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Birth Time Rectification & The 10th House In Navamsa

Saptarishis Astrology
Saptarishis Astrology has always maintained a corrective and suggestive approach towards the
shortcomings in the astrological community, in order to achieve higher standards & betterment of the
Jyotish industry. This article will bare open some facts of the malpractices employed in the industry
just so that the younger generation do not land up repeating the same mistakes done by their elders, if
they do then in the long run they will spoil their karma plus create a bad name for them within the
astrological industry.

irth time rectification remains the biggest enigma and in the last 100 years the senior
most astrologers have brought out nothing satisfactory that appeals to an astro
student after hind sight of 20 years of real astro experience. One finds many
astrologers today charging $250 on their websites for the BTR and the gullible take the bait,
only to know that the same astrologer after 3 years, once again rectifies their chart to a
different birth time. This has been the practice of some very senior astrologers whose clients
have reported. The worst thing one notices is that those who charge $250 for doing BTR, go
to other astrologers to get their own BTR done or they keep on changing their own birth
time, this part is not known to a student of 10 years but if you spend time close to a senior
astrologer you realize that over a period of 10 years he has changed his birth time 30 times.
Then you realize that they are not so confident at all on their own charts, and if not so
confident then how can they charge so heavily for BTR.
What follows below is a broad and elaborate discussion on the perils and pitfalls of the
BTR mania that has gripped internet astrologer students and how they can stop wasting
their time and concentrate on better aspects of jyotish. Before you begin this journey, if
golden experience can be shared, then note that 95% of the charts do not require birth time
rectification unless you are one astrologer whom God always throw a googly at.

1.0 Various Needs for BTR

a) When the correct Asc is not known & its a border Asc
b) When one has a broad time of 4-5 hours of difference

c) When one has a range of 10-15 mins or 30 mins and Rasi chart remains the same,
whereas divisional charts changes and an important one like Navamsa Asc is changing
d) When time of birth is known to the minute but still client wishes to rectify his birth
time this is the requirement of the astro student and not a regular client. Here is
where senior astrologers make their killing.

2.0 Various Tools for Birth Time Rectification (BTR)

Primarily there are two types of BTR methods
1. Calculation based methods
2. Event based methods
Calculation based methods though mentioned in classics, have never been totally
accepted by the astrological community due to various reasons. Event based methods
are not known to the modern astrologers who have only learnt astrology via
conferences, books, social media forums, or some local classes on a solitary Sunday.
After few decades of experience one realizes that event based methods of BTR are the
best ones and unfortunately no one mentions this open secret.
The biggest drawback of event based methods is to use it, one needs to know the basics of
astrology really well, infact to a level of supreme mastery that can be achieved only
after dedicated working on astrology for 60-70 years. This purely becomes its biggest
drawback for the young ones who want to start doing BTR on every chart they
encounter, some even make it a fanatical policy in their chart reading methodology
while seeing every chart when there is no need for BTR.
Within the Event based methods there are two methods:a) Event Based Methods based on only the event
b) Event Based Methods based on the timing of the event, where dasas & transits are
employed to do BTR.
When you become very old in honest to yourself type of astrology you land up not relying
totally on BTR methods that are transit and dasas based, this requires a separate article in itself
though senior most astrologers seem to commit this mistake and also misguide their
students. What cannot be overstressed is do not use a single method to do BTR, use various methods,
synthesize it and customize it as per your own knowledge and although this article is on one part of
Navamsa, just dont use it as the only method for BTR.

2.1 Some Stray Thoughts

Birth Time Rectification has been a Lost Love even for classical astrologers and that is
why you see that well known astrologers seem to be using pranapada, nadi, kunda, and
some nadi techniques only known to them to rectify BTR. Astro lovers have reported
that all of these are failures though initially when they are discussed on internet
forums they become the fad of those forums but for only some time.
Late Meena (Nadi Jyotisha book fame 1950s) has used altogether different method
perhaps from Budha Nadi which Dr B V Raman had referred to in his editorial
writings, additionally use of kunda method has been suggested by the writer of the
Prashna Marga and Tatva AntarTatva method detailed by Late Shri D V Subba Rao
has been explained to the benefit of modern readers by his very able student Shri PVR
Rayadu ji1.

