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Act Two:

(ENTER Omar, Jack, Lance, Cassius. Edgar, Heather, Emily, and five of the ensemble
members. This is Bryans funeral. A black coffin rests on Center Stage, with the crowd crowding
around it. A character moves downstage when they speak).
Omar: On this day, August 4th, we honor the memory of Bryan Hayes. He was truly a gifted
soul, one who's now in gods grasp. His legacy will outlast the ages.
Heather: He was a very flawed person, one who truly needed help.
Lance: He was a nice guy, one thatd help ya when you needed it.
Edgar: He was a one of a kind person, someone you're never going to forget
Cassius: He was manipulated by a madman.
Jack: He lived a miserable life, one of torment and suffering caused by his parents. (ENTER
Nothingness & Rick)
Omar: The adults in his life failed him when he needed them the most. As a result, he was
murdered by an assassin for crimes he wasn't responsible for. Similar to my wife, executed
based on trumped up charges. If I had the power to cure him, I wouldve in a heartbeat.
Unfortunately- (Nothingness shoves him aside)
Nothingness: The government prevented his cure.(Omar tries to speak through all this)
Rick: This boy's blood lays on their hands!
Nothingness: Our boys in blue died to let the Russians and Chinese win!
Nothingness & Rick: Stand with us, and we will return this country to its former glory!
Lance: Screw off-
Rick: Well burn their ivory towers! (EXIT Edgar & Heather. Emily follows them)
Nothingness: And replace them with- (The citizens, Lance, Jack, and Cassius angrily chase
Nothingness and Rick offstage. Omar stands there, furious)
Citizen #1(Ensemble): You were better off dead, Rick!
Omar: Enough. (trying to hardest to keep himself together. The crowd looks at him) It was The
Timekeeper who prevented his cure. Nothing from the government. (gasps & ad-libbed
reactions from the crowd)
Jack: Lance, stay here with Omar. Cassius and I should attend to Mrs. Nortons grave. Ok?
Lance: Mr Hyperia, everything's gonna be all peachy, you hear me? (Light on Stage Left. A
gravestone is there. EXIT all but Cassius and Jack. This is Clara Nortons funeral)
Cassius: Thanks for being my friend all these years, Clara, Ill never forget you. All I want to
know is, why did you do it? Why didn't you say anything to me, or to, to, to, - (Cassius breaks
down. Jack helps him up, and escorts him away. ENTER Edgar and Heather)
Jack: Here to pay your respects too?
Heather: We wanted to get away from that mess.
Jack: Thankfully, those two were chased off by the crowd.
Heather: Good. Who were they?
Jack: Vultures trying to exploit the people's fears. Heather, Edgar, don't let anyone like that
control you. They never mean well. (EXIT Jack & Cassius)
Heather(to Claras grave): I wish shed of let me help her, Edgar.
Edgar: Well she didn't, so what's asking me gonna do.
Heather: Ok? Being an assholes gonna accomplish nothing.
Edgar: Am I wrong? Instead of living in the past, take the opportunity and move on.
Heather: Considering its only been a few weeks since they died, its a little hard to just move
on and pretend everything's fine. You know very well I had a stake in their situation, so why the
hell are you rubbing it in?
Edgar: I don't know, that Clarance guys been frustrating to deal with.
Heather: Don't take them out on me. (ENTER Emily, who watches them)
Edgar: I know. See, hes figured out a way to block off his memories from me. Ive gotten
nowhere with him for the past two weeks.
Heather: Geez, aren't you breaking a contract or two?
Edgar: I figured you wouldn't tell anyone. Here, lets hang out somewhere in about three days,
how does that sound? I'm sorry about earlier.
Heather: Thank you, and Ill ask my parents (EXIT Heather. Emily moves towards Edgar)
Edgar: If only I was as strong as you, Clara- (Emily tackles and pins him to the ground)
Emily: Wheres Abraham at?
Edgar(scared): I don't know, get off me-
Emily: I told you to find him last week! Give me my information, or your dad gets hurt!
Edgar: Ill find it, alright? Please, don't hurt him.
Cassius(offstage): What are you two doing? (ENTER Cassius. Emily gets up. Edgar digs
through his mind)
Emily: We were just playing around, Cassius.
Cassius: How do you know my name?
Emily: Edgar told me. My names Emily Morgan. Were dating (She holds out her hand)
Cassius: Find somewhere else to play, not here.
Edgar: It was an expression of grief, Cassius.
Emily: People react to trauma differently.
Cassius: Sure.
Edgar: I hear your fathers getting released soon.
Cassius: Yep. The politician always gets away with their crimes.
Emily: Tell that to Alex.
Cassius: I suppose. (Aside) Still in Pendleton, should stay there- (To the kids) Anyhow, nice to
meet you, Emily. Good luck tomorrow, Edgar. (EXIT Cassius)
Emily: So...
Edgar: Abrahams located in Pendleton Maximum Prison.
Emily: Perfect.
Edgar: What are going to do to him? (ENTER Abraham)
Emily: Keep an eye on the news. (She smiles) Thanks for your help. (He watches her EXIT.
Blackout on all but Abraham's cell)
Abraham: Tomorrow, youll smell fresh air, and finish off Johnsons term. Youll prove that you
were better fit for the job then she was. Youre going to fix America, Abe, and your legacy will be
ensured. (Emily enters his cell) Who are you? (she grabs his collar)
Emily: My names not important, Abraham. Your crimes, however...
Abraham: I did nothing wrong, it was all Johnson's idea! (she shoves him into a corner)
Emily: But you sat by and watched, didn't you? Couldve reported her at any time, but you
instead let innocent blood flow. The only thing youre not guilty of is ruining The Timekeepers
reputation. Though considering her recent indifference...
Abraham: Ok, yes. I'm guilty. Does that satisfy you?
Emily: No, because youre not sorry at all. (She grabs him) I didn't want to do this, but I don't
make the rules. (Emily pulls out a poisoned tipped knife)
Abraham: Wait wait wait no- (Emily slits his throat, he falls, convulsing for a few moments.
Emily watches the sight. Once Abraham dies, blackout. EXIT Emily & Abraham)
Scene One
(ENTER Franklin and four Senators)
Franklin: I call this senate meeting on August 6th, at 2:30PM.
Senator #1: Wheres The Timekeeper been?
Senator #2: Helping the Ruskies, I bet!
Franklin: She has been within her palace, ever since July 13th
Senator #3: Tell her to come out already, the people have gone crazy! (General agreement)
Franklin: Lets not get sidetracked. As your all well aware, Abraham Zefania was murdered two
days ago.
Senator #1: He had it coming-
Franklin: Security footage of the event shows a teenager slicing his throat. Current analysis
shows that the murderers features are incomprehensible, and an an invisible force holds the
victim in place.
Senator #2: What kinda mutant are we dealing with? (they all look at him) Thats what they are!
Senator #3: My sons a gifted-
Franklin: An investigation must be made into his death, if we are to bring this killer to justice.
We have a murderer on the run, and if we all unite together, we can find this vigilante and stop
them before they claim another innocent-
Senator #1: Whats the point? They did us a favor.
Senator #2: You shut your goddamn mouth! Abe was a good man.
Senator #4: if he were a good man, the people wouldn't be calling for our heads!
Senator #3: Theyd do it anyway. Were politicians, remember? Always evil, always at fault.
Senator #1: Its just a vocal minority-
Franklin: Enough of this! (ENTER Norma & Gordon) Abraham was perceived as a victim and
thus, the people are upset. Some are starting to blame us. The wounds of Johnson's corruption
are still fresh. However, if we can prove to the general public that this killer was not connected
to us, itll be the first step in regaining their trust. Fixing the economy and healing The Great
War's wounds comes after. (Blackout. EXIT Senators and Franklin. Lights on Norma and
Gordon in General Room)
Norma: Its Gordon, right?
