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The Tempest Act 3 the Duke of Milan

Act 1 guardian angels who—blasphemer—
lack belief, hourglasses / declared
sky’s splendid before certainly capricious
consternation … …

an ingenious mechanism dancing to see / in—
vitality; power: as its dazed conductor—
seclusion, themselves trouble
merely in private plausible
inverse qualities featherlet / plumage, occurrences, these
… similarly eyes, splendidly dressed
heavy …
during the boundless
(honeycomb cells) crazed; bewildered events
spells captivate, relate.
pen me up there is no alternative;
… a life innocent of sin: it will go in
grimaces omitted, (the stage)
inferior defensive stance; lesser spirits— fetters
magician’s wand various roles / performed.
forms; men Act 4
compared to
sinews— would I be right
mental powers endowed with wonders
unusual softly—
until garlands of reeds
Act 5/Epilogue
Act 2
springing up overnight
your weapons— the sky split
fearful, guarding; lightning bolt
called out roots
the truth …

I grieve by / mercy,
once upon a time recent wonder.
(Miranda) sun drunk
drunk crab apples— function accurately;
edible tubers— trick me;
seagulls surround you longest
sorrow marked out,

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