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Comparative Study Of
Abhishekha, USA.
SA Reviewer: Rajendra R Shah, India

He was introduced to jyotish by his

Kulguru at the age of eight. After the initial
trigger early in life, he has pursued the
study of jyotish with utmost passion ever
since. He writes with the pen name
Abhishekha and is the Editor/Publisher of
AIAC Times, Chicago.

or the last 2 years we have been flushed with

emails, phone calls from all quarters as to the
source of the magical Bhrighu Saral Paddathi
which as per many have re-christened astrology but
one question remained unanswered the logic of these
magical sutras. Mentor a year back had asked us to
find out the logic behind it and our limited mind had
given up on it. As if to answer mentors questions
Abhishekha on his own has worked and created the
logic. As per us his work exhibits sheer GENIUS
but what is Genius to some is not so to others
especially those who cant see others prosper, a trait
common among astrologers. Abhishekhas logic
might not be the Rishis logic/ might not be the logic
of the writer of BSPs yet it speaks of a genuine
logical approach in unraveling the mystery of BSPs.
SA Editor/Publisher


Team did a splendid job in their
recent volume (volume 7) of the
magazine. One of the key article
series in all their volumes were Bhrigu
Saral Paddathi (Bhrigu is the Sage, Saral
means Easy, Paddathi means Method). I wrote
an article today (Dec 5, 2009) on the same
with a different perspective titled A
Look into Maharshi Bhrighus Easy
Methodology . In this current article I
would summarize the findings of the last
article and try to do a comparative study of
BSP with BCP (Maharshi Bhrighus Chakra

Rule #







Aspect from

BCP House
















9 from Rahu












The columns defined in the table above are described in detail below
Rule # This is the BSP (acronym for Bhrigu Saral Paddathi) Rule number as given in the
Volume 6 & 7 of the SA magazine.
Planet The rule is about the planet in this column.
House The effect of the planet is faced in this house relative to the placement of the planet
in the natal chart.
Aspect The particular aspect of the planet that falls on the mentioned house.
Age The age of the native in which he/she experiences the effect of the planet.
Transit The transit period of natural of the planet to return to its placement in the natal
Position The approximate position of the transit planet with respect to the natal position
of the planet in the time specified by the Age column.
Aspect from Transit Planet The aspect from the transit planet at the age of the native
mentioned with respect to the natal planet.
BCP House Activation According to Maharshi Bhrigus Chakra Paddhati, the house that
is activated in the natal chart in the age of the native specified.

BSP Rule # 6 and BCP

BSP Rule states that in the 27th year of the native, Mars implements 10H from itself.

In the article A Look into Maharshi Bhrighus Easy Methodology, I discussed the possible
reasoning behind this rule.
When transit Mars would be in the 3H from natal Mars, it would aspect the 10th from natal Mars by
its 8th Aspect.
When transit Mars would be in the 4H from natal Mars, it would aspect the 10th from natal Mars by
its 7th Aspect.
When transit Mars would be in the 7H from natal Mars, it would aspect the 10th from natal Mars by
its 4th Aspect.
As per BCP, the house activated in ones chart in the 27th year is the 3rd house.
Readers who are not familiar with BCP (Maharshi Bhrighus Chakra) are requested to refer
to SA Volume 3.
Mars is the karaka of the 3H and is the natural signification of Agni tattwa (element). Mars
gets digbala in the 10H. The 10th from Mars will be zone for status, work and position where
Mars will punish or reward depending on ones karma in the 3H of urges.
Readers are encouraged to read the Publitorial of SA Vol7 on Unlocking of Karma
where the connection between 3H and 10H is indicated.

Why 27th year for this activation?

As per BCP, the 3H of urges gets activated in the years 3, 15, 27, 39 etc. However, why did
Maharshi Bhrigu mention 27th year specifically?
The reason is also very simple. In a human life, there are two planets that give the energy or
Agni to execute a task. They are Sun and Mars. Sun gives light and Mars gives heat. Both
these planets get digbala (or directional strength) in the 10H. Now, Sun matures in the 22nd
year and Mars in the 28th year. Between 22nd and 28th year, 27th year is the only year when
according to BCP, the 3H of urges gets activated in the natives life. Thus, the 27th year is
when the native will be tested on matters of the 3H and rewarded or punished accordingly
by the 10th House from Mars. This is the age when we are put to test by the planet of energy

BSP Rule # 8 and BCP

BSP Rule states that in the 38th year of the native, Rahu implements 6H from itself.
In the article A Look into Maharshi Bhrighus Easy Methodology, I discussed the possible
reasoning behind this rule.

