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Observation Tasks 5 and 6: Different learning

styles and
Focus: On the learner.
The first week you will observe a lower level learner. The
second week you will observe a higher level learner.
Objective: For student teachers to gain an initial understanding of how
learners are different.

For this observation, you will begin by

observing the class for 1 hour.
1. What do you notice? Does the class have any strengths or

Strength: when they are doing a good job, she gives

them happy face stickers.\ Weaknesses: Their
weaknesses are when they riot in the classroom, the
teacher punishes them by preventing them from
going outside. Also, she let them stand beside the sad
face who called MR sad.
2. Are there learners who finish activities quickly? What do
they do when they have finished? Yes, there are. When
they finish quickly, they go to play with the toys or
stand and watching who does not finish the activity.
3. Are there learners who do not finish a task(s)? How does
the teacher deal with them? Yes, there are. They sit in
their places, and the teacher, or the helpers come and
help them to finish fast.
4. Are there any learners with special needs? How does the
teacher meet their needs? Yes. There are two children
with special needs and the teacher let them do the
activities with other learners normally. But, if they
have any problems she always helps them.

5. How does the teacher manage learners with different

levels/abilities? She divides them into three groups. All
the kids with a high level are in these three groups
and she put the children with a low level in each
group with the kids who are in a high level to let them
help who are in a low level and learn more.

When you have made your notes, ask the teacher to

help you choose a lower level or a higher level learner
in the class.
Observe one of the learners for the rest of the day
and make notes.
Here is an example:

Activity (what is the

learner doing?)

Notes (what happens during the


10:00 The Teacher

Mansoor was listening to the
gives them a
teacher, and he was watching
paper with a
her how she is coloring it.
hospital picture
to color it and
she shows them
how to color it.
10:30 The Teacher
Mansoor listens to the teacher,
divided them
and he was the first one who
into three
starts cutting with the teacher.
groups, and she
sits in the
middle to show
them how to
cut the hospital
picture that
with the letter

The teacher
shows them on
the board how
they should

Mansoor was knowing how to do

it and hen he start doing it and
finish it quickly.

determine on
the letter (H)
by pencil.

After the observation

1. How many different activities did the learner do? Three activities.
2. How did s/he interact with the other learners throughout the day?
Mansoor likes to play with his friends, and he is
friendly, he is always playing with Fahad and
Hamad and talking to everyone in the classroom.
3. What was the longest period of time the learner spent focusing on one
activity? He takes more time on cutting because he
ruined little bit his paper by mistake tin he did the
activity again.
4. What did the learner do during the break times? He always plays
with his friend in the math corner with many
different games such as cars.
5. What did the learners attention span / interest during activities seem like?
He was interested more in determining on the
letter (H) paper and he finished fast.
6. What did the learner seem to like doing the most / least during the day? He
likes to do all the activities, and he does not have
any problems with any activity. He also likes to join
his friends in playing and talking, and he does not
have any problems with anything.

Reflective Statement
Write your reflective statement based on the suggested format.

The following question may guide your response: (If appropriate)

What have you noticed about learners from this observation?

Think about your child development studies. Did you notice anything
interesting that relates to the theories we have been discussing?
What interested or surprised you?

Observation Task 6:
higher level learner

A day in the life of a

Record sheet
Repeat the same task as last week with a different learner.

Name: Mansoor Mashari.

Age: 3 years.
Level: a high level.
Brief description:
Date of observation: .2016./ 3.. / 1..



Activity /

y careers

Notes / comments

He was the first one who finished

fast, and he is only the one who
colored like the teacher has done.

He was cutting the hospital picture

by using the scissor. He destroyed
it a little bit, but he knew how to
use the scissor.


Determine He was listening to the teacher

s on the
instructions first, and he was
letter (H). watching how to do it. Then, he
starts Immediately doing it, and he
knew how to hold the pencil and
determines on the letter (H).

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