Prashna Methods though look unique but so far no writer has produced a satisfactory
statistical article on it showing its usage and comparing it to known accurate birth
charts. Thus these have not been accepted completely by astrological community &
only pleases you for few months after you have attended a conference on Prashna
method of birth time rectification, only to realize later that it cannot be depended with
full honesty.
Palmistry - The real birth time rectification in the absence of genuine astrological
tools, is palmistry. The real masters of it can rectify your birth time to the absolute
second, since the palm is Gods horoscopes given to you by him as soon as you were
born. Today one finds in India only 2-3 who can do justice to it. The last person we
know of having complete knowledge of erecting a chart on palm is Pt Shastriji, whose
interview we conducted and showed in the video how he erected a birth chart from the
palm. This video was commissioned to us & shown at the UAC 2012 conference in
New Orleans, USA. UAC has always been the largest gathering of astrologers in the
whole world & they were stunned to see that such a science exists in India. In real
India palmistry, jyotish, ayurveda, mantra tantra etc are part of Shastra, any Guru
always teaches all the parts of the shastra and this is what is parampara (tradition),
everyone knows this but when various paramparas on internet crops up, no one objects
if that parampara does not know palmistry or ayurveda. The reason is simple,
everyone wants to be the part of a new organization or a new facebook astro forum and
get some positions in it. Incidentally organizations have only brought doom to any
The modern generation has ignored Shri Rayadus books, all of them needs to be read, same is the case of Late Gopesh
Kumar Ojha.

science with its intelligent politics, though one cannot forget that organizations can be
useful tools in systemizing and structuring a science.

Thumb based birth time rectification here one remembers the legend of all
astrologers, unknown to Indians but known to Americans, the great late Shri Narendra
Desai who has been unparelled till date. Those who came in contact with him were and
are still in awe of him and his astrology; he had the ability to predict your birth time
from your thumb within seconds of meeting you. Unfortunately his knowledge has
not been allowed to come out by vested interests.

Middle Finger Phalange Method an intricate method of counting the lines of the
finger & here one remembers Pandit Lekraj2 from Himachal who is supposed to be a
master of it. Mentor has talked about him to us and also has found him very accurate,
having seen his BTR on unknown charts coming absolutely close to the minute, but a
particular case of a volunteer of SA, brought doubts about his method being infallible.
There is no use of discussing such methods as they have not been shared to the
common astrologer for reasons of being commercialized.
Anga Vidya Method - anga vidya has been mentioned in astrological texts and has
been the most ignored section among astrologers. One remembers Pt Indunath Sharma
from Banaras who is an absolute master in it but its better not to speak on him as
some astrologers to whom we introduced him to, have abused the knowledge of
Indunath Sharma causing much pain to us, after which we stopped giving phone
numbers of astrologers. One also remembers in Anga vidya a method of determining
the Asc written by Late Dr B V Raman, he writes in his book My Experiences In
Astrology a method taught to him in May 1930 by a palmist Mr. Sastry. We tested it on
few cases and found it working but on 2 cases it was not so correct, yet if it is tested by
each individual on atleast 5 charts and feedback given, something of a broad method
can be arrived at.
Technique: If the sum of ones height and ones diameter of his head measured just above the
eyebrows (in inches or angulas) is divided by 12, the remainder represents the Ascendant. (In
Sanskrit, - angaangulam siro nimnam thashtam dwadasabhisthetha lagnam vignaayate
tena sarvam phalamudeerayet)

Pls do not bother to ask us for his contact details, the mobile number that we had of his no longer works. When we were in
Himalayas with Shri P M Padia (guru of James Braha), we had desired meeting him but it never happened as our third
partner was not interested in BTRs.