When transit Rahu would be in the 12H from natal Rahu, it would aspect the 6th from natal Rahu by
its 7th Aspect.
When transit Rahu would be in the 12H from natal Rahu, the 6th from natal Rahu would be conjunct
transit Ketu.
As per BCP, the house activated in ones chart in the 38th year is the 2nd house.
The rule given here by Maharshi Bhrigu is nothing less than work of pure genius. The house
that implements at the 38th year is the 6th house from Rahu. It is widely known by all that
the 6th house from any planet signifies its enemy zone or weakness. Rahus biggest enemy is
also known by all it is none other than shower of light Jupiter. Jupiter is also the karaka of
the 2H. Thus, in the 38th year, Rahu implements its enemy house and thus works as an agent

Why 38th year for this activation?

As per BCP, the 2H of wealth gets activated in the years 2, 14, 26, 38 etc. However, why did
Maharshi Bhrigu mention 38th year specifically?
Jupiter matures at 16 years of age. The next 2nd house cycle should have been 26th year of the
native. However, Venus matures in the 25th year and thus over shadows the effect of Jupiter
in the 2nd house. The human mind, in very generic terms, at the age of 25 is more focused on
Venus than Jupiter. The next cycle of 2H comes at the age of 38 and this is when the 6th
from Rahu gets activated (or in other terms Jupiter).Thus, the 38th year is when the native
will be tested on matters of the 2H and rewarded or punished accordingly by Jupiter (also
indicated by the 6th house from natal Rahu).

BSP Rule # 9 and BCP

BSP Rule states that in the 24th year of the native, Ketu implements 12H from itself.
In the article A Look into Maharshi Bhrighus Easy Methodology, I discussed the possible
reasoning behind this rule.
When transit Ketu would be in the 10H from natal Ketu, it would aspect the 12th from natal Ketu by
its 3rd Aspect.
When transit Ketu would be in the 10H from natal Ketu, transit Rahu would aspect the 12th from natal
Ketu by its 9th aspect.
As per BCP, the house activated in ones chart in the 24th year is the 12th house.
The rule given here by Maharshi Bhrigu is nothing less than work of pure genius. The house
that implements at the 24th year is the 12th house from Ketu. Ketu is the planet for
detachment and thereby death. It is a known fact that people with Ketu in their Ascendant

would have surely faced death face-2-face in their lives. Also, people with Ketu in Lagna
(and/or aspecting the 5H) are prone to have childbirth issues than people without the
combination. The 12th from Ketu would be indicated by a planet that does just the opposite
i.e. give life. The only planet that can do so is the Moon the mother.
Thus in the 24th year, the 12th from Ketu gets implemented as it acts as an agent of Moon.

Why 24th year for this activation?

As per BCP, the 12H of loss gets activated in the years 12, 24, 36, 42 etc. However, why did
Maharshi Bhrigu mention 24th year specifically?
Moon matures at 24 years of age. Thus, the 24th year is when the native will be tested on
matters of the 12H and rewarded or punished accordingly by Moon (also indicated by the 12th
house from natal Ketu).

BSP Rule # 10 and BCP

BSP Rule states that in the 40th year of the native, Jupiter implements 9H from itself by its 9th aspect.
In the article A Look into Maharshi Bhrighus Easy Methodology, I discussed the possible
reasoning behind this rule.
When transit Jupiter would be in the 5H from natal Jupiter, it aspect the 9th House from natal Jupiter
by its 5th Aspect (Relative trine placement of natal and transit Jupiter).
As per BCP, the house activated in ones chart in the 40th year is the 4th house.
4th house of the horoscope is the Vidya sthana (the seat of knowledge). The three houses of
moksha (Moksha Trikona) in a natal chart are 4th, 8th and 12th Houses. In the natural 4H of
Cancer it gets exalted. Apart from this, the cycle of 12 years of Jupiter has a relation with 12
houses of a chart stressing the connection of Jupiter with the moksha trikona of any chart.
Jupiter is the karaka of the 5H and the 9H and is also the natural signification of Akash
tattwa (element). In a chart, Akash Tattwa gets merged with Jala Tattwa (Moksha Trikona)
with time. In childhood, Moon is the primary karaka of the 4H but Jupiter shares this
responsibility with the Moon as one grows up. However, the 9th from Jupiter indicates
dharma and it is a very clear connection with the 4H. Only a person clean at heart can
follow his dharma. The 9th from Jupiter will be the zone for righteousness, luck and dharma
where Jupiter will punish or reward depending on ones karma based on ones 4H of purity
at heart.

Why 40th year for this activation?

As per BCP, the 4H of knowledge and learning gets activated in the years 4, 16, 28, 40 etc.
However, why did Maharshi Bhrigu mention 40th year specifically?

