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Electrical Energy


Energy caused by the movement of

Easily transported through power
lines and converted into other forms
of energy

Power lines carry Electricity

Heat Energy

The internal motion of atoms. The

...faster the molecules move, the more
heat energy is produced.
Friction-Changes in state of matter

Energy can be neither

created nor destroyed.
The total energy in a
closed system is
always the same.
The energy may be in
different forms, but the
amount will be equal.

Mechanical energy

Ways to Conserve

Submitted by:

1. Replace old light bulbs with energy

saving fluorescent bulbs. They may
cost more, but will save you much
more in the long run.

Chemical Energy

Energy that exists in the bonds

that hold atoms together.
When bonds are broken,
chemical energy is released.
Digesting foodbonds are
broken to release energy for

Nuclear Energy

2. Turn off all electronic devices that

are not in use. Not only turn them off
but try to remember to unplug them.
You will be surprised how much you
will save with this simple step!
3. Air dries your dishes. When washing
in a dish washer, the heat generated
during the wash cycle is more than
enough to dry
Your dishes.

When the nucleus of an atom splits,

nuclear energy is released.
Nuclear energy is the most concentrated
form of energy.

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