Bhrighu Astrology has a lot to offer in past life astrology, medical bhrighu astrology
(only the legendary astrologer Mr B who worked with Dr Ramans son seems to have
worked on it as per our memory but the young ones have no interest in that branch of
ancient astrology, ours and mentors effort in bringing work out from him in a
systematic manner has failed so far). Then there was this one bhrighu astrologer in
Bihar in 1980s who worked on BTR and developed a software to rectify the birth time
to the second but his effort has gone into what some call the Black Hole of Astrology,
never to come out.
Some astrologers claim to possess secret methods but this is a useless bunch who only
bother to mention in writings that they possess such methods that their method
consumes full 3 days to use on a single chart but in their lifetimes they have never
shared it with anyone, because they do not have a concrete method as when it is
released out it will fail the test of honest testing. They employ these PR methods only
to attract more customers or students who can become their chamchas (slaves), which
the modern educated Indian is not shy of becoming. Some students have gone and
tested such astrologers on known charts and found all these as false claims.

2.2 Testing of Calculation Methods

o test calculation methods and to come to any conclusion if a method is working

requires huge amount of absolutely accurate database. Some methods are based on
testing that from this second to the next 20 seconds a male will be born, where to
test this. When we astrologers ourselves are running behind other astrologers to rectify our
birth time how can we test any such calculation method. No astrologer or astrology
organization has ever shared a list of 20 accurately recorded birth times to the world wide
astrology audience. To repeat, in the last 10-15 years not a single astrological
organization/trust/school has shown us statistically if such methods are working or not on
birth time cases recorded by them. When this was complained to some senior sincere
astrologers, they remarked that Organizations are busy organizing conferences for manch
vaadi jyotishis nowadays (those who are obsessed to be seen on stage) hence they do not
have the money to go to a hospital and record birth time of new borns to the second, nor
have some astrologers who are doctors ever shared 10 birth charts with exact birth time. If
such an exercise was conducted by organizations or reputed astrologers some honest progress
in this area would have happened. What needs to be done by organizations is to create and
distribute a list of minimum 25 birth chart data presented to the world astrological
community with separate recordings of
a) Head Coming Out recorded to the second on atomic clock


Bhoomi Darshan laying the baby on the table recorded to the second
First Cry - recorded to the second
Cutting of Navel Cord recorded to the second
First Breath though this is important but it is difficult to record it.
Birth Certificate this should be scanned and preserved along with contact details of

Can any organization do this?

3.0 Pending Karma Method & BTR

ith this background of BTR (birth time rectification) one can combine an
unknown method (which requires extensive testing) in determining the Asc of
the Navamsa & thereby of seeing significant karma and achieve some
satisfactory results. Note this write up is aimed at not rectifying the birth time in the
classical sense of the concept but letting us have a methodology which will give us the
correct Navamsa Asc, in case the Asc is correct. One cannot make the classical mistake of
thousands of years that Navamsa is for marriage only, one must open up more to see that
Navamsa also shows the Bhagya & thus the Karma of Each Planet and when this is fully
understood then one can see more narrower results of all life events in the Navamsa.
Now think
9H is Destiny/Bhagya
10H is Karma and Profession
Navamsa will show this Bhagya and the 10H in Navamsa will show the Karma of your Bhagya.
On charts known to us, where we know the Karma of a particular person and do reverse
engineering, we can easily rectify the Navamsa Lagna or on charts where birth time has been
accurately recorded one can predict the most specific Karma for which one is born. Although
this is one of the Pending Karma methods but it can be most successfully used for BTR.
Here the keywords to use to understand this method are

The Karma in which one would shine

The Karma for which one would be remembered
Or one of the most important pending karmas in this lifetime.
Or What is the Karmic Lesson that you need to learn to move ahead in soul evolution

Re-Read these above 4 points without which you would not understand this method and
then Use 20-30 charts of well known celebrities to get a hang of the technique before
attempting to rectify any birth time using this method .