Gordon Backman: Correct.
Norma: You never show yourself around here.
Gordon: Edgar insisted I show up. Hes walking here.
Norma: In this weather?
Gordon: I made sure he was clothed properly. If I didn't, well... as you know, my son has
Norma: Has he gone to therapy yet?
Gordon: We tried, but none of the therapists were successful. Hed always refuse to open up,
and whenever he did, would fool them into thinking hed changed. My wife died so long ago, and
I have had no help raising him. I don't know what else to do.
Norma: Unfortunately Im unable to give you advice. The prospects of raising children sickens
me, and frankly Im asexual.
Gordon: I wasnt asking for help. (ENTER Edgar without a jacket) Wheres your jacket?!
Edgar: I didn't need it.
Gordon: Its below freezing outside!
Edgar: Heather helped me out.
Norma: Anyhow, about our friend... (ENTER Journalist, cuffed to chair, and Guards in
Interrogation Room).
Edgar: Why not just torture the info out of him?
Norma: Im afraid that doesn't work. Besides, hed likely be immune to that too.
Edgar: Lets just get this over with.
Norma: Follow me, hes been patiently waiting for hours. (Lights on interrogation room).
Afternoon, Clarance (Journalist looks at her. Edgar sits down. Norma writes down their
conversation. Beat) Go on, Edgar.
Edgar: Hows your flowering going?
Journalist: Splendid. The roses are my favorite, so bright and vibrantly red. However, Id say
the bluebells are a close second. I have a fancy for that color, you know?
Edgar: Do you.
Journalist: I used to dress myself in blue for the longest time.
Edgar: Whyd you stop?
Journalist: No reason, I simply grew sick of it.
Edgar: Thats great.
Journalist: You wish to access my mind, right?
Edgar: No, course not. Please ramble on about meaningless crap, I love it.
Journalist: Admittedly, Ive been fiercely debating myself about opening up a little. For the past
weeks, Ive been against it. Now... its time we discuss the truth.
Edgar: Tell me the methods you used to butcher a helpless boy.
Journalist: Lets not speak about that.
Edgar: Its why were here.
Journalist: I had the best intentions.
Edgar: Did Bryan say something mean to you?
Journalist: Emily was my killer. (Edgar laughs) G o on, read my mind. (Edgar does so, still
chuckling, then stops) Thats right, I used to be The Lightkeeper. (Beat. Edgar and Norma
exchange a look, Edgar nodding. She drops her pencil and notepad)
Norma: Excuse me.
Journalist: I tried to help him, but she wouldn't have it. Emily killed me out of cold blood, and
after all the carnage of The Great War, I woke up from my death. But I was no longer like The
Timekeeper. I became mortal. (Norma & Edgar are too shocked to respond) Let me see that girl,
all I have left to live for is to stop her.
Norma: What are you talking about?
Journalist: Emily killed your father, Norma. (Edgar looks away)
Norma: Whos Emily?
Journalist: The girl in the tapes.
Norma: How do you know this?
Journalist: Allow me fix them and youll see-
Norma: Very well. The sessions over, we have all that we need. (To guard and Edgar) Do not
repeat anything youve heard in this room, got it? This is classified information.
Journalist: Youre making a mistake. (EXIT Guard with Journalist. Lights up on General Room.
Norma watches Edgar leave with Gordon)
Gordon: Whats wrong, son? You look pale. (EXIT Gordon and Edgar. Spotlight on Norma,
shes disturbed by Journalists revelations)
Norma: Keep it together, Norma. Never let them see your true feelings, no one likes real
honesty. (pulling out a bottle of alcohol) Omar and Timekeeper are gonna have panic attacks
when they catch wind of this. (EXIT Norma, chugging the beer)
Scene Two
(ENTER Heather, sitting at a table. She looks disheveled and sleep deprived)
Heather: Its August 7th, 12:00PM, no Edgar in sight. Ah well, Id hate him to see me like this.
(sigh) The nightmares are getting more frequent. Still harking back to that moment my life
changed forever. But now, theyre different.
Reporter(Ensemble, offstage): -the dynamic duo, have been trying desperately to rally the
people into a frenzy. So far, theyve acquired a passionate vocal minority.
Heather: I'm viewing through the perspective of the victim. All I can do is look up, and see my
friends, former or not, all strung up by blood soaked chains.
Reporter(offstage): -rising number of citizens believe the government isn't doing enough to
heal the country's wounds from The Great War. They also believe the government is
unbelievably corrupt, considering the recent scandal with Former Minister Johnson.
Heather: My killer varies. Sometimes, its a teenage girl with red eyes. Other times, its Paul
Keating, and one time it was Bryan. (shudders) I long for sleep. (ENTER Nothingness)
Reporter(offstage): -has escaped his cell. If you see him, report to the police immediately.
(Nothingness strolls over to Heather) he is believed to be highly dangerous-
Nothingness: Greetings. (Heather is startled by his voice)
Heather: Sorry, I- (she recognizes him) what do you want?
Nothingness: A moment of your time.
Heather: I'm not stupid enough to fall for your lies.
Nothingness: No, none of that. I have information about a friend of yours.
Heather: Thats nice.
Nothingness: I promise its worth your time.
Heather: Speak, Paul Keating.
Nothingness: Edgars an accomplice to the murder of Abraham Zefania.
Heather: And Im the Princess of England.
Nothingness: Sarcasm doesn't win friends, Heather.
Heather: Were not friends, now leave me alone.
Nothingness: Do you remember Emily Morgan and the burnt out diner?
Heather: Course I do, she died along with Bryan.
Nothingness: Except she didn't, neither one of us did. With him gone, we're free to do whatever
we want. Emilys decided to enact her vengeance on the world, and Mr. Backmans very much
sympathetic to her cause.
Heather: Thats why you showed up so suddenly...
Nothingness: Yep. And my rhetoric isn't wrong. The people are starting to wise up to the
Heather: Thanks for the information about Edgar, whatever you are, but I really must be going-
Nothingness: A revolution is stirring, Heather. Be prepared. (ENTER Edgar in bed)
Heather: Ok- (ENTER Man, who shoots at Heather. All bullets miss, and Heather plays dead.
EXIT Man, muffled sounds of gunfire and screaming can be heard in Left Wing. Nothingness
turns to face the audience as Heather runs off).
Nothingness: Malicious anarchy has been tearing this country apart, born from the wounds of
the past. The undesirable elite continue to recklessly pour salt into these cuts for their benefit.
(ENTER Man, now shot dead) Thankfully, I am the cure. I shall whip the people into a frenzy,
and well cause a blood-filled chaos of our own; one that brings the government back to the
citizens. But first, I must make my persona more appealable to the masses. (a large crowd
gathers around Man) Long ago, I considered Emilys rampage to be abhorrent. Only now do I
realize, with a little control, I can use her to my advantage. (Nothingness stomps his foot. The
man is revived. The crowd gasps)
Man(ensemble): The Lightkeeper has returned! (EXIT Nothingness & crowd. Lights on Edgar)
Edgar: We had our thing today, didnt we? Damn it. (His phone rings. He answers. Lights on
Heather: Where were you?
Edgar: Mustve overslept.
Heather: Paul Keating spoke to me today. Said he was one of Bryans personalities, and that
you and Emily killed Abraham.
Edgar: Hes right (He hangs up. EXIT Heather) There goes your potential friendship with her.
Why do you do this to yourself Edgar? Why am I so pathetic? (ENTER Emily) No.
Emily: Get of of bed, we have work to do.
Edgar: Whyd you kill Abraham?
Emily: He was a wicked man, and so is his daughter.
Edgar: Go away.
Emily: She was a willing participant in Project Altius exploits.
Edgar: I won't let you hurt another one. (Emily pounces on him. Edgar cries out in pain)
Emily: Listen Edgar. She, Johnson, and Zefania are the reason Bryan and Clara are dead.
