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Daun yang terdiri dari helai daun yang ramping yang menyelubungi batang.

Pada epidermis sering mengandung banyak macam sel seperti sel silika, sel
gabus. Disaat kekeringan sel kipas akan berkurang turgurnya dan daun akan
melipat atau menggulung. Ini juga akan menyebabkan dibawah pohon rindang
tidak ditemukan rumput sebanyak di lapangan terbuka.

The gymnosperms the seeda develop on the surface or at the tip of
anappendage. Structures of gymnosperms may occur in cones or strobili. In
gymnosperms,the ovule doesnt increase much in size after fertization. Familiar
examples include the pine, hemlock, Ginkgo biloba.
The angiosperms exceed all other vascular plants in range of diversity of the
plant body and habitat, and in their utility to humans. Examples of the
reproductive organs of angiosperms (flowers, fruits, and seed) used as food are
even more abundant. Many perennials are woody that is they have active
cambium that add abundant secondary xylem
The two groups of flowering plants differ inother respects as follow
Are dual

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