Step 1: Observe the sign in the 10H of D9; this itself will give all the clues
Step 2: Observe the lord of the sign of 10H of D9, see this lord in the Rasi chart, it will add to
the clues
Step 3: If there are planets in the 10H of D9, these planets will add to the clues
Step 4: Observe the lordship of the planets (ones placed in 10H of D9) in the main Rasi chart,
they will give more clues.

Chart 1: Late B V Raman4

One or two astrologers in India known to us would say that the nostril flowing while reading this article should be left
nostril of minimum 12 angulas (fingers) intensity in a Jup hora.
4 The birth time of Dr Raman, was gotten by us from his grandson and Dr Raman had rectified it himself to the second.

Step 1: Observe the sign in the 10H of D9, this itself will give all the clues
Libra the sign of balance and public domain sits in the 10H of D9
Step 2: Observe the lord of the sign of 10H of D9, in the Rasi chart, it will add to the clues
Libra sits in the 9H of Bhagya/Destiny in the Rasi chart, this fortifies his Karma (of D9) and his
Bhagya (of Rasi), this is a significant point & rare (linking of 10H sign of D9 to 9H in natal) and the
lord Venus sits in the 7H of wife, creation of business with Mars (ink) and Mercury
Step 3: If there are planets in the 10H of D9, these planets will add to the clues
See the 10H it has Jupiter (vidya) and Mars (ink / natural 8L of tantra) in the sign of Libra (balance
& public domain). He published (Mars) the astrological magazine (vidya Jup) and brought it out for
the common man, shattering the slavery chains of parampara (tradition). He also created a balance
(Libra) for the first time by not allowing articles focusing on mantra tantra (Mars), this was the
balance he created in the Universe for the first time, since he knew that if astrology had to be respected
it had to move away from negative tantric cum mantric practices that had been cancerous to astrologys
acceptance in the educated minds.
Step 4: Observe the lordship of the planets (ones placed in 10H of D9) in the main Rasi chart,
they will give more clues.

Jup & Mars are placed in 10H of D9 chart, Jup in the rasi chart is 2L of vocation dispositing Rahu
(guudh vidya & foreigners) & also the 11L of Jyotish sitting in the 10H of Karma in the occult sign of
Scorpio, showing hidden knowledge will be brought to light (Jup). Mars is the dispositor of this
Jupiter, carrying this energy and also the 3L of communications, writing and also signifying ink, sits in
Couple of times earlier we have mentioned our observation that Rahus influence on the 2H and or 2L can give stunning
predictions in the charts of astrologers. Rahu and Jupiter having aspect or sambhanda no doubt is considered bad
traditionally but it also shows possession of guudh vidya (secret knowledge). - SA

the 7H of business with Mer (writing) and Venus (4L of vidya and 9L of bhagya) and he made a
business out of astrology writing material.
Thus if we see that the sign of the 10H of D9 and the respective planets form a very
important clue in giving strong hints to show ones karma of ones own bhagya. If we move
the birth time then Libra will not be in the 10h of D9 and thus we can be sure that Capricorn
is his Asc in D9 and no other birth time will fit. One can note that how Libra (7H natural
zodiac wife & 10L of D9, sitting in the 7H of business and wife, came into actualization, his
wife was the biggest support for him in this business.

Chart 2: Amitabh Bachchan Emperor of Bollywood

The 10H in D9 has the sign Cancer, the lord of it Moon sits in the 9H of bhagya in D1, this
forms a strong significant connection of Karma & Bhagya, like the same case of Dr Raman.
Cancer sits in the sign of the 6H of competition in D1 which has Jupiter who is the 2L of

