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Ten Favorite Phrases or Sentences: Of Mice and Men

Favorite Phrases or Sentences

1. No reason at all for you. I like it

This quote from George shows how he

here. Tomorra were gonna go to

longs for freedom free from working for

workTonight Im gonna lay right

someone, and free from taking care of

here and loop up. I like it

Lennie all the time.

(Steinbeck 8).
2. With us it aint like that. We got a

I like how George tells Lennie the story

future. We got somebody to talk to

every time with so much hope. Even a

that gives a damn about us. We

solemn person like George had a dream

dont have to sit in no bar room

once. The quote is also very ironic

blowin in our jack jus because we

compared to the ending of the story.

got no place to go to. If them other

guy gets in jail they can rot for all
anybody gives a damn. But not us
(Steinbeck 14).
3. An live off the fatta the lan
(Steinbeck 14).

I like the way Lennie says it with so much

enthusiasm everytime, yet he is the only

4. Lets have different color rabbits,

obstacle to their shred dream.

Of course there are no red, blue or green

George. Sure we will,Red

rabbits. The way George talks to Lennie

and blue and green rabbits Lennie.

like he is a little kid is heart-warming.

Millions of em (Steinbeck 16).

5. I didnt hear nothing you guys

Candy has learned not to interfere with

was sayin. I aint interested in

other peoples business from years of

nothing you was sayin. A guy on a

experience on a ranch. It shows how old

ranch dont ever listen nor he dont

ast no questions(Steinbeck 24)
6. Georges voice was talking on a
told of confession (Steinbeck 40).

people are often very wise because of

George is telling Slim how he came to stop
abusing Lennie. I think its very profound
how this shows humans savagery usually
doesnt come to a stop till they almost
witness death, and often its too late when

7. Cause Im black. They play

they do.
I think its true when you think someone is

cards in there, but I cant play

evil they think the same of you. It is the

because Im black. They say I stink.

same here with Crooks.

Well, I tell you, you all of you stink

to me (Steinbeck 68).
8. The white kids come to play at

Everyone loses their innocence when they

our place, an sometimes I went to

grow older; its sad, yet inevitable. I can

play with them, and some of them

imagine how Crooks grows older and find

were pretty nice. My ol man didnt

out about the cruel truth of racial

like that. I never knew till long later

discrimination, it must be very painful.

why he didnt like that. But I know

now (Steinbeck 70).
9. Nobody gets to heaven, and

I think this is very true everyone always

nobody gets no land. Its jus in

wants something, but theres always

their head. Theyre all the time

something in life one cannot get. Theres

talking about it, its jus in their

always regret in life. Heaven, in my

head (Steinbeck 74)

opinion, does not really exist, its just a lure

for people to believe in God and not to do

10. No, Lennie I aint mad. I never

sin; but who doesnt sin?

When I read this line for the first time, I

been mad, an I aint now. Thats a

wanted to cry. I think it was very sad how

thing I want ya to know

George has to kill his only true and loyal

(Steinbeck 106).

friend he will ever has.

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