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Arteri terserbut lalu masuk ke

dalam ruang subarakhnoid

dengan cara menembus
arakhnoid mater dan berkelok
ke posterior menuju ujung
medial sulkus lateralis serebri
arteri karotis interna terbagi
dua menjadi arteri serebri
anterior dan arteri serebri

The circle of Willis (circulus arteriosus cerebri) is an

anastomotic system of arteries that sits at the base of the
brain. The circle was named after Thomas Willis by his
student Richard Lower. Willis was the author ofCerebri
Anatome,a book that described and depicted this vascular
ring. Although such a vascular ring had been described
earlier, the name Willis has been eponymously propagated.
The circle of Willis encircles the stalk of the pituitary gland
and provides important communications between the blood
supply of the forebrain and hindbrain (ie, between the internal
carotid andvertebrobasilarsystems following obliteration of
primitive embryonic connections). A complete circle of Willis is
present in most individuals, although a well-developed
communication between each of its parts is identified in less
than half of the population.[1]
The circle of Willis is formed when theinternal carotid artery
(ICA) enters the cranial cavity bilaterally and divides into the
anterior cerebral artery (ACA) andmiddle cerebral artery
(MCA). The anterior cerebral arteries are then united by an
anterior communicating (ACOM) artery. These connections
form the anterior half (anterior circulation) of the circle of
Willis. Posteriorly, the basilar artery, formed by the left and
right vertebral arteries, branches into a left and right
posterior cerebral artery(PCA), forming the posterior
circulation. The PCAs complete the circle of Willis by joining

Sirkulus Willisi terletak di dalam

fossa interpedunkularis basis cranii.
Sirkulus ini dibentuk oleh
anastomosis antara kedua arteri
karotis interna dan kedua arteri
Arteri komunikans anterior, arteri
serebri anterior, arteri karotis
interna, arteri komunikans
posterior, arteri serebri posterior,
dan arteri basilaris ikut membentuk
Sirkulus Willisi memungkinkan
darah yang masuk melalui arteri
karotis interna dan arteri
vertebralis dapat memperdarahi
semua bagian di kedua
hemispherum serebri.
Cabang-cabang kortikal dan sentral
berasal dari sirkulus dan menyuplai
jaringan otak.

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