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1. The room was dark aside from curtains opened to allow the moon to shine through.
2. The sun turned the dunes orange red and then quickly sank, leaving them in premoon darkness.
3. In the slight glow of a now-rising moon painted the room in enough light to pick out
figures racing to the front door.
4. Moonlight and darkness alike bent and danced around him, surrounding him in a
hazy metallic shimmer.23
5. Tiny drops of rain spattered their faces as she took his hand again and dismounted.
6. A stream of rain was splattering on the patio and then a bolt of lightning lit up the
1. It was a short but pretty journey with beautiful scenery and lake side vistas.
2. The cliff and surrounding mountains were now behind them.
1. It was a hot evening and they were well back from the fire.
2. The white sand reflected the hot sun back at them until they were dripping with
3. The weather grew intermittently warmer and on one of those sunny warm days,

Cade invited her to pack a lunch and join him in a ride on the ranch.

At the time of eyelid

Her face burned hot, but his tone turned her insides cold.

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