face, facial expressions, voice (all what an actor needs) and this Jupiter aspects the 10H of
Karma in D1, forming a link.
One must note that 3H is Tv and acting and hands and 5H is fame, cinema as per some.
Photography is Rahu, the illusion karaka and movies is all about illusion.
In D9, the 10H has Jupiter, Rahu and Mars. So he has Mars debilitated in the 10H of D9,
showing the angry young man image that he acquired, plus Mars is the 3L of acting and the
10L of profession plus karma. Rahu sits in the 7H of public domain and pada prapati
(acquisition of high status) in D1 and he attained high status in movies (rahu) plus Jupiter is
in the 6H of akala mrityu (untimely death), whenever he died in a movie or had his accident,
he got more heralded to his super star status we all know, something that did not happen to
any other super star, whenever he drank (rahu) in the movies, his acting in those drunken
scenes were considered the best ever drunk scenes6 and un-imitable till date inspite of other
stalwarts before him and after him. Jupiter sits in the house of Cancer in both rasi and
Navamsa, cancer is mother. In his own life his mother played a very important role and in
reel life, his relationships with mother (Nirupa Roy etc) are still considered the best scenes,
but Jupiter is in the 6H so it will give its negative tinge 7. Amitabhs contribution is not just
in cinema but far bigger in real life which is he inspired generations of Indians, that they can
be nobodies in life but can become something in life, he brought out the goodness in us.
Chart 3: John F Kennedy Speech, Sex, Death & War

6 Readers can remember the scenes from Muquaddar Ka Sikander

On a humorous note, Indians can remember the Deewar scene and the most memorable dialogue in the history of Indian
cinema, Cancer is mother, house, car, treasure and relate to the dialogue, aaj mere paas gadi hain, bungalow hain, bank
balance hain, tere paas kya hain, mere paas maa hain. (loosely translated it means - today I have mansions, cars, huge bank
balance, what do you have. His brother replies I have mother which you dont have.)

The 10H in D9 has Gemini as a sign, which is a licentious sign in general and Ge represents
the 3H in natural zodiac, the 3H of communication/speeches/Upadesa advice. The 10L of
D9 is Mer and sits with Mars in the 8H of sex and death. Mars is the general of the army
and in Rasi chart it is the 8L of death and sex scandals plus 3L of speech and war.
One remembers Kennedy for many things, one of them is the Cuban Missile Crisis in Oct
1962, when the world came closest to Nuclear war and how Kennedy avoided that. Then one
remembers his for his most famous speech ask not what the country has done for you, ask
what you can do for your country, this speech inspired millions. Then one remembers him
for his sex scandals with Marilyn Monroe and the most famous and till now not solved his
assassination (death).

Chart 4: Clint Eastwood

The 10H of D9 has the sign Aq, this is placed in D1 in the 5H of Cinema and Fame and its
lord Saturn is placed in the 3H of acting and its co-lord Rahu is placed in 7H of public
limelight along with 7L Mars (action hero/metal/bullet) who is also the 2L of face, voice,
name. Clint Eastwood became synonymous with Western Cowboy movies and he came to
be known as the man with no name always having thin broken cigar. Rahu eclipses the
planet he sits with and here he eclipsed Mars who is 2L of name and infact this is what
heralded him to success as the man with no name.
The 10H of D9 has Venus, the planet of beauty and acting and this is placed in the 9H of
destiny Jupiter who is the 3L of acting and in turn aspects our Saturn, about whom we spoke
earlier. A perfect link is formed.