In a human life, the primary karaka of 4H is Moon. Jupiter matures at 16 but it is said that
Jupiter truly is man of 30 years of age. Moreover, out of pancha tatvas (five elements one is
made up with), man takes considerable time to comprehend the influence of Akash Tattwa.
4th and 16th year are very tender years of native so Moon would primarily function there. 28th
year is when Mars matures so the focus would be Agni. 40th year would then perhaps be the
only age when the 9th aspect of Jupiter can be completely experienced.
Even in BSP-8 we say Jupiter (as the significator of the 6H from Rahu) giving effect only in
the 38th year.
In BSP-11 as well Jupiters 5th aspect will give result only in the 32nd year.
In BSP-10, we see Jupiters 9th aspect giving result in the 40th year.

BSP Rule # 11 and BCP

BSP Rule states that in the 32nd year of the native, Jupiter implements 5H from itself by its 5th aspect.
In the article A Look into Maharshi Bhrighus Easy Methodology, I discussed the possible
reasoning behind this rule.
When transit Jupiter would be in the 9H from natal Jupiter, it aspect the 5th House from natal Jupiter
by its 9th Aspect (Relative trine placement of natal and transit Jupiter).
As per BCP, the house activated in ones chart in the 32nd year is the 8th house.
8th house of the horoscope is the Gupta sthana (the seat of hidden/occult knowledge). The
three houses of moksha (Moksha Trikona) in a natal chart are 4th, 8th and 12th Houses. Apart
from this, the cycle of 12 years of Jupiter has a relation with 12 houses of a chart stressing the
connection of Jupiter with the moksha trikona of any chart.
Jupiter is the karaka of the 5H and the 9H and is also the natural signification of Akash
tattwa (element). In a chart, Akash Tattwa gets merged with Jala Tattwa (Moksha
Trikona) with time. In childhood, Saturn is the primary karaka of the 8H but Jupiter shares
this responsibility with the Saturn if one has the promise in ones chart to know hidden
knowledge. It also shows Tapasya or severe penance without which true knowledge cannot
be gained. However, the 5th from Jupiter indicates creativity, innovation, knowledge
assimilation power and it is a very clear connection with the 8H for an occult knowledge
seeker. Only a fertile mind can grasp the mysteries of the occult. The 5th from Jupiter will be
zone for knowledge, intellect and purva punya and this is where Jupiter will punish or
reward depending on ones karma based on ones 8H of austerity and penance.

Why 32nd year for this activation?

As per BCP, the 8H of occult knowledge gets activated in the years 8, 20, 32, 44 etc.
However, why did Maharshi Bhrigu mention 32nd year specifically?
In a human life, the primary karaka of 8H is Saturn. Jupiter matures at 16 but it is said that
Jupiter truly is man of 30 years of age. Moreover, out of pancha tattwas (five elements) one
is made up with, man takes considerable time to comprehend the influence of Akash Tattwa.
8th and 20th year are years where longevity is very critical and important so Saturn would
primarily function. 32nd year would then perhaps be the only age when the 5th aspect of
Jupiter can be completely experienced.
Even in BSP-8 we say Jupiter (as the significator of the 6H from Rahu) giving effect only in
the 38th year.
In BSP-10, we see Jupiters 9th aspect giving result in the 40th year.

BSP Rule # 13 and BCP

BSP Rule states that in the 20th year of the native, Saturn implements 3H from itself by its 3rd aspect.
In the article A Look into Maharshi Bhrighus Easy Methodology, I discussed the possible
reasoning behind this rule.
When transit Saturn would be in the 9H from natal Saturn, it would aspect the 3rd from natal Saturn
by its 7th Aspect.
As per BCP, the house activated in ones chart in the 20th year is the 8th house.
8th house of the horoscope is the Gupta sthana (the seat of hidden/occult knowledge).
It is also Ayus sthana (the house of longevity).
It was clearly mentioned in BSP Rule #11 and BCP that how the primary karaka of the same
8H changes from Saturn to Jupiter as the age of a person progresses. In ages 8 and 20,
longevity is the primary concern of the 8H.
The karaka of the 8H is Saturn and its 3rd aspect is indeed deadly. Saturns 3rd aspect is
sometimes compared to the 3rd eye of Shiva. Saturns 3rd aspect would indicate work, labor,
bondage, slavery, constricted feeling, also position, social status, karma. Saturn is a giver of
social marriage as well. It can also signify travel, separation, poverty, sorrow and solitude.

Why 20th year for this activation?

As per BCP, the 8H of longevity gets activated in the years 8, 20, 32, 44 etc. However, why
did Maharshi Bhrigu mention 20th year specifically?
The primary karaka of 8H is Saturn. Although Saturn reaches maturity at 36 years but in
case of longevity he is the primary karaka. Moreover, Sun the primary karaka of the 1H of

health matures at 22 years. Thus if any major event related to Saturn has to happen to the
native especially with matters of the 8H, 20th year would seem the best time.

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