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Madison Lane

ISM- Period 1
"Texas Longhorns." Longhorn Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.

The seven families are Phillips, Wright, Butler, Marks, Wichita Refuge, Yates and
Originated in the early 1930s
Each family has a different origin and genetic bases but, are all pure longhorns
Each family has a specific trait each longhorn of theirs possesses
A visual inspection is done today to verify purity
Phillips, Butler, Wright, and Wichita Refuge were the top breeders
Most breeders today have a blend of the seven families
No pure family has the ability to win major shows when compared to a blended
Marks family cattle had twisty horns, brindle, and lots of red
The Marks cattle were located just west of Houston and pure Marks are nearly
Yates cattle were built for survival they were the fittest
Yates bred sound cattle and good mothers
Yates had small horns and solid colors
Wright cows are very feminine with straight backs and dish faces
Phillips family are the oldest, known for their height and length
Peelers had bigger cattle that had a feisty disposition
Peelers had small horns but the horns were in a V-shape
Butler cattle originated from League City Texas
Butler is the most sought out family
Butlers have lateral horns and small cattle, very different body then the other 6
WR cattle are intensely inbred
WR has horns that curl forward with clean sheath but heavy brisket

This source was very in depth about the characteristics each family possesses and where
they are now, along with a history of longhorns in general.

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