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Table of Contents
Life before Christ...........................................................................................................................3
Life with Christ..............................................................................................................................4
Change from Disciple to Apostle..................................................................................................5
Peters End.....................................................................................................................................6


Peter, an apostle of Christ, was easily the most outspoken disciple of Jesuss 12 disciples
during the ministry of Jesus on earth. After the ascension of Jesus to heaven, Peter became
among the boldest witnesses of Christianity. Peters beginnings were surely humble in their
origins. Peter was born in approximately 1 B.C and approximately died in 67 A.D. Before
Christs ministry Peter was known as Simon, Jesus changed Simon to Peter, which translates to
rock. This paper takes journeys through the brief life of Simon and the long life of Peter as a
disciple and as an apostle spreading the word to every corner of the globe.
Life before Christ
Simon and Andrew who were brothers were Galilean fishermen (McBirnie, 1973).
According to John chapter 1, verse 43 Simon and Andrew came from a village known as
Bethsaida, which is also noted in John 12:21. Peter was also married before becoming a disciple
through the ministry with Christ, and also followed John the Baptist. According to Luke chapter
5, verse 6-8, Peter like every human being was a sinful man, and when Peter was in the presence
of Jesus Christ, Peter was ashamed because of his sin. Peter and Andrew were conceivably the
first disciples that Jesus called upon.
During Peters time fishermen were often characterized as being untidily dressed,
unkempt, snippy, vile, and normally used offensive language. Fishermen during the first century
were full of vigor and had animated tempers. According to Mark 3:17 James and John were
given the name Sons of Thunder this could be why they got that name. Their lives were hard and
rough as fishing was time-consuming and physically demanding. They were also fearless due to
the storms that characterized the Sea of Galilee; the storms occurred suddenly and were furious
and fierce. The storms often the fishermen off-guard and easily capsized the 20-30-foot boats
used by the fishermen.


According to Luke 5: 5, but when Jesus told Andrew and Simon to follow they simply
dropped everything that they had and followed Jesus without question, Luke 5: 11. Ideally, both
Simon and Andrew left everything that they had behind, their fishing boats, fishing nets and
every other fishing accessory that came with the trade. In modern times, not many people would
leave, let alone consider leaving their way of life to follow someone they just met and had just
requested them to follow them (Luke 5:1-11).
Additionally, Peter showed instances of impulsiveness to the point of rashness. For
instance, in Matthew 14:29, Peter left the boat to walk with Jesus on water only later to lose sight
of Jesus, which resulted in Peters sinking (Matthew 14:30). In Matthew 17: 4-6 Peter suggested
that they should erect three tabernacles in honor of Jesus, Moses and Elijah, Peter later in fearful
silence fell to the ground at Gods glory. It was Peter who also unsheathed a sword and attacked
the high priests servant according to John chapter 18 verse 10. In verse 11 of the same chapter,
Peter was told to immediately sheath the sword. Peter also was the one who denied Jesus after
boasting that such an act would be impossible to perform (Matthew 26:33).
Life with Christ
As earlier stated Peter was among the first disciples in Jesuss infant ministry, and Peter
was frequently the disciples spokesman. Peter was credited as being unique among the disciples
in that Peter had special insight into the identity of Jesus. According to Matthew 16:16-17, Peter
when asked about Jesuss identity Peter was first to call Him the Messiah, Son of the Living God
(Luke 9:18-22). This account can also be found in Mark 8:27-30. When Peter was called upon by
Jesus to serve Peter threw himself at Jesuss feet and claimed not to be worthy, this is according
to Luke 5:5-9. Even with Peter feeling unworthy Jesus still called upon Simon and Andrew and
told them that they would be fishers of people, this is according to Mark 1: 16-8.