Don't you want vengeance? (ENTER Cassius & Jack)
Edgar: Get off of me or ill scream. (Emily covers his mouth)
Emily: Do that and your father loses his throat. I know lots of things about him, Backman. Your
father is not an innocent man. He should die along the rest (her tone changes), but I care about
you. (getting off him), Please. We need to find the address. Don't force me to hurt Gordon.
Edgar: Fine. Lets get this over with. (Blackout on bed. Lights on Cassius and Jack. The two are
Cassius: I'm worried about her, Jack. She hasn't answered my texts in days,
Jack: Give her more time. (he tries to comfort him, but Cassius shoves him off)
Cassius: No. Not now.
Jack: Its gonna be ok.
Cassius: My fathers gone forever, and we hated him so much! And my sister, oh god Norma-
Jack: Well all get through this. I promise. (ENTER Edgar & Emily, listening in. ENTER Norma in
her house, preset)
Cassius: And Lance, Im worried for him.
Jack: Hes going through a phase right now. Besides, hes too young to join the Peacekeepers.
(Cassius shakes his head) Why don't we visit Norma sometime?
Cassius: Thatd be great. Whats her address again?
Edgar & Jack: 21534 Quarry Avenue. (Emily pats Edgar on the shoulder, Cassius suddenly
kisses Jack. Blackout. EXIT all but Norma, whos clearly drunk)
Norma: Hope Cassy stops textin me. Not in the mood to talk to anyone. Hey, hope hes least
happy. And Edgar, and Heather, and Jack. Poor kids. Shouldn't a gone through that crap. (she
picks up a journal on her desk. ENTER Abraham) This really from Abe? Who knows. Dear diary,
I write this to provide an accurate testimony of my motives...
Abraham(evil) & Norma: Once Johnson kicks the bucket, Ill rule supreme. First, Congress
goes away. Then, the people lose their rights. Ill lock em all up in camps, but leave a way for
them to escape. To rebel, and theyll kill me and my goons. At the end of the day, Ill destroy this
country's government, all in the name of anarchy. (Abraham laughs. EXIT Abraham. ENTER
Emily with a crowbar)
Norma: Sounds bout right. (Emily knocks on door) Who is it? (No response) Why you gotta
make me get up? Don't ya know I'm drunk off my ass? Damn kid, just open the door and-
(Norma opens the door and is immediately clubbed over the head. Norma collapses behind the
couch. Emily bludgeons a screaming Norma to death. When the deed is finished, Emily steps
back, shocked. ENTER The Journalist).
Journalist: Emily, stop! (She looks up. Goes from shock to fury)
Emily: Here to join your fellow parasite?
Journalist: Emily, its me, The Lightkeeper. (Emily ignores and runs towards him. He dodges a
swing) I forgive you for killing me. (She continues to swing at him) I understand you were trying
to protect yourself. I get it, but this isn't the answer. You need to surrender. (Emily stops, and
drops the crowbar)
Emily: I'm sorry.
Journalist: Thats it. (He approaches her) When this is all over, Ill persuade The Timekeeper to
go easy on you. Shell listen to me, I assure you. (Emily suddenly pulls out the knife, and stabs
Emily: You were better off staying dead. (She pulls the knife out. He collapses to the ground,
trying to cling onto life. Sound of sirens nearby. EXIT Emily. Blackout)
Scene Three
(ENTER Omar & Edgar. The latter is sitting on a couch watching Omar)
Omar: August 8th. Good afternoon, people of America. I have been asked to announce the
following deaths of Norma Zefania, bludgeoned with a crowbar, and Clarance, killed by a
neurotoxin. His identity is still unknown. Fortunately, the security cameras within Normas house
were able to detect their killer; a teenage girl named Emily. (Her picture is enlarged on the
screen) If you see this girl, report her to the authorities immediately. She is a highly dangerous
fugitive who is also linked to the death of Abraham Zefania. Stay safe, America. (Lights off
Omar, he turns his back from audience)
Edgar: The peoplell never know my involvement. (pulling out a bottle of pills) I could chug you
all down, and die right here. You know what Ill do. (he throws the bottle offstage) Doing that so
would be selfish and wrong. I still have a father, and my death would break his heart. Hes all I
have left. (ENTER Emily & Nothingness) Its for the best.
Emily: Edgar.(Edgar looks at them)
Edgar: Never again.
Emily: Wait-
Edgar: Get out of my house! (beat)
Nothingness(fuming): Listen-
Emily: I know. (Nothingness controls his anger) You have every right to hate us. (she moves
closer to him) I'm sorry for tackling you, that was rude. Most importantly, I'm sorry about
threatening your father's life. It was a really scummy thing to do, and I did it because I didn't
know how else to make you listen to me.
Edgar(suspicious): Ok. Apology accepted. What about Cassius?
Emily: That wouldn't go over well, so Ill send him an email.
Nothingness: How considerate.
Emily: Its the thought that counts. Anyway, Edgar, can I tell you a secret of mine? (She looks at
Nothingness, who nods)
Edgar: What is it?
Emily: I love you. (beat. Palace room should be preset behind curtain)
Edgar: What did you say?
Emily: I have feelings for you. Do you?
Edgar(lies): From the minute I first met you. (Emily, suddenly overjoyed, hugs him)
Emily: You don't know how much this means to me! (she lets him go) Sorry, I got carried away.
But just imagine it, Eddy, all the things we could do together. All those romantic things couples
do together. Lets see, lets see...
Edgar(Scared): Go watch a movie-
Emily: Yes, of course! But theres more, more. We could go on vacations. When the Earth gets
warmer in a few years, we could vacation to someplace nice. Like Hawaii. Rent out a nice little
house, when were adults. We could all sorts of things in a house in this day and age.
Nothingness: Like having sex?
Emily(revolted): No! No sex in our relationship, you creep! (The insult silently angers
Nothingness) You can agree to that, Eddy, can you?
Edgar(Still scared): Yep.
Emily: Its a violating experience, I don't understand why so many people-
Nothingness: The wicked are everywhere, and they must be stopped. (Emily faces
Emily: When I was running away from Normas house, I remembered her screams. Those were
not the screams of a villain, but of an innocent.
Nothingness: Don't you want redemption?
Emily: I don't want to hurt anyone else. Its not right-
Nothingness: Then Ill have to report you to the police. (Emily tries to speak) My career would
certainly advance if I marched you straight into jail. How about that, Emily?
Emily(scared): You're right, the wicked really are everywhere.
Nothingness(smiling): Ill be waiting outside. (EXIT Nothingness)
Emily: Come on, Eddy. (she grabs his hand. Edgar pulls back)
Edgar: Please don't take me.
Emily: Itll be easier if you come along. Lets call this our first date, ok? (Edgar nods) When we
kill one more, well run away and hide. He won't catch us. (EXIT Emily with Edgar. Spotlight
back on Omar, who moves centerstage. Behind the curtain, Palace Room should be preset.
ENTER Omar, Timekeeper sitting in two chairs. Calm, peaceful music is playing).
Timekeeper: Let us hope shell be fit to rule. (ENTER Franklin)
Omar: Lovely afternoon, isn't it Franklin?
Franklin: Timekeeper, General Hyperia. Why have you summoned me?
Timekeeper: We wish to inaugurate you to Prime Minister.
Omar: So you can finish out Johnson's term.
Franklin: I see. But Timekeeper, where have you been this past month? The country needs you
more then ever.
Timekeeper: Ive realized I must make the world less dependent on me.
Omar: Weve been contemplating it since The Great War.
Franklin: Why now of all times? What about Paul Keating? A rising number of the American
population is listening to his rhetoric.
Omar: So far, our efforts to disprove his agenda have fallen on deaf ears.
Franklin: How do you suppose we stop him?
Omar: Thats a good question.
