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Section A : Directed Writing

[35 marks]
[Time suggested : 45 minutes]

Many students in your school like to throw rubbish everywhere in the school compound.
As the Chairman of the Environment Club, you have decided to give a talk during the
school assembly to promote cleanliness in the school.
Use the notes below to write your talk:

make it a habit

adopt specific areas


strategic places

cleanliness in classroom

take care like home

provide sufficient rubbish bins


fortnightly gotong-royong

love school

pick up any litter

duty roster

obey school rules



When writing the talk, you must remember to:

greet your audience

mention the purpose of the talk
include all the points given
end your talk appropriately

Note: For your talk, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points,
and up to 20 marks for the quality of your writing.

Section B : Continuous Writing

[50 marks]
[Time suggested : One hour]

Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics:


You got a part-time job as a waiter or waitress during the recent school
holiday. Describe what happened on the first day of your work.

Youtube helps to educate students today. Do you agree?

A child should be loved, not abused. Discuss.

Write a story about a passenger in a taxi beginning with:

There were two ladies at the taxi stand. One of them

Life is full of ups and downs

Describe the moments of joy and sorrow of a student.


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