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Utilization of Swamiji Vethathiri Maharishi`S Kayakalpa

Yoga Practice For Women with Poly Cystic Ovarian
Syndrome (PCOS), A Case Study
Dr.S.Shanthi, Research Scholar, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil
Nadu, India.
"By sublimating and recycling
The sexual vital fluid
Kaya kalpa frees you from
A variety of earth bound ills
Your mind develops strength
And Contentment comes to stay
And acuity of intellect,
All these become part
Of your nature and being
Yours thought gets oriented
To the absolute directly
And fears of death withers
In the effulgence of wisdom"
- Value of kayakalpa yoga (Yogiraj
Vethathiri maharishi).
Disease, old age, and death are
the three major problems which have
been engaging the attention of medical
scientists for centuries, and in a
different way, that of philosophers as
well. swamiji vethathiri maharishi
founded the simplified kundalini yoga
for the benefit of humanity. This aim
was to bring about peace around the
world. A good healthy body awakens
the good soul within us. This helps to
maintain peace in and around each
individual which finally helps to

achieve, the goal of SKY trust. For

this, Swamiji introduced a different
yogic technique that Kaya Kalpa
(Kaya means body and Kalpa means
immortal of physical body) technique
and It is a rejuvenating technique
which was discovered by our
siddhars(School of thoughts in siddha
system of medicine), and lost during
due course of time. This was once
again brought back by Vethathri
maharishi swamiji in an easily
understandable way. This technique is
to rejuvenate the human health that
prevents the aging process.
Poly cystic ovarian syndrome
is a common endocrine disorder most
affecting reproductive age group of
women. They described a group of
women with obesity, excess hair
growth, and ovaries with multiple
cysts. The principle function of ovary
is production of an egg each month for
reproduction by ovulation. Female sex
hormones include estrogen and
reproduction and Poly cystic ovarian
disease is related to an imbalance in
these female sex hormones. Too much
Androgen hormones are produced
along with changes in other hormones

Utilization of Swamiji Vethathiri Maharishi`S Kayakalpa Yoga Practice For Women with Poly
Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) A Case Study | Dr.S.Shanthi

: | - 01: - 01 | 2013

Normally one or more eggs are

released during each menstrual cycle.
This is called ovulation,In Poly cystic
ovarian syndrome in these eggs cannot
mature and are not released from
ovaries and can form small cyst in
ovaries. These changes can cause to
infertility and other hormones
Clinical Features of PCOS:
The medical symptoms of
PCOS include Hormonal imbalance
and Insulin resistance may lead to
obesity and absence of ovulation.
Anovulation is main cause of
hormone and less estrogen level can
prone to Hirsutism, (excessive facial
hair growth), secondary Amenorrhea
or scanty menstrual cycle .Exactly
cause of PCOS is still not known. But
an imbalance of the endocrine systom
is responsible for many of the changes
associated with PCOS. Acanthosis
nigricans -hyper pigmented skin
thickening around the neck and skin
folding region also present.
A single case study
The patient was a 30-year-old
female who was diagnosed with
PCOS and associated with obesity
with diabetic, irregular menstrual
cycle, Hyper pigmented on skin
folding region. She had yet to begin
any expressed an interest in Vethathri
Maharishis Yoga after hearing about
the ashram in Aliyar(Coimbatore
district), Tamilnadu.

Vethathri Maharishis Yoga program
chronicles her experience in the
clinical care setting. The kayakalpa
yoga that was recommended to this
patient was a practice that we had
used previously reported studies.
Kayakalpa yoga was advised
to the patient was a daily yogic
practice. The patient was provided
with instruction regarding practice and
was encouraged to start with two time
practice for the duration of the study
period. This intellectual practice
approach had been used successfully
in our previous studies, and was
helpful in minimizing the Blood
glucose level associated with other
PCOD symptoms. The patient also
received log sheets and was asked to
record the practice schedule each day
also record the menstrual duration.
The patient also was contacted
monthly twice throughout the 6month
period to assess if there were
questions or problems, and to review
adherence. The components of our
Maharishis style yoga are detailed
Steps in kayakalpa Technique
1. Toning up of nerves, 2. Ojus

Utilization of Swamiji Vethathiri Maharishi`S Kayakalpa Yoga Practice For Women with Poly
Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) A Case Study | Dr.S.Shanthi

: | - 01: - 01 | 2013

At baseline, the patients
weight was measured, and at both
baseline and follow-up her weight was
assessed on a routinely calibrated
platform scale. Blood was drawn via
venipuncture and collected in serum
separator vacutainers, and sera were
analyzed directly for glucose level.
And menstrual duration was observed
from the direct conversation through
the log sheet. And ultrasonagraphy for
pelvis also done at both baseline and
lost month.
The patient adhered to the
kayakalpa yoga practice during the
observational period. Markedly reduce
the Pre-post levels of weight measures
are observed. A significant decrease in
serum glucose levels was observed.
After the practice duration the patient
was cured the PCOS.
According to the Journey of
thathuvagnani Vethathiri Maharishi
the kayakalpa (rejuvenation) yoga
helps prone to regulate metabolic
functions by controlling endocrine
secretions. Findings suggest that the
yoga practice may have a profound
impact on Glucose levels, menstrual
cycle and also may diminish
Findings from this case report
indicate that PCOS patient got good

result by practicing the kayakalpa

yoga and this yoga practice should
reduce body weight and also controls
the blood glucose level, which in turn
regulates the ovarian pathway.
Currently the standard of care
treatment for women with PCOS
ranges from lifestyle modification to
Lifestyle modifications are associated
with diet, weight loss, and exercise
interventions include; antiandrogens
(Spironolactone, Flutamide), insulin
thiazolidinediones), and estrogenprogestin
contraceptives). (Dronavalli et al,
2007) While effective, such treatment
is associated with substantial cost and
may cause various side effects, such
gastrointestinal symptoms, weight
gain, and increased insulin resistance.
In contrast, the costs and side effects
associated with this kayakalpa yoga
practice are minimal.
Despite some limitations, the
data are still compelling. Such data
point to the need for further research
in this area, to more thoroughly
explore the effects of kayakalpa yoga
on hormonal markers and clinical
symptoms associated with PCOS.

Utilization of Swamiji Vethathiri Maharishi`S Kayakalpa Yoga Practice For Women with Poly
Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) A Case Study | Dr.S.Shanthi

: | - 01: - 01 | 2013

Menstrual cycle duration indicates the

no. of days interval between cycles.

Key words: Vethathiri Maharishi,
Kayakalpa Yoga, Women with Poly
Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, PCOS


Utilization of Swamiji Vethathiri Maharishi`S Kayakalpa Yoga Practice For Women with Poly
Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) A Case Study | Dr.S.Shanthi

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