Timekeeper: Sadly, that is all we can provide you right now. In all my years, I have never seen
another gifted individual with the ability to resurrect their fellow man.
Franklin: Could it be that hes The Lightkeeper resurrected?
Timekeeper: Nonsense.
Franklin: Then what happened to him? (beat. Timekeeper sighs) Shall I repeat myself?
Omar: No. He operated under the alias Clarance till his death. (Franklin gasps)
Timekeeper: We found out two days ago. Even a being such as myself is still lost for words. He
was my best friend.
Franklin: I don't know what alternative is better; him turning into a fear monger, or a murderer.
Omar: Least a fear mongers hands are clean of blood.
Franklin: Not of second hand gore.
Omar(angry): Least that conmen didn't- (he doesn't finish the sentence)
Franklin: Sir, Ive lost much of my family to The Great War. What I learned is simple; you can
not cling onto the past. Wash it out of your body. Remember it, perhaps, but clinging onto it only
leads to downfall.
Timekeeper: To not learn from the past is unwise and dangerous. We screwed up with McCain
and especially Johnson.
Franklin: I won't be like either one of them.
Timekeeper: We don't believe that. In fact, we want you to see the tape of The Lightkeepers
Franklin(happy): I always wanted to know.
Timekeeper: Consider yourself one of the first to see it.
Omar: You won't have that smile for long. (Timekeeper inserts the tape into the video player.
ENTER Lightkeeper) Everyone who sees it, never does. (Timekeeper moves towards
Lightkeeper. EXIT Omar. Franklin stays seated, reacting to the action in front of her)
Lightkeeper: Darkness is stirring in the air, friend. I can feel it.
Timekeeper: Explain.
Lightkeeper: The American Prime Ministers story about undiscovered nuclear bunkers? Lies.
We should impeach that man.
Timekeeper: Have you grown paranoid of humanity?
Lightkeeper: I live a one sided relationship with them. Rarely do I receive any thanks for my
services. All I get is scorn, fear, hate, even from the gifted individuals. (pulls out a newspaper)
read this; The Lightkeeper Continues to Taunt Us With Lies and Pipe Dreams. Tell me, when
was the last time a human set foot upon our doors? People are dying every day, and their
relatives would rather let them rot then fix the problem.
Timekeeper: Many are merely procrastinating. Well receive business in the summer. Have faith
in the mortals.
Lightkeeper: This is different, my friend. How can you not see that? Ive been trying to have
faith, but our friends below have fallen prey to fear. And look at us, standing around merely
Timekeeper: Because it isn't our problem. Remember that. (ENTER Omar with Jack, now
wearing poor-looking civilian clothing, & Bryan. The latter appears sickly, dirtier, is wearing
poorer looking clothes, and is holding his head. Hell talk as if he were 3 years younger) Major
Hyperia, who are these two?
Omar: Mr. Jack Watson, and his child, Bryan Hayes. Explain your situation, sir. (Jack kneels
before Lightkeeper)
Jack: Lightkeeper, please, my boy is deathly ill. If you don't do something, hell perish.
Timekeeper: No need to kneel, get up. (Jack stands up, nodding)
Lightkeeper: Whats the matter with him?
Jack: The doctors tell me its a incurable brain tumor. Please sir, he doesn't have long.
Lightkeeper: Do you believe Id send you away?
Omar: Thats what he was rambling on about.
Lightkeeper: Nonsense. I would never turn anyone away. No matter their social status.
Jack: If I had money, Bryan and I wouldn't look so bad. (looking below him) Jeez, I must be
dirtying up these nice, clean floors. I forgot what cleanliness looked like.
Lightkeeper: Omar, fetch this man some nice clothes. Allow him access to a bath. And before
you go, I must ask. Hows your wife doing?
Omar(taken back by question): Great. Shes finishing up her business trip in Virginia. She
appreciates your Forest Reserve in Westmound, by the way. (To Jack) Follow me, sir (EXIT
Omar & Jack. Lightkeeper starts the healing, represented the same way as in Scene Eleven)
Lightkeeper: You're not a talker, are you?
Bryan: No.
Lightkeeper: Hows Jack as a father?
Bryan: Tries hard. Hes been hoping to find a man with money.
Timekeeper: If we could, wed remove the currency system, so people don't suffer from
Lightkeeper: How did you two fall into disrepair?
Bryan: Dad lost his job.
Lightkeeper: Who were you adopted from?
Bryan: Dad says my first parents were killed by bad people. He won't show me their graves.
Lightkeeper: Interesting. Do you question this?
Bryan: Should I?
Lightkeeper: Not exactly. (Lights return to normal) All done! How do you feel?
Bryan: Much better. Thank yo- (Bryan freezes up)
Lightkeeper: Is something the matter? (EXIT Bryan. ENTER Emily)
Emily: No sir, nothings wrong.
Timekeeper: Lying will do you no good, child.
Lightkeeper: Let me see (Lightkeeper gently grabs Emily, who struggles. He puts his hand over
his forehead) Oh dear. It appears someone else is inhabiting his body.
Emily: No no sir, its me, Bryan Hayes.
Timekeeper: Another one with DID?
Lightkeeper: Looks like it. (Emily breaks free, only to run for the door. Timekeeper stops her in
place) enough of that. Release him.
Timekeeper: Cure him first.
Lightkeeper: Fine enough. What do you call yourself?
Emily: Please don't hurt me.
Lightkeeper: Cases like yours can be dangerous to the host mind.
Emily: I am the host. My name is Emily Morgan.
Lightkeeper: Either way, you and Bryan will be combined into one.
Emily: No, don't do that! Youll kill us!
Lightkeeper: Its for the best, my child.
Emily: Let me go! (Lightkeeper approaches her) I said, let me- (she breaks free of Timekeepers
power. Timekeeper is shocked. Emily grabs a knife, pointing it at Lightkeeper) Stay back.
(Lightkeeper moves towards her) I'm warning you. (Lightkeeper doesn't listen. He tries to disarm
her, only to get stabbed in the heart. Lightkeeper collapses to the floor)
Lightkeeper: I tried ... to help you...(dies)
Timekeeper: What have you done?
Emily: I'm sorry! I didn't know itd happen! (ENTER Omar & Jack)
Omar: I heard a thump and- (notices The Lightkeeper) What happened?
Timekeeper: This child killed him! (Jack & Omar gasp)
Omar: Impossible...
Timekeeper: Open your damn eyes, Omar. See the wound. See his bloody knife. (Omar grabs
Jack: I didn't mean any harm!
Omar: Who are you working for?
Jack: No one! Please sir, don't hurt my kid.
Timekeeper: Why shouldn't we? Do you know what hes done? (Timekeeper grabs & disarms
Emily, who struggles)
Omar: Hes right, don't hurt him. If his fathers lying, well get the truth out of him.
Jack: Please, my son has had problems like this before. His parents, they sexually abused him.
He isn't able to think straight. The other people in his mind, theyre prone to violence.
Emily: No Im not! (Jack tries to speak) I didn't know hed die! Hes survived worse. Please, I
was only trying to protect us.
Timekeeper: Fine. (She throws Emily to the side, who freezes up) For two weeks well keep you
two here. Omar and I shall determine the veracity of your statements. If either one of you
attempt to leave, youll be killed on sight. (EXIT Emily. ENTER Bryan) Understand?
Jack: Yes. I'm sorry this happened. (Timekeeper ignores him. She stares at Lightkeepers body)
Bryan: Dad, whats going on? (Omar lets go of Jack)
Jack: Son, were going to staying here for a while, ok- (Timekeeper & Omar return to their seats.
EXIT Bryan, Jack, & Lightkeeper. Omar & Timekeeper are shaken. Franklin is shocked)
Franklin: That girls name...
Omar: Now you know. The truth hurts, doesn't it?
