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Amerigo Vespucci

By: Nancy Colin-Duran

Main Points
First voyage
Second voyage
Third voyage
Fourth voyage

Amerigo Vespucci was born in Florence, Italy and raised there. He
was born in March 9, 1454.
He was educated by his uncle a Dominican friar of the monastery of
San Marco in Florence.
When Vespucci was 24 years old, he left Italy and went to Sevilla,
Amerigo Vespucci embraced a mercantile life and banking business.
When Vespucci was in his early 40s, he decided to leave his job
behind and become an explorer.
He died of malaria in Sevilla, Spain.

First Voyage
The first of Vespucci's
voyage was from
about 1497 to 1498.
He sailed from the
port of Sevilla in
Spain. During the
trip, he explored the
North Coast of South
America passing the
mouth of the Amazon

Vespucci wrote a letter to his king, he made several observations

about native customs, including the use of hammocks and sweat

About 1499-1500 , Vespucci

sailed from Cadiz, Spain
with Jesus Ojeda and Juan
de la Cosa. The intention
was to sail around the
southern end of the
African mainland into the
Indian Ocean. After
landfall, the boats
separated. Vespucci sailed
Southward and he saw the
mouth of the Amazon
River and Orinoco River in

Second Voyage

Third Voyage
The third voyage of Vespucci was
led by Spanish explorer Goncalo
Coelho in 15011502 in the
service of Portugal, with
Vespucci second in command.
Departing from Lisbon, Portugal,
the fleet sailed first to Cape
Verde, where it met two of Pedro
lvares Cabral's ships returning
from India. In a letter from Cape
Verde, Vespucci said that he
hoped to visit the same lands
that Cabral had explored,
suggesting that the intention
was to sail west to Asia, as on
the 1499-1500 voyage.

Fourth Voyage
Vespuccis fourth
voyage was another
expedition for the
Portuguese crown
down the eastern
coast of Brazil, that
set out in May 1503
and returned to
Portugal in June


America was named after Amerigo

Vespucci, a Florentine navigator and
explorer who played a prominent role in
exploring the New World.

Work Cited
Amerigo Vespucci Biography. A&E
Networks Television, 2015. Web. 17 Dec. 2015.
Lienhard, John H. "No. 1350: Americo Vespucio." No.
1350: Americo Vespucio. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2015.
"Amerigo Vespucci." Wikipedia. Wikimedia
Foundation, 12 Dec. 2015. Web. 17 Dec. 2015.

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