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India, the enigma

By Aasha Eapen

India, the enigma,

A country so diverse yet so united
India, the charmer,
Never failing to mesmerize those who seek to discover
India, the elegant,
One swoons at the sight of your rich diversity
India, the ancient,
Your history is replete with examples of every kind
India, the young,
Bubbling with ideas and innovation that create a lasting global impact
India, the accommodative,
You have been a refuge for people from every background
India, the gentle,
Your soothing scenery calms the soul
India, the fierce,
A blazing inferno in full conflagration
India, the valiant,
Unflinching in the face of danger
India, the example,
Your excellence continually sets benchmarks
India, the exception,
Daring to stand apart from the crowd
India, the enthralling,
You never fail to captivate all senses
India, the complex,
Puzzling us with intricate plans and patterns
India, the straightforward,

Forthright in actions and exemplary in conduct

India ,the outspoken,
Undaunted by threats and unyielding in strife
India, the enigma .. the land that never fails to amaze

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