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Here, my use of layout has improved

because I have chosen a designated C
layout this time whereas my preliminary
cover did not have a layout to it. This is
an improvement as it shows that I have
grown an understanding of order in a
layout and how to draw the audiences
attention to certain parts of the cover.
On my preliminary cover, there is a lot
of blank space so my model does not
draw much attention. Other differences
would be that my coverlines are now
lined up in a more organised manor
which makes the overall layout of the
cover appear neater.


Here, my use of coverlines has improved as I
have learnt that less is more when it comes to
descriptions. On my preliminary cover, the
cover lines have very long descriptions and
some of them arent even inline with their
subheading. I have improved this on my final
cover as not only have I limited my descriptions
so they arent so long, but I have also organised
them more. The headings are a different colour
to the description so that they stand out more
and I have narrowed the descriptions down to
just 5 words so they are more catchy and likely
to draw the readers attention. Not only this,
but my use of colour on the final cover is better
as it matches the colour scheme more. I have
included both coverlines featuring the main
artists in this issues, and also a separate list of
those artists included in the issues though not
as much. This makes the magazine likely to
draw the attention of even more readers because fans of these artists will want to
read the magazine even if they are only featured in a very small portion of the

magazine. I also did this so the cover lines take up more cover space so the cover
was not so blank, this works at making the cover look a little more interesting as,
especially with a white background, blank space can make a cover look
unattractive.Not only this, but on my final cover, the text for the cover lines is
aligned to the left whereas the cover lines on my preliminary is centred. My final
cover is an improvement as the left aligned cover lines slot into the side better than
the preliminary and do a better job of outlining the model so all attention is drawn
to the image.


My subheading has improved since my preliminary cover because I have
completely shortened it down in order to make it more eye-catching and
professional. Whereas my preliminary subheading was more or less an entire
sentence with a three-line paragraph below it, my final cover just focuses on the
artists name in order for the subheading to become catchy and memorable. I
want to draw the attention of fans of this artist so I use the artists name to draw
this attention.

Featured List

My featured list has improved
both through my use of colour
and my layout. My preliminary
featured list had lines, which
were very spaced out and
blank looking; the text colour
blends in too much into the
background which makes it
hard to read. Although the
subheadings are underlined,
these lines are not level with
each other, which makes it
look messy and

unprofessional. My final cover improves on this by using a colour, which

contrasts against the darker background which makes it easier to read. The lines
used to outline the subheadings and page numbers are proportionate to one
another and are lined up well which makes it look neatly arranged. I also used a
variety of line widths so that each part of the list is shown to have significant
importance by how thick the line that is supporting it is. The subheading
underline is even coloured blue so it stands out amongst the rest. Another
advantage is that the subheading is put into capitals so it stands out more unlike
the preliminary subheadings which not only included lower case, but each of the
letters are spaced out which makes the subheading look weak.


My use of imagery in my contents page has
improved in many ways. Though my
preliminary images were of better quality
due to them having less noise than my final
piece images, my lighting technique has
improved. On my preliminary images, they
have a green tint so they match the colour
scheme I had arranged for the preliminary
magazine though this has not worked out as
it looks unprofessional and each picture has a
different shade of green. My final piece
images however are an improvement as the
lighting is both acceptable and the image
matches my magazine colour scheme.

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