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Episode 1: The Men in White

Lorenzo has a nightmare. Isaac is reading a book on auras and Eric adjusts to being Adams
bodyguard. The August sequence-Warden of Peace. Evan receives a letter telling her to come
to the mansion and if she doesnt her memory will be wiped. She goes to the Chateau Fae La
Arc. They give her the ultimatum; Join them, or forget everything.
(Epilogue: Richard creates a force field around James house.)
Episode 2: Everyones type
(Prologue: The Normandies talk about Magic=Cancer.)

Chakra class, Empress talks with Isaac Isaac brings up Emmett, Evan speaks with Aliver,
Empress X Emmett, Levi Legaste arrives at the game Walmont wins 56 to 41. Carliva halftime
show. Idris and Isaac speak about Idris having a crush on Adam. Adam calls Aria, his parents
and Alice. Alice as a meeting with a woman from Domestic security involving Peter. Isaac and
Idris walk into the party wearing inverted versions of each others suits without glasses. Frat
party. Emmett seduces Empress and pushes Lucas away. Enzo, Idris and Isaac look for Adam,
Ian goes to find Adam. Ian and Adam and Evan conflict-Adam leaves, Evan and Ian discuss
Evans future vaguely and Evan gives Ian her charm bracelet, Empress Emmet dance off,
Empress wins, Idris X Adam, Twin Force fight, payne twins, Emmett and Empress leave.
(Epilogue: Adam and Ace go to BCPD headquarters and gives his sister a bottle of alcohol and a massage.)
Episode 3: Reset
Richard and Raxo dream with Lorenzo who feels disconnected from Woody for the first time
ever. The night before, Emmett and Empress sleep together, in the middle of the night, Emmett
is caught by Empress getting dressed in a black suit /white shirt and he tries to avoid her and
tell her to go to bed. She goes into Isaacs room thanks to Emmett. Adam and Idris schedule
lunch with Idris. Evan and Adam closure, he gives her a stuffed owl with the charm bracelet
around its neck. Evan asks En-zo to the Formal. Evan declines Devners TA job. Mason speaks
to his father about Peter. Adam confesses to Ian that he is interested in Idris. Adam speaks to
Alice, she confesses that she may lose her job if Peter isnt found in her custody. Woody goes
missing (His body was reset in Arc) Adam speaks with Aria, she is beginning to walk, she shows
him blade weaving with a Gun. Isaac returns and Lorenzo is pacing frantically missing Woody.
They talk about the party.
(Epilogue: Woody is reset and returns to Earth. His body was reset because he drank alcohol).
Episode 4: A Helping Hand
Isaac and Mason break into peters room and trip surveillance magic. They go to Marko Beach
and are taken into custody by BWI Agents. Adam has lunch with Idris at The Little Bistro On The
Corner. Isaac and Lorenzo aura healing. Eric is at a table far away from them sipping coffee and
watching them. Isaac and Lorenzo try to do Yoga, Isaac breaks the stitches and Lorenzo uses
Aura healing for the first time. Lorenzo advises Isaac to go to sleep and he gets into the bean
bag chair and lays there. Lorenzo confesses to his newfound abilities and Woody.Isaac tells
Enzo about his developing an impervious gravity body shield.
Episode 5: Wicked Eyes and Wicked hearts
(Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to
elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death. ~Anas Nin.)

Ace and Adam meeting Ace Flashback. Mason is interrogated and released from BWI Agents.
Lorenzo has another vision. Woody explains an Eidolon Reset. Adam and Idris text. Richard
and JPR scene about the future. Richard Crosley, you cant trust anyone else. Winter formal
shopping with Evan and Enzo. JPR and Peter scene, he senses a scene between JPR and

Christy. Mason goes to the hospital in a tux and gives Aria a gift. Adam and Idris go out. Mana
Drain. Ghosts kidnap Idris, Ace, and Adam.
(Epilogue: Richie Taking Peter into custody, telling him how he is going to enjoy killing him on television. Peter doesnt respond.
Alice sees this and she asks him questions and Richard responds if I become Mayor, youll be the first problem fixed in Bruin. )
Episode 6: Coving in Blood
NR2 is broadcasting the debate banquet between Crosley and Coving. Crosley starts the
debate with the execution of peter. He brings to light the overspending of government money
and then caps it off with the fact that Adam has been kidnapped. The debate ends and it looks
like Crosley is going to win the election He tells alice that she will be replaced with Margaret.
Adam wakes up imprisoned with Idris. A man texts Adams father using his cell phone and then
drops it on the ground so that it will break. The White Coats move Evan into the mansion. Ezra
is in her room, he tells her that she is a dispel Savant they discuss Peters kidnapping.
Interrogator plays russian roulette with them and ends up shooting Idris in the chest and then
pressing the hot bullett to Adams forehead. Idris is losing blood. Team Enzo vote, try looking for
Adam. Idris is beaten by Ghosts as Adam is dropped off while Adam sees Richard declared the
Mayor of Bruin C+ity.
(Epilogue: JPR returns to his home and goes downstairs and we see Peter in a chair, beaten and bruised. Margaret
walks up to alice and apologizes to Alice about the turnout of things..)