Chart 5: Deepak Chopra

Step 1: Observe the sign in the 10H of D9 & where it sits in D1; this itself will give all the clues
In the 10H of D9, there is Aq, the most important point about Aq is its just before Pisces. If Pisces is
the 12H of spirituality, the sign Aq is the preparatory sign for Pisces of moksha. This method is very
important to decipher the meaning of each signs & not looked at by astrologers. This Aq is placed in the
1H in D1, the 1H is entry point of the soul8.
Step 2: Observe the lord of the sign of 10H of D9, see this lord in the Rasi chart, it will add to
the clues
The lord of Aq is Saturn and Rahu, Saturn sits in the 6H of diseases (he wrote Quantum Healing)
and aspects the 12H of hospitals, sex and spirituality, he was a doctor before he became a new age guru.
The other co lord Rahu is karaka of materialism and high end spirituality (as per some rare masters of
Jyotish), this sits in the 4H of vidya which is also a moksha trikona.
Step 3: If there are planets in the 10H of D9, these planets will add to the clues
In the 10H of D9, sits the planet Moon, now Moon means (unconditional love like a mother) gets
exalted in Ta, where in the Rasi chart Rahu exalted is sitting (he wrote a bestseller Unconditional
Step 4: Observe the lordship of the planets (ones placed in 10H of D9) in the main Rasi chart,
they will give more clues.
Moon is the 6L of disease in the 8H of chronic disease, he has been a doctor and teaches Ayurvedic
medicine at his center now. Moon placed in the 8H of occult and he brought soma (moon) to this

Ref readings of Edgar Cayce.

subject. One must not forget that Moon of the D9 10H is placed in Virgo in 8H in D1, the dispositor
Mer (writing) is placed in 9H of Guru with Jupiter (Guru) with a debilitated Sun (true spirituality
can only be achieved when there is no ego) and he became a New Age Guru.

Chart 6: James Redfield & The Celestine Prophecy

Every astrologer loves a chart which opens up like butter in his hands and the planets begin
to speak to the astrologer, this is one such chart and it belongs to the legendary writers James
Redfield, who though wrote only few books but his books created a revolutionary impact in
global spiritual development.

10H in D9 has the sign Libra, the sign that brings in balance, true spirituality brings in
balance as compared to fanatic religionism which only creates imbalance. Libra is in the 2H
in D1 and its lord Venus is in the 5H of authorship. One must note that Libra is in the 8H of
mysticism from chandra lagna. In the 10H of D9, sits retro Saturn and Jupiter, observe wehre
they are placed in D1. Jupiter is placed in D1 in the 6H of healing & change with Mercury
(writing) and one must note that before he became a writer, he worked as a counselor for
over 15 years with adolescents (Mercury). Saturn the other planet of 10H D9, is placed in the
12H of spirituality being the 5L of authorship and 6L of change aspecting our other planet
Jupiter. During the antardasa of Mer he released in 1993 his global pathbreaker and New
York Times bestseller, the Celestine Prophecy.

Chart 7: Christopher Reeves

When this writer thought of including the chart of Christopher Reeves, as the software was
opening, he thought knowing the life of Christopher Reeves, he might have Sc or Pisces in
the 10H of D9 and by wild guess it seems to be Scorpio (chronic issues in
life/transformation). Note that from a man he became Superman (transformation) and from
a Superman he became man who could not move, this was his tragedy but this tragedy made
him lobby for stem cell research all over the world for the benefit of humanity. God always
create a tragedy in the life of celebrities to warn & also inspire the general public.

In the 10H there is Sc the sign of chronic ailments and the mystic things, we all know about
his terrible accident that left him invalid (Sc - chronic ailments/accidents/tragedies) and his
doing the highlight of every actors career Superman (mystic). These two were the
highlights of his life which got him to fame, see Sc in D1 is in the 5H of fame and cinema,
karaka of accidents Mars is placed. One must note that though Mars is swagrahi, he is
dispositor of A8 (chronic tragedies).
In the 10H in D9, there is Venus placed, if you see in D1, this Venus is placed in the 4H of
home (or being permanently at home in this context) and it is aspected by 6L of accidents a
retro Jupiter who is with A8.

