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Jacinto, Abigail E.

15, 2016
SY 304

Prof. Lyle dela

Reflection Paper

The movie Cart is a best example of what we are studying now in

industrial/organizational psychology. There are some cases here that we can really
apply what we have learned on our lessons. In this movie, cashiers and cleaners are
all temporary hires on limited contracts. Sun-hee needs a steady salary to support
her two kids, which is why shes always willing to have extra works. She is working
five years at the store, expecting that her contractual position will turn into full-time
employment. Theres this case in this movie where Hye-mi was forced by her
manager to apologize to a customer suspected of shoplifting. Even though
conditions arent right, the women laboring at the Mart need their jobs, which is why
disbelief followed by anger sets in when they all get notices saying theyve been
terminated. This is a wrong way of dismissing employee because they just
terminate the temporary workers. The ladies organize themselves and call a strike
though it takes time to convince the other workers to agree with it. As the women
realize the power they can wield by taking a mutual stand, the company plays the
workers against each other and Hye-mi, the leader of the strike, breaks to the
company's pressure and gives up. In this case, I must say that one of the legal
reasons for terminating employees is reduction in force known as layoff. Employees
can be terminated if it is in the best economic interest of an organization to do so.
But I think the companys way of terminating employee is so wrong.

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