Episode 7: Brass Tacks

Adam is found, Isaac learns that his brother has died. They go to Faro-Garden and talk.
Flashback of James crying, afraid of losing his friends to become the Prince of Spirits. Then an
Older James Practicing creating light. Then the James we know today, reading one of the silent
books. Flash forward to JPR waking up and looking over seeing Richard reading. He goes
downstairs as if he just remembered he had one of the silent words memorized. He tells Peter
that they killed an illusion of him on national TV. Then Peter fights back for the first time (While
tied up in a chair) and before delivering his critical blow says, I am the Prince of Spirits. You
\cannot touch me. And then with his final words before the scene ends he says, I dont know
what you have done with my Patrons, But he will find me. James goes back upstairs and
Richard learns that he knows how to speak the word Take. Evan learns about Baltos past, her
powers and Lily. She almost interrupts Ezra Scrying.
(Epilogue: Ezras Aura appears and informs Peter of what is going on. Then he asks to become Peters second

Episode 8: Haunted
Empress performs her Dance midterm and so does Ian, Sabine and Pierce Fae La Guillame
becomes a ghost. There is a playful altercation between the students. Empress gets a text
message from Emmett saying to meet him at Vale Bank and she continues to tell him no and he
continues to give her dress code, a time and to meet him there promptly and then hangs up.
Empress goes to the Archery Range and finds Peirce and Ian flirting and Empress and Sabine
antagonize Isaac (Empress breaks archery rules) Isaac emotionally force weaves. Empress
goes on a date with Lucas at Seven instead. They go to the Opera. Lucas explains the singing
spirits in the glass to her. Empress listens and hears them. Lucas is driving her home and she
not+ices that her arrows are missing and a coin is there instead. reluctantly, she asks Lucas to
take her to the Vale Bank. She gets there and there is one teller. Who denies the bank is open
until she presents the coin and is mysteriously transported to a dark hallway where she sees
Emmett who tells her about the Ghosts. She walks into a room with him and there are three
men. one of them holds a silver goblet of blood, the other holds the book of Draxes. They
prompt her to place her hand on the book and drink the blood. she does so, a picture of lucas

appears, they prompt her to shoot it, she refuses to shoot him in the forehead. She is beaten
and then she follows the sound of a man getting beaten and when she enters the room, she
sees a figure being beaten and with a bag over his head. She takes off the hood of the body
and it is Lucas and she is being prompted to kill him. Empress kills Lucas.
(Epilogue: Balto returns, had a vision that Peter is going to die. He is erratic. The eventual solution is going to be
Lucas, Warden of Death breaking one of his own rules.)

Episode 9: (Season Finale):Long Live the Prince:

Prologue: Meeting between RIchard, Allegra, Movado, Alice, Adam, Lucis. Richard reads Lucis mind and learns of
Ghosts secrets without the viewers knowledge.

Empress is told to go to the opera to wind down and then is ordered to kills Lucis. Adam
coaches the swim team. Enzo leads his early morning yoga class. Dr. Lawrence Kanes class:
should Weavers remain in society or not? Arcturus system is installed in Walmont. Walmont is
closed down for the next three days due to Lucas death (Today is thursday). Mason and Terjik
are taken into custody. Adams bank accounts are frozen. Team Enzo begins to deteriorate. Van
reveals that she has been reading Enzos dreams. Empress meets Neil who calls himself her
handler. Adam and Van plan a break in to BCPD. They find out that mason and alex are ok. Van
claims that she knows where Peter is after margaret discusses suspecting his body being
somewhere else. Enzo and Isaac argue on the main building roof and Idris is pushed out of a
van on campus and taken to a hospital by the two of them. Neil heals Idris completely. Enzo
dreams of a fight between Richard and Woody and he rejects Woody who is then swallowed by
a large Leviathan that turns into (Jordan) and tells richard he wont win. Cut to Enzo being
pulled out of the water by a bulldog and an aston martin pulls up and they get into it. Enzo asks,
What happened? Richard replies, You got an upgrade.
Epilogue: Peter
being killed and Lucas and Ezra appearing and preserving his life. Lucas pledges himself to Peter who attempts to
use his powers on Enzo however they dont work and JPR teleports them outside of his house. Peter has lost his
power (Tries to convince JPR that what he is doing is bad).

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