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Name : 1.

Miratus Sholikhah (15)

2. Nikmatul Khoiriyah (18)
3. Siska Dwi Ayu (22)
Subject : English
Class : XII IA 1
Theme : Pollution
Title : Water Pollution
Date : 20th of January 2016

: Where are you from guys ?

Siska : I am from a place of ablution.


: Why you do not take ablution ?

Nikma : The water coming out of faucet looks dirty, smell and unfit for ablution.

: Are you sure ?

Siska : Yes, I am sure


: What do you think about the causes ?

Nikma : I think the main cause is pollution that is caused by humans, because the
source of the school water is the river that is widely used in everyday human
activities and also a lot of people use it carelessly like throwing garbage in river.
What do you think ?
Siska : I think the river water sources has been contaminated by house hold
waste. So, causes fish dead and bad smell.

: Who must be responsible for that ?

Nikma : I think the school was wrong in choosing the ablution water resources.
So, we ger disadvantages.
Siska : No, I think it can be caused by all of us who do not care with the
cleanliness of the water around us.


: Yes, I think. So, we as the human being need water but we do not want to

keep it. By the way, Yesterday there were my friend suffered from itching after
using tap water in ablution. Why did it happen ?
Siska : I think it is one of the effects of the use of dirty water.
Nikma : Not only itchy, someone that uses dirty water will experience indigestion,
throat disorders and many more when they consumed it.

: What do you think how to solve the water pollution ?

Siska : By not throwing garbage in the river flow.

Nikma : Yes, is the most important is this to do not to dispose of waste carelessly
into the river. So, that the river remains clean and can still be used by everyone.

: Yes, I agree with you. And you Siska ?

Siska : Yes, I agree with you too. Lets to keep clean for the environment,
especially to keep clean for the water because the water is very important for alla
of the people.

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