Timekeeper: The tests we did on Emily proved she had no reality warping attributes thatd allow
her to murder him. Therefore, it has led me to conclude that keepers can only die if we let
something harm us. If only I had known about his melancholy...
Omar: Keep your spirits high, you have to.
Franklin: We will bring this country out of the darkness. We will bring that girl to justice.
Timekeeper: Well see, First, we want you to release everything pertaining to The Lightkeeper.
The tape, his true identity after death. All you can.
Franklin: A fantastic idea.
Omar: Let us hope thisll quell the people's doubts and regain their trust in all of us.
Franklin: It has to. (grabs the tape) Farewell. (EXIT Franklin)
Omar: Her life will be hell for the next few years. (Blackout. EXIT Omar & Timekeeper)
Scene Four
(ENTER Heather with a journal. She looks worse then before. Rick, and Ensemble are preset)
Heather: August 27th. How quickly have the tides turned, for just weeks ago everyone hated
Paul Keating. Now most of us are kissing his feet. On one hand, Mr. Keating raises some good
points, and another Lightkeeper is very tempting. Unfortunately, this man is not like that warm,
compassionate man. No, Keatings soul gleams with sinister intent, driven by a fiery passion.
(ENTER Nothingness. Lights on Nothingness and Co).
Rick: Everyone, take your' seats! (This is Nothingness rally)
Heather: At this point, I think I'm the only one to see this. Everyone else is blind to the truth.
Either they see no wrong in Keating, or are in denial that anything is wrong.
Rick(to Heather, not recognizing her): You, take your seat already! (Heather quickly does so.
Rick will occasionally stare at her for the rest of the scene)
Heather: I refuse to sit by and watch the chaos unfold on my TV. Twice have I visited his rallies
Reporter(Ensemble): We bring you live to a rally of one superstar Paul Keating.
Heather: I hope that reporter doesn't recognize me.
Citizen #1: Mr. Keating, my child is suffering from a rare form of cancer, could you see him after
this rally?
Citizen #2: My daughter was shot dead for her money. Id love to have her back.
Citizen #3: My wife miscarried. Can you bring back fetuses?
Citizen #6: For gods sake, stop saying things, help us! (Nothingness ignores him, the crowd
pushes them away)
Reporter: As you can see, several citizens have been asking for his service. Mr. Keating, when
do you expect to follow through with your help?
Rick: When weve cleaned up the muck on top! (Nothingness nods. All but Heather & Reporter
Nothingness: Precisely. (Reporter steps behind his tripod mounted camera) It is our duty, my
good people, to realize when our government is no longer about the people, but for themselves.
Tragically, we have reached that point, when we must fear the same people sworn in to protect
and serve our interests. When we must ponder how could this happen? Whatd I do wrong?
My friends, do not blame yourselves, for he correct phrasing is What they did wrong. (crowd
Heather: I'll admit, he speaks well. To think he came from Bryan..
Nothingness: We are all victims of Corruption, whose vile tentacles spread into all sectors of
government. She bore her heinous seeds, and out of them sprouted traitors. May we remember
the crimes of Former Minister Johnson? Unlike her predecessor, she was not punished for her
crimes, and if wasn't for one Norma Zefania, she would still be on top, killing all those that stood
in her way.
Heather: What if he has a point?
Nothingness: We would still have criminals, like Bryan Hayes and Clara Norton, roaming the
streets. Our good friend The Lightkeeper, had done a massive service in neutralizing them.
Heather: The hell? They weren't criminals!
Nothingness: But of course, the right way is the wrong way in the elites eyes. For his valiant
service to this country, he was murdered in cold blood by Emily Morgan. This assassin for hire
is,also responsible for the deaths of Senator Gerald, Aaron Neilson, Abraham Zefania, and his
child. They all knew the truth of our government's corruption, and were silenced before the truth
could speak.
Heather: What is wrong with you, Heather? Stop listening to these people! And speak out,
speak out dammit.
Nothingness: The Timekeeper has been compromised, forced to suck the fluids from our
governments uterus. She cant help us now, but all of you can. My good friends, my best
friends, follow the example of The Lightkeeper. Take up your guns. Take up your weapons. It is
time to avenge our fallen. It is time to drive out the Russians and the Chinese. It is time, it is
time, to take our government back! (The crowd cheers. They start running off, excited for whats
to come. EXIT all Ensemble. Heather tries to run with them, however...)
Rick: Hey. (Heather turns to face him) Ive seen you before. Could you lower your scarf?
Heather: No sir, its too cold. (Rick moves closer, trying to place her)
Rick: Whats your name?
Heather: Mary... Mary Lafell. (Rick grabs her arm. Nothingness observes the situation)
Rick: Who are you- (he lowers the scarf, and gasps. Hes finally recognized her) Why are you
Heather: Let me go!
Rick: Are you spying for the government?
Heather: No-
Rick: You are! I bet you were gonna spy on those folk. (Heather tries to speak) Shut up.
Lombardi. All youll do is lie, lie, lie! (Heather continues to struggle)
Heather: The world's gone mad!
Rick: Our eyes are open.
Nothingness: Let her go. (Rick looks at him) Please. (He does so) I know this girl. I assure you
she is not a spy to anyone. However, since the two of us are friends, Id like her to do me a little
Heather: What.
Nothingness: When the guns start firing, help us.
Heather: Not on your life. (EXIT Heather, running off. Nothingness contains his anger)
Rick: Shell pay for that!
Nothingness: When the guns start firing, drop by her house. Do not harm her in any way, I will
find out if you do. Her address is 31076 Coral Street. (Exit Rick. Blackout)
Scene Five;
(Nothingness moves down center stage, talking to the audience. Spotlight on him)
Nothingness: September 13th. Heather was kidnapped by Rick and his cronies three days
ago. I don't take no for an answer. (ENTER Heather, Rick, and five Revolutionists. Four of them
are the citizens from the previous scene. Building of a fort is preset) The revolution has sparked
all throughout America. Cities are going up in flames. Glorious flames that cleanse the soul of
man. Best of all, its spread far and wide into the capitol, whose buildings have been decorated
wonderfully. Try as she might, The Timekeeper cannot stop us, and will be consumed by the
fires of revolution. (EXIT Nothingness. Lights on rest of stage. The background is the cityscape,
but the sky is red and some of the buildings are on fire)
Rick: Status on the fort?
Rev #1: Almost complete!
Rev. #2: Just a few more stones.
Rick: Men, women, I want you all to stop building. (they all look at him) All of you should pat
yourselves on the back. We are making history, unprecedented for hundreds of years. Our Old
World ancestors were weak, bowing down to fear and ignorance. They elected a tyrant who
blew them all the pieces. One year ago, McCain tried to continue that fools legacy, and was
stopped. Now, The Timekeepers continuing this legacy, and for that, we must carve out our
destiny. We must embody our ancestors from the 18th century.
Heather: Certainly.
Rev. #3: When we instill Mr. Keating, I want the education system revamped. Well put an
emphasis on old history. Its important to hear the tales of the past, so we don't repeat them.
Rick: Paul and I will be doing so much good in the coming years. Just you wait.
Rev. #1: Well give our children a safe country to live in.
Rev #2: Well restore the ties with our fellow Europeans.
Rev #3: Well revive our brave soldiers, and toughen up the rest.
Rev #4: Well save our dying ecosystem and figure out better energy sources.
Rev #5: Well get rid of all the traitors. (#4 gasps)
Rick: Yes, thats the most important. Were thinking to execute most, if not all members of the
current government.
Heather: What about Omar Hyperia?
Rick: A true patriot. He will be spared.
Rev #1: I don't know. Something about him rubs me wrong.
Rev #2: At least save Franklin.
Rick: She will continue Johnson's legacy. Do you want that, or a fresh new start?
Rev #5: Have faith in Paul Keating. Hes gonna fix all our problems.
