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madhurA nagarilO - Anandabhairavi - Adi


madhurA nagarilO challa nammabOnu

dAri viDumu krishNA krishNA ||
mApaTi vELaku tappaka vachcheda
paTTaku kongu gaTTigAnu krishNA ||
kosari kosari nAtO sarasamu lADaku
rAjamArgamidi krishNA krishNA
vraja vanitalu nAtO chEra vatturika
viDu viDu nAchEyi krishNA krishNA ||

Oh Krishna, I am on my way to Madhura

city to sell buttermilk. Please let me go.
I'll certainly come to you by night. Please
don't hold my saree tightly.
Oh Krishna, please don't make fun of me
mischivously on this public road. Now the
other cowherd women will be joining me.
Please leave my hand and let me go.

chArumati - kAnaDa - miSra chApu


chArumati yupachAramu lETikE ||


meerina SOkamu lEreeti deeru ||


sarasuDu jooDani yAbharaNamulETikE

marachenaTavE karuNASAli ||


nAgavENirOvEgamE prANESuDu
rAgalaDO jAgujEyunO ||


sundarAnguDu DipuDendu bOyenO

nAyandambevaru yindu joochEru ||

Oh good natured woman, why do you

bother to serve me?
How can my unbearable grief be
What is the use of these ornaments for
me when my delightful lover is not
enjoying? Did my compassionate Lord
forget me?
Oh woman with long snake like braid,
will my lover come soon or will he
Where did my handsome young man go?
Who would see and enjoy my beauty

Ela rADAyenE - bhairavi - Adi


ElarADAyenE kAmini vEga tODitEvE

samini Ela ||


pADi muddADi nEvEDi kooDina Ela ||


eemarubAriki eTlani tALudu

rAmalellaru Sri SyAmarAjEndruDu Ela ||

Oh young lady, why is not my dear lover

coming? Please go and bring him soon.
I sang, kissed, implored and enjoyed union
with him.
How can I bear the onslaught by
Manmadha when all other women are for
my Lord Syamarajendra.

mAyalADi - tODi - Adi



mAyalADi mandu beTTi vAni

neDabAyinchenE bhAmini ||
sayyATalADi mEmuyyAlaloogETi
oyyAramu joochi E ||
manchamupai nAsAmi manchi mATalADi
varNinchi gOrunchi ubbinchi tOpinchE
vidhAlugani E ||
sundaruDu EkAntamandu nityAnandamani

Oh friend, some deceitful woman

administered a drug on my Lord and
distanced him from me.
She observed us playing and swaying on
swing beautifully and joyfully.
She watched my Lord on bed talking to
me, fondling me with his nails and
flattering me.
My handsome Lord and myself enjoyed

pandAlatO mOvivindanukanTE
mAyAndambulanu ganiye ||

feast on lips competitively and joyfully.

She observed that beautiful sight and
distanced my Lord from me.

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