Bold and outspoken as Peter was, Peter was sometimes wrong. Once according
Matthew16: 20-23, when Jesus spoke about the coming death Peter rebuked Jesus. Peter went on
to deny Jesus although peter had claimed not to betray Jesus. When Jesus was arrested and tried
Peter denied Jesus three times. Jesus intimately knew the disciples knew that Peter would deny
him and that Judas would betray him. During his walk, Peter witnessed the many miracles Jesus
performed and he also witnessed the glory of Jesus during the Transfiguration of Christ. During
this period, the Shekhinah Glory revealed Jesuss divinity and downplayed his humanity
(Matthew 17: 1-13).
Change from Disciple to Apostle
Translated disciple implies a follower, which is what all the Christians are nowadays.
Apostles loosely translated means one sent forth, and in this context one who is sent forth to
proclaim Jesuss gospel. Biblically apostles were those who served with Jesus during ministry or
those who saw resurrected Jesus. Even though Peter was troubled, peter was faithful and loving
to the Lord and in Matthew chapter 16, verse 18-19 Jesus reiterated that Peter would be
influential in instituting the church. When Jesus arose from death, Peter was categorically
named, should to receive the good news, according to Mark 16:7.
After Jesus divulges about the end of the ages in Mathew 24: 3-8 Jesus gives them charge
over the Great Commission (Matthew 28 18-20). These were the final instructions Jesus gives to
the disciples before ascension making them apostles (Acts 1:8). After the ascension of Jesus,
signifying the end of Jesuss ministry on earth the disciples became the apostles and were tasked
with the dissemination of the gospel to every corner of the earth. Peters ministry as an apostle is
accounted for in the book of Acts. According to Acts chapter two, Pentecost day Peter preached
to a multitude of approximately 3000 new believers according to verse 41 of the same chapter.


Peter in Acts 3 healed the lame beggar and boldly preached to the Sanhedrin in Acts chapter 4.
Peter also willingly accepted persecution, beatings, arrests, imprisonments, and threats and even
through all this Peter rejoiced and soldiered on confessing and preaching the gospel of Christ
(Acts 5).
Peters foundational input into the early church was realized through three stages. In Acts
2, Peter preached on Pentecost day. In Acts chapter 8, Peters presence became key when the
Samaritans acknowledged the Holy Ghost and finally in Acts 10 when the Centurion, Cornelius
received the Holy Ghost. Through these deeds, Peter created a way in which the word could be
spread and opened the door to the Gentiles, Samaritans, and Jews.
As an apostle, Peter too showed human weakness when Peter initially resisted spreading
the gospel to the Gentile Cornelius. However, Peter changed his mind on the realization that God
does not play favorites upon seeing the Holy Spirit work among the Romans Acts 10: 34. After
Peters concise conclusion, in Acts 15: 6-12, Peter defended the Gentiles as believers and
continually stated that they were not required to conform to the Jewish laws.
Peters End
In the days leading up to his death, nearly every apostle had been martyred. In John 21:
17-19, Jesus predicted the manner in which Peter was going to glorify God through death. Jesus
predicted that Peter would die the same way Jesus died. Although there is no clear evidence of
Peters crucifixion, history has it that Peter was crucified upside down since Peter felt unworthy
of being crucified as Jesus had been crucified (McBirnie, 1973).
Simon was an impulsive, arrogant man who was referred to as a man of thunder. After
meeting Christ, Simon was renamed and became Peter, a willing, obedient and humble servant of


Jesus Christ even in death. Peter rejoiced in his persecution and spread the word of the Lord
knowing there would be a reunion with Jesus. Peters ministry approximately lasted forty years,
which according to the bible signifies tribulations and testing much like Jesus 40 days in the
desert. Through this, Peter became a fisher of men as Jesus had promised. Peters exploits were
penned by Mark, 1st and 2nd Peter and Acts and they continue to proclaim that Jesus is Lord
through Peter.


McBirnie, W. (1973). The Search for the Twelve Apostles. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House.
Perkins, P. (2000). Peter: Apostle for the whole church. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
The Holy Bible: New International Version, containing the Old Testament and the New
Testament. (2012). Grand Rapids: Zondervan Bible.

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