fleshes out (literally) all the characters. One of the
shortest 2 1/2 hour movies I've ever been to. The film may seem to preachy about the
raping of the planet but that's what the humans are doing in this film, so from that
perspective the film is right on the mark. Look, I'm a conservative guy, but anybody who
whines about this film being " too political" is quite simply too jaded and probably
wouldn't like Disneyland either! Go see the film on the big screen as it was intended...
you'll never get the same feeling at home on your big screen tv. Just GO!! ~Charlie
You'll get preached to about mother earth and how bad we're making it - even
though the earth withstood a meteoric impact and survived just fine, and it actually takes
quite a bit away from an otherwise engaging script. On the oher hand, you can't miss
Avatar. Avatar is gorgeous to look at, the capture performances are both artistically and
technologically inspired and the CG is sometimes indistinguishable from live filming. It is
a historic event, a milestone of digital cinema. Because for the first time you can forget
that that is what you're watching. Many cinema studies will go back to this release date
for decades to come until they create something better and more expensive for us to
consume. But the script seems like it was written in the early 90s. You'll get a classic
90s villian-hero confrontation complete with a library of cliche catch-phrases, but some
sharply coreographed action sequences like no other director can deliver today
Unless you really just need to see some amazing graphics (which really are
breathtaking by the way), STAY AWAY from this one. Overt environmental commentary,
mocking political overtones, and pantheist spirituality all RUINED this potentially
interesting sci-fi flick for me. I laughed out loud several times at the stupidity of the
liberal filmmakers. There is nothing hidden about their messages. James Cameron has
cooked up a giant bowl of garbage for you with this one; but if you're a tree-hugging,
freedom-mocking, God-loathing fool, then this is DEFINITELY the film you've been
waiting for. Hurry and go see it so you can make Cameron richer and lower your IQ.
Glad I took my son so we could have a conversation about everything that was wrong
with this piece of Hollywood trash, and happy to know he thought it was ridiculous as
well. I want my money back, but at least I got to bond with my son on some deep topics,
even though I felt like I needed to take a shower after seeing it.

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