Chart 8: Female

The 10H has the sign Aries, which is situated in 6H of accidents in natal chart which is
conjoined with Sun, Ketu, Mer, Venus. Aries is face, and 6H is sa-patni as per BPHS, the
other woman plus divorce. Her husband had an affair with a maid (6H and also other
woman) and the chart holder burnt herself completely with some 90% burns, her survival
was miraculous and her face was spoilt for the rest of her life. So we see the major karma
here. 6H is divorce, note this, then take the 10L of D9 and see its in the 8H of mangalya
sthana (sustenance of marriage) in D1, she divorced her husband and has lived as a single
mother. Now go to the 3rd step, which is to see if there are any planets in 10H of D9, it has
Moon, which is karaka for mother and also chastity, she has been a tough single mother and
a very obsessed one and also chastity issues (as mentioned earlier) ruined her life. So one can
see the major asset of her Karma. There are few more things which are not being mentioned
here in order to maintain her privacy.
Chart 9: SA Researcher

The 10H in D9 has sign Libra, which is the sign of balance (in life) and being just and the
sign of business & partnership. The native is a businessman and probably has a partner. The
lord of the 10H of D9 is Venus and the native is into 3H of communications, he is into IT
communications business. 3H is also the hand and he is a palmist too. The sign Libra sits in
the 9H of astrologer in D1 and he is an astrologer too.

Chart 10: P N Pending Karmas

10H in D9, has sign Leo who is in 5H of D1 chart and its lord Sun is karaka of Father, along
with Mer the 3L of younger sibling. Now 10H in D9 has Mars placed in it, look at the
lordship it enjoys in D1, it is the 1st lord of health and 8L of chronic diseases/depressions etc.
aspected by rogakaraka retro Saturn who is also the 10L of father whereas Mars sits in the
10H of father in D1 too. Note Mars is karaka for siblings and also real estate, also 10H is
career/profession. All the above would be the pending karma or issues in this life. This
native posted this in the Guest book section
i am 35 years of age . All my life from 18 years i am taking care of my father who was under
depression and then of my sister she is now 26 years old and suffering from syzophrenia. I worked for a
share trading company from 2003 till 2008. Now i dont have job or any work from last from last 3
years. my wife is working and supporting me. I also want to do but totally confused. I also tried in real
estate but of no avail.
Chart 11: A

10H in D9 has the sign Aquarius, a sign that Dr Raman and we have often mentioned as the
sign of occult and astrology. This sign is placed in the 3H of hands in D1, the native is a
palmist of a superior quality and has almost mastered the method of creating horoscopes via
palm. He has devoted his life travelling all over India meeting great palmists and although
knows astrology well, his real love is palmistry possessing many rare manuscripts on it. 10H
in D9 has the planet Rahu, a planet the great astrologer Ernst Wilhem ascribes to technology
and IT. This Rahu is placed in the 10H of profession in D1, this native is in the IT industry
profession wise.

Chart 12: Gayatri Devi Vasudev

10 H in D9 has the sign Aq, the sign of the astrologer, it is placed in the 1H of whole self in
D1. Its lord is Rahu placed in the second house of Vaak Siddhi (gift of predictions via
speech), its other lord is Saturn placed in 7H of relations with Mars karaka of brother, all in
7H of business. In 10H in D9, there is Rahu, who is placed in 2H of D1 of Vaak Siddhi. She
has been one of the most spectacular predictors on Mundane Astrology in the world.
Chart 13: K N Rao

10H in D9 has the sign Capricorn, it is placed in the 4H of vidya and mother, he learnt
astrology from his mother and attributes her to be the finest astrologer in the world. The 10L
of D9 is Saturn, it is placed in the 3H of writing and Upadesa, aspecting the 9H of astrologer.
Disaster events will be well predicted by such a native in Mundane astrology, which is what
Rao Saheb has demonstrated. Saturn is the yogi and is the karaka for death, karma and
career, his best works in writing have been Yogis, destiny and the wheel of time, & Ups and
Downs in Career, Karma and Reincarnation. 3H is also the house of writing and brothers, he
has successfully set up a astrology magazine, a publication house which his brother handles
well. Saturn in turn aspects Mer, Sun and Ketu in 12H. All this shows his previous
profession and also his interest in spirituality and involvement in bhakti yoga (Saturn is
servant and placed in the 3H of servants as per BPHS Chapter 11, Shloka 3).

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