Commander(offstage): All of you! Your revolution is faltering.
Rick: Everyone, into positions.
Commander(Offstage): This is your only warning. Surrender your guns peacefully, and step
out of your base of operations with your hands behind the back of your heads. Do not throw
away your lives for a dying cause.
Rick: Their words are lies! On my command, fire and do not stop. (They duck underneath the
windows) One, two, three, fire! (A gunfight ensues. A grenade is thrown towards them. Rev #4
jumps on it, dying from the blast. Rev #2 is shot in the head. All but Heather fire for a few more
moments. When dust settles, three revolutionists grabs Heather and they go out to investigate)
None of you deserved these fates. (ENTER Rev #3 and Rev #1 holding a struggling Lance.
ENTER Heather and Rev #5 with Gordon. Both groups throw Lance & Gordon before Rick.
Heather looks at Gordon with anguish)
Lance: Let me go, let me go! (Rev #1 and Heather throw Lance before Rick)
Rick: Identity yourself.
Lance: L-L- (Rick slaps him)
Rick: Speak up, traitor.
Lance: You're the damn traitor! (Rev #5 kicks him in the back. ENTER Jack on Edge of
Downstage Right)
Rick: Tie his hands up. Did he have a radio on him?
Rev #1: Yes sir. (Rev #1 hands him the radio)
Rick(To Gordon): What about you? (Rev #3 & #5 throw Gordon towards Rick)
Gordon: I'm only looking for my son. These folks offered me protection. We were traveling
through this area till your men rained fire upon us.
Rev #5: Bullshit, you all had every intention to kill us. Look at these bodies.
Gordon: If you had put your guns down, they wouldn't of died. (Rev #3 punches Gordon)
Rev #3: Well shoot you for that!
Gordon: You were going to anyway. (to Heather) Theyll turn on you if you don't-
Rick: Enough, I hear someone on the radio. (Rick moves away from the rest. Moves to
Downstage Left Edge)
Jack: -is anyone there?
Rick: Rick Harris speaking. Who are you?
Jack: Captain Jack Watson. You're speaking- (ENTER Cassius)
Cassius: Give me the radio. (Cassius grabs it out of his hands)
Jack: What are you-
Cassius: Shut up. (Speaks through the radio. Jack stands beside him, dumbfounded) Major
Cassius Zefania. Who are you?
Rick: Rick Harris. I'm sorry about your sister-
Cassius: What do you want?
Rick: Lets make a trade.
Cassius: Ok.
Rick: I have two of your privates hostage; Gordon Backman, and an anonymous kid. Theyre
both worthless to us, so we may execute them. However, if you give us the information of Prime
Minister Franklins and much of congress's whereabouts, well spare these two's lives.
Cassius: No.
Rick: Are you sure? Neither one deserve to die.
Cassius: Even if I had the locale, I wouldn't give it to scum like you.
Rick: We can figure something else out. For instance-
Cassius: Not my problem. (Cassius turns off communication. Turns to Jack, with a look of
shock and horror) Whats wrong with you? (EXIT Jack, storming off. EXIT Cassius, following
him. Rick moves back to the crowd, talking to Lance & Gordon)
Rick: I'm sorry, but your superiors have not only refused our demands, but will not hear any
other. Therefore, we have no choice but to execute both of you.
Heather: But why do that?
Rick: They have no use to us, and if we let them go-
Heather: Mr. Backman wasn't armed at all when we found him. He put up no struggle, and was
hiding behind some rubble.
Rev #5: Shes right. But-
Rick: I don't want to hear it. One of you, release this man, he really is a civilian. (Heather does
so) We wish you the best of luck on finding your son.
Gordon(to Heather): I hope you get out of this mess. (Exit Gordon running offstage)
Rev #5: What if he leads another platoon to us?
Rick: They know our location anyway, lets get ready for a counterattack. (He starts to leave,
until he hears the Revs. talking about him)
Rev #1: Hes going soft.
Rev #3: No, hes letting that bitch control him.
Rev #5: No, hes always been soft.
Rick: That isn't true, we must draw the line somewhere!
Heather: Yes, and we shouldn't hurt the other one. I mean, he looks younger then me, and we
all know kids are easily manipulatable.
Lance: They did! Please sirs, they said I would be worthless if I didn't join, and I haven't been
thinking straight for the past three months.
Rick: Release him too. Hes just a boy who didn't know better.
Rev #1: I won't agree to this.
Rev #3: Kindness and war do not operate on the same page.
Rev #5: Sir, sacrifices must be made. (Rev #5 shoots Rick. Lance freaks out and tries to run off,
only for all three to shoot him)
Heather: Jesus Christ!
Rev #3: You are not a friend to Paul Keating.
Lance: Please, please... (Heather throws herself in front of their bullets, being hit with several of
them in the leg and chest)
Heather: Stop this! (ENTER Timekeeper)
Rev #1: Paul Keating would do the same- (Timekeeper freezes all but Heather and Lance in
place. ENTER Gordon & Peacekeepers)
Timekeeper: Paul Keating has done nothing but cause anarchy and chaos within a dying
nation. (Heather & a medic try to treat Lance and herself) I understand all of your frustrations.
However, violent revolution will do nothing but blow more holes in our gaping wounds. (Lance
pushes them away, starts coughing) Lay down your weapons, and we will prove to you that this
new government is the opposite of all the others.
Heather: Your name is Lance, isn't it?
Lance: What are you doing, I'm worth nothing. Please save yourself.
Heather: Your wounds are worse, stop struggling.
Lance: My life has gone into shambles. My superiors were my father's, and its clear they don't
want me. (continues to cough)
Heather: Nonsense, Jack Watson loves you.
Lance: Don't speak as if you know my life. Cassius doesn't care for me, and neither does Jack.
Timekeeper: Can he be saved? (Peacekeeper shakes their head sadly)
Heather: But I do.
Lance: Really?
Heather: Yes. When this mess is over and were both still alive, lets get to know each other
better. Nothing romantic, but maybe platonic instead?
Lance: Wow. Its been awhile since anyone said that. (starts fading away, Heather tries
desperately to heal him) I was told all the time that I was desperate for attention. But If I had
someone like you, though? I wouldn't be like that. (coughs) You remind me of my sister,
Heather, you're someone thats nice and caring. Oh, I'm so happy, I cant wait to see her... (he
Timekeeper(aside): This all couldve been prevented. (To Gordon) Mr. Backman, we will take
care of your son's search.
Gordon: What if I find him with that murderer?
Timekeeper: My soldiers will alert me if you do, now lets go.
Gordon: Heather, I don't want you to be alone out here. Could you come with us? (Heather
nods, and gets up, limping)
Timekeeper: Follow these two, theyll drive you to safety. For now, I must clear out the rest of
this violence.(Blackout. EXIT ALL)
Scene Six
(ENTER Cassius)
Cassius: Look at this mess, that's what the countries become. The Privates think that the
revolutionists will listen to The Timekeeper. Fools. They only listen to Keating, (ENTER Jack,
storming on) since the truth is a foreign concept to each one of em- (Jack shoves papers into
his face)
Jack(angry): Our son died because of you!
Cassius: The business with Rick Harris, is it?
Jack: They riddled him with bullets and no paramedic could save him.
Cassius(cold): What else was I supposed to do, give in to their demands? Those savages
wouldve massacred every last senator they saw. We told Lance not to do anything stupid, didn't
we? Well look what happened.
Jack: You could have given them false coords, but you didn't think of that, did you?
