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Ohms law by Robitblog

Ohms law is a specific formula to determine

the unknown voltage, amperes and resistance.
Ohms law is used for to calculate an unknown
voltage, current, or resistance. If you are looking for the missing voltage the formula is V = I
X R, if you are looking for the missing current
the formula is I = V divided by R and to find the
missing resistance, the formula is R = V divided
by I.

This is the chosen color resistor that we chose, it is a 4

band color code resistor 10k. The brown line is the first
significant digit, the black line is the second significant
digit, the orange line is the multiplier and the gold line
is the tolerance

A parallel circuit has two or more paths for current to flow

through. Voltage is the same across each component of
the parallel circuit. A bread board is a board where components are inserted in order for the Arduino to function. We
used Arduino uno, 4 resistors, a green, red, two black wires,
and two yellow wires, we also used two LEDs that will light
up at the press of a button, and the large yellow chord in
order to plug it into a usb port in order for the Arduino to
get power.

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