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School of the elimination. The school my parents enrolled me in. S.O.T.E. for short.

I was a new student. Called fresh meat by the upperclassmen.

I would have preferred small fish in a big ocean. I was one in almost 66000. 65536 to be exact.
I know that because thats all the school takes in.
No more.
No less.
Naturally this makes the school high in demand.
To graduate from this school is an honor.
Youd get enough money to live well for the rest of your life.
Only 1 person graduates each year.
Just one out of many.
All students take a test. Twice every semester.
The school only allows half of the school to succeed every time.
Half of the seniors.
Half of the juniors.
Half of the sophomores.
Half of the freshmen.
Almost 70000 students start off the year.
Not even 5000 make it out at the end of the year.
There was always a low energy going about the school. Not lazy.
It made sense.
I studied.
Friends were abundant. It was a big school.
You were lucky to find the seniors.
There were only 16 of them.
People called them a number of names.
They never spoke a word.
First test.
I made it.
Almost 35000 remain.
I was still among 95% of the students.
Half were gone.
Second test.

I made it.
Almost 18000 remain.
Half were gone.
Third test.
I made it.
Almost 8800 remain.
Half were gone.
Fourth test.
The final.
I made it.
Almost 4,400 remain.
Half were gone.
School was out.
I realized that summer the fear that every student above me also had.
I might not make it.
Every time you succeed it gets harder.
The challenge becomes greater every time.
Twice as hard.
Twice as difficult.
Twice as challenging
Sophomore year.
Friends became scarce.
They failed.
Studying became more important.
Every test became harder.
Every challenge became greater.
Training became a necessity.
First test. 2048.
Second test. 1024.
Third test. 512.
Fourth test. 256.
I make it through.
Loss was common.
Every year we were reduced to just 1/16 of what we were before.
I now understood the pain of the senior.
I left all my friends.
Junior year.
Training was difficult.
Training was necessary.
Training was life.
School was death.

First test. 128.

Second test. 64.
Our numbers diminished.
Less than .004%.
Failure meant more now.
Third test. 32.
Fourth test. 16.
I trained that summer.
I would not lose.
I didnt care who lost.
I didnt care who failed.
Senior year.
I was a senior.
I hated it.
I would graduate.
I was alone.
First test.
I recognized my opponent from last year.
Id probably recognize more if I took time to know them.
I could not.
I would regret it.
Second test.
It became routine.
Defeating them.
Having harder challenges.
Third test.
Two people stood in my way from graduating.
The arena was bigger this time than before.
I remember it getting bigger everytime.
More spectators came to watch us.
The bell rang to signal the start.
I smiled.

I didnt smile from satisfaction.

I didnt smile from gratitude.
I smiled from lust.
I ran.
I tackled.
He pinned.
I rolled.
He escaped.
He punched.
I dodged.
I pinned.
I pressed.
He stopped.
I killed.
I won.
He was silent.
I was victorious.
The final match.
I trained.
I would not lose.
I would not fail.
I would not fall.
I would not die.
He would lose.
He would fail.
He would fall.
He would die.
The day came for the final match to be held..
The arena was filled.
I stepped out.
Everybody cheered.
He stepped out.
Everybody cheered.
This was the final match for me.

This was the last match for him.

There would only be one left.
That one will only be me.
This was the final match.
This was the final fight.
This was my fight.
This was his fight.
This was it.
He ran.
I waited.
He tackled.
I dodged.
He grabbed.
I tripped.
He smiled.
I smiled.
I kicked.
He yelled.
I ran.
He rose.
I charged.
He waited.
I tackled.
He pinned.
He pressed.
I pushed.
He pressed.
I struggled.
He pressed.
I wouldnt make it
He laughed.
II was going to die
After all thisI would die.
He laughed.
Everything around me was turning white
I knew this would be the end
I tried to enjoy it
I looked around

I kicked.
I kicked hard.
He let go.
He was in pain.
I took my chance.
I threw a punch.
It stuck.
He fell.
I walked.
I lifted my legand I stomped hard.
He lost.
I won.

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