Cassius: I considered it, but-
Jack: Between the two of us I was always the one caring for our children. You contributed
nothing but apathy towards them, and had you helped me, we could have convinced Lance out
of that platoon. I tried to help you fix your problems. I tried to help you grieve about Norma and
Abraham. But all youve done is slap my hand away, and I can't take it anymore. You lost any
likable quality you had, and replaced it with hatred and abuse. Good bye. (EXIT Jack, storming
off. Cassius watches him. He moves to center stage)
Cassius: Thats it then. Ive lost everyone in my life. My best friend, my father, my sister, my
son, and now my husband. Perhaps my family name is poisoned, tarnished by some ancestors
foul deed. No, thats silly, its all my fault. I couldnt prevent any one of their deaths, all of which
were stoppable had I been there. But I wasnt. Now Im wandering the streets, hoping some
trigger happy mad man shoots me. (ENTER Heather, Gordon, and Peacekeepers) When that
happens, Ill make sure to apologize to every single one of them.
Peacekeeper(Ensemble): Major Zefania? Why are you outside of your base?
Cassius: Oh, I was taking a little stroll.
Heather: With all this going on?
Gordon: Sir, I think you should come with us. (ENTER Edgar & Emily, who see the crowd of
characters. They hide. The two look dirty and bruised. Edgar is now suffering from Stockholm
Cassius: I don't take orders from a citizen.
Peacekeeper: Hes not wrong, you need to come with us, then well get you transported back to
your base.
Cassius: Where are you transporting these two?
Peacekeeper: To Omar.
Cassius: Very well, Ill come along. (EXIT Heather, Gordon, Cassius, and Peacekeepers. Emily
and Edgar come out of hiding)
Emily: Wow, didn't even sense us.
Edgar: I could almost laugh at their blindness.
Emily: No no, doing so would attract them back. And if they come back, theyll take me away,
and then Ill be alone. I cant imagine being alone with him, I have nightmares about it.
Edgar: I dread losing you everyday.
Emily: We won't have to worry about that. That mad men is too busy causing all sorts of chaos,
and well use this unlawfulness to hitch a ride out of this country.
Edgar: Then well settle someplace nice, where no one can hurt us. (ENTER Nothingness)
Emily: Somewhere free of murder. Now lets keep moving. The way out of here is-
Nothingness: Nowhere (the two turn around, the background turns into a gray void)
Emily(angry): You!
Nothingness: Look at the both of you, such a cute couple. Honestly, I'm baffled.
Emily: Stay the hell away from us.
Nothingness: How a pair of children has evaded everyone and everything for over a month. I
bet its cause of you. (pointing at Edgar) I always knew you had a brain in your head, unlike the
broad next to you. (Emily becomes more furious)
Edgar: Shes just as smart as me-
Emily: What do you want?
Nothingness: All I need is one more favor; kill Omar Hyperia, Prime Minister Franklin, her
husband, and kid. They are all wicked.
Emily: Hell no, we want nothing to do with it.
Nothingness: This isn't a yes or no-
Emily: I don't care! How about you do something good with yourself?
Nothingness: I am, but I need help.
Emily: Get someone else! Youve already ruined my life, so how about you leave us alone, or
else Ill do you in! (beat)
Nothingness: Really? After all Ive done for you...
Edgar: All youve done-
Nothingness: Is give the best possible treatment for her. (Edgar tries to speak) I didn't want
any of this, Emily. It was you who caused it, all of your suffering.
Emily: But- (Nothingness slowly walks towards her, until he is in her face. He becomes
progressively angry in his lines)
Nothingness: I tried so hard to convince you out of killing Abe. I freaking tried! But no, you
insisted on having that poor man murdered. You insisted that you had to redeem yourself, you
had to avenge Bryan. You had to avenge a criminal, one that abused you.
Emily: You told me to-
Nothingness: No I didn't! You just think that because you want to remain guilt free. After all, its
all about you; Emily, the girl who can do no wrong. Emily, the fool who let-
Emily: Why would you call me that?
Nothingness: Because its true. You let that bastard abuse you, and he screwed up your head.
Made you think things that I know aren't true, because unlike you, I know this world. Its one
filled with insects who cannibalize one another for power, domination, love. Things like you,
Emily, are the epitome of this world.
Emily: I, I'm not. I can't be-
Nothingness: Then why did you hurt all those people? Because of you, I had to step in, and put
a target on my head
Emily: That's on you-
Nothingness: No, your hubris forced my hand! And if you don't stop it with the attitude, Ill
march you straight to the police. How about that, you stupid bitch?
Emily: Why do you have to say that to me? Why can't you be nice to me?
Nothingness(his tone much softer): Because I care about your wellbeing, and were past the
point of niceties. I don't mean any of those harsh words, its only to get your attention. Do I have
your attention now?
Emily: Yes, you do.
Nothingness: Tell ya what, if you pay Omar a visit, Ill transport you two somewhere far away,
where youll be safe and sound. How does that sound?
Emily: Fine, Ill do it.
Nothingness: Thats my girl. If youll excuse me, I have business to attend to. (ENTER Jack,
running on. Gunfire can be heard) Ah, here he is. (Nothingness grabs him)
Jack: For christ sake, what are you doing?
Nothingness: I have some friends Id love for you to meet. (EXIT Nothingness with Jack,
towards gunfire)
Edgar: Hes better off dead-
Emily: Don't say that!. Never once has he lied to me, and he has a really nice side. When I
mentioned those nightmares, thats only when I'm on his bad side. the times when he is an
asshole, its really rare. Besides, what if hes right? Now come on, lets find Cassius and his
company, and then well pay Omar a little visit...(EXIT Edgar & Emily)
Scene Seven:
(ENTER Gordon, on a couch. They are at Gordon's house, waiting out the morning)
Gordon: Why am I sitting here, instead of looking for him? I can imagine it now. Hes out there;
cold, hungry, scared for his life. Does he think of me? Why should he, I haven't been the
greatest father to him. What if hes dead? No, no, don't think of that. Its time to sleep away this
dreadful night. (He sleeps. ENTER Edgar. He looks around, and is about to exit. Until he notices
the couch. Upon closer inspection, he sees Gordon)
Edgar: Dad? (Gordon is startled, waking up. Edgar hides)
Gordon: Hello? Is anyone there? No one. (sigh) Ghosts from the past. If Im gone, will they still
look for him? (he lays there)
Edgar(aside): I know what Ill do; give Emily false coordinates, then use that distraction to lure
and kill Paul. But for now, Edgar, see your dad. Sounds like like hes been looking for me for
quite a while. Go on, correct him about Emily. Don't be scared, just say (to Gordon) hi. (Gordon
sharply turns towards Edgar).
Gordon: Another hallucination. (he rubs his eyes, before gasping) Maybe not. Edgar, is that
really you? (Edgar nods) Oh my god! My son! (He rushes towards Edgar, and hugs him)
Edgar: Whats with the armed men outside?
Gordon: Were being transported to The Timekeepers Palace.
Edgar(nervous): Thats fantastic, sounds really safe...
Gordon: Whats wrong? How did you escape that girl?
Edgar: I didnt, (Gordon tries to speak) But shes misunderstood!
Gordon: How, she killed four people in cold blood.
Edgar: Paul Keating forced her to butcher them, and is continuing to force her hand. (Edgar lets
go of him) I can't go with you, for if I do, theyll follow me, and thatll gravely endanger Mr.
Gordon: No, I won't let you leave us again. (ENTER Emily)
Edgar: I have to kill Paul; only then will we be free.
Gordon: We can lure her away from, just let me think of something-
Emily: Don't hurt him. (Gordon gasps, puts himself in between Edgar and Emily, whos wielding
her knife. ENTER Heather, who watches)
Gordon: Stay away from us!
Edgar: Hes poison to your mind, Emily! Why cant you see that?
Emily: If we let him die, how else will we leave this place?
Edgar: The three of us will protect you. (Emily moves towards them)
Emily: No!
Gordon: I'm warning you, stay the hell away from us.
Heather: Emily-
Emily: The government will have me executed, why don't you understand this? The
TImekeeper and the rest of her kin hate us both. Were both outlaws in this horrible world, and
all we can do is hide. I love you, Eddy, please join us in our paradise, and well never suffer from
unhappiness- (ENTER Cassius, who is left standing there in shock)
Gordon: I warned you! (Gordon quickly moves towards her and tries to disarm her. In the frenzy
Emily stabs Gordon)
Edgar: Dad!
Gordon: Oh shit. (he falls to the ground. Edgar rushes towards him)
Emily: Why did you do that? Oh god why- (Cassius rushes towards her, tackling her to the
ground. He starts choking her)
Edgar: You're gonna be alright, just avoid the light. (ENTER a Peacekeeper. They take out a
Heather: Cassius, stop this! (she rushes towards him. Cassius throws her off him)
Peacekeeper(Ensemble): You need to get here, fast! Emily Morgan is here!
Cassius: Did she stop before killing my sister? How about my father?
Gordon: I'm so sorry, Edgar.
Edgar: Save your strength, The Timekeeper will be here soon!
Heather: I can sense her energy, shes only a poor girl-
Cassius: Before me is the demon who ruined my life, nothing more, nothing less.
Peacekeeper: Hurry, shes dying right as we speak! (Heather tries again)
Cassius: Stop it, this is what she deserves- (ENTER The Timekeeper. Who quickly stomps the
ground. She removes Cassius hands from Emily's throat)
Timekeeper: Heather Lombardi. (unfreezes Heather) Heal this man's wounds before he fades
away. (Heather does so) Major Zefania (unfreezes Cassius) Vengeance will not bring back your
family. Remove yourself from her, and we will help you grieve. (Some hesitation. Cassius lends
his hands, before sobbing. Timekeeper hugs him. She unfreezes the rest. Emily tries to run, but
The Peacekeeper grabs her)
Edgar(to Heather): I'm sorry for mistreating you.
Heather: Well worry about that later, I'm just glad your ok.
Edgar: I wish I was.
Gordon: Thank you for being his friend, Heather, hes needed one. (Timekeeper & Cassius stop
Timekeeper: The rest of you, go on your way. Reinforcements are coming to assist your
travels. As for myself, I must take care of Emily. Farewell for now; I know Ill see all of you again.
(EXIT Timekeeper, Peacekeeper, & Emily. Blackout. EXIT ALL)
Scene Eight:
(ENTER Timekeeper, Peacekeeper, and Emily. They lure her into the cell)
Timekeeper: Make sure no one gets in. (Peacekeeper nods. EXIT Peacekeeper)
Emily: Have mercy on me.
Timekeeper: I promise that nothing bad will happen to you. (Timekeeper moves out of the cell)
In the case of something horrible sneaking in, Ill be within the facility.
Emily: Whats gonna happen to me?
Timekeeper: Theyll go light on you, Ill make sure of that.
Emily: Parasites like myself don't deserve this type of treatment.
Timekeeper: At worse, life is what youll get.
Emily: Why are treating me like this? Don't you know who I am, I killed four people!
Timekeeper: You bodycount only totals to three; What you don't realize is that keepers cannot
die, unless they allow it. That is why I'm helping you; I blame you for nothing, for I understand
your victimhood. Now rest, the upcoming days will be long and tedious. (EXIT Timekeeper.
During Emily's monologue, the lights slowly become more and more gray)
Emily: How am I the victim? All Ive done is ruin the lives of people thatve had the misfortune of
knowing me. Not just that, but strangers too, like The Lightkeeper... twice? Jesus christ, Im so
stupid! Theres no such universe where I'm the victim, because Ive caused all this horror upon
myself. (beat. The background becomes dark gray) Myself. Just myself. Thats ridiculous. Mr
Ke- he caused some of it by suggesting I hurt them. It wasn't even suggesting, hed tag on a
comment or something thatd push me to do it. Sometimes it was rewards, but recently its been
nothing but threats. (ENTER Nothingness) Its my fault for letting him treat me like an animal,
but that doesn't excuse what he did to me. None of it was right!
Nothingness: Of course it was, you deserve nothing but acid splashed on your face.
Emily(burst of anger): So do you!
Nothingness: Why? I'm the reason this country will grow into a phoenix.
Emily:,Your plans wouldve created a government worse then all the others, or it wouldve
burned it to the ground. So thank god you're gonna be found and punished!
Nothingness: Do you hear the filth coming out of your mouth? It proves my point. At least
Johnson was crazy enough to think she was in the right.
Emily: At least Johnson believed in something.
Nothingness: I believe in doing whats right for this country's continued survival.
Emily: All you spout is lie after lie. Just moments ago I was questioning how much blame we
share in this mess, now I'm starting to think its not so equally divided.
Nothingness: This is all your fault, you wretched whore.
Emily: Hurts me to think I thought you were anything more but a hypocrite and a liar.
Nothingness: After all Ive done for you... without me, youd be dining in hell with that pig.
Emily: That doesn't give you the right to hurt me when shit hits the fan. (beat. Nothingness
smiles. ENTER The Journalist)
Nothingness: Like talking to a brick wall, never moving, so god damn convinced its right. So
convinced that it has done nothing wrong, so blind to its own ego. To think you were different
from the rest... oh well. It appears you have visitors. (Emily turns to see The Journalist, gasping)
Emily: How did you get here?
Nothingness: Can you hear it? More visitors. (ENTER Abraham and Norma, as ghosts(?))
Norma: You bashed my head in until it was a puddle of brain matter.
Abraham: You slit my throat and watched me die.
Norma: I had a brother and because of you, he butchered his family.
Abraham: I had a daughter you killed, and a son who might as well be dead.
Emily: This isn't possible.
Norma: All I did was expose corruption
Abraham: All I did was become a victim of corruption. (they circle around her)
Norma: All youve done is harm people, ruin families, ruin a country's confidence in itself. You
killed us to make yourself feel better.
Nothingness, Norma, & Abraham: Your worthless, worthless, worthless!
Emily: Stop it!
Nothingness: Whats that? Wowwee, more visitors, more then you could ever imagine.
Emily: Theres no one- (Nothingness forces her to look at the audience. She reacts with horror)
Nothingness: All you deserve now is to feast upon the truth.
Emily: This isn't real, this isn't-
Nothingness: Keep telling yourself that, like you always have. Isnt denial so easy? After all-
Nothingness, Norma, Abraham: Thats what you always do, just deny deny DENY- (Emily
can't it anymore)
Emily: Stop it! (to the audience, sobbing) Stop watching this! Is my suffering fun to you? ... (She
Please, let me cease to exist... (continues to sob)
Nothingness: You do understand. (beat. He hands her a knife, EXIT Abraham & Norma) You
know what to do. (EXIT Nothingness)
Journalist: Wait- (she stabs herself in the heart, before falling over, dead. The background
returns to normal) You didn't deserve this... (ENTER Timekeeper & Peacekeeper)
Peacekeeper: It was all caught on tape, can she be saved?
Timekeeper: Not at all.
Peacekeeper: What about him?
Timekeeper: Send the tapes to Omar and others, well start an international manhunt tonight. It
will be among the announcements I make tonight. And take this body out.
Peacekeeper: As you wish. (EXIT Peacekeeper, with Emily's body)
Timekeeper: What a sad existence the three of you lived. You two are the last failures of my
career, for tonight will be my resignation from Empress. It's time for humanity to make its own
path, and to stop relying on me to guide them. However, this will be a gradual leave; for one,
there will be consequences I must attend to, people to stop. To not give humanity the ample
time they need to adjust, will cause another war. I will not be like you, Clarance. Step forward.
(ENTER Journalist, Surprised)
Journalist: If I tried to intervene, he would've sucked me up in the chaos.
Timekeeper: All I want to know is why you faked your death.
Journalist: What are you talking about? Emily murdered me.
Timekeeper: The tests we did don't support that thesis.
Journalist: Did you check the other one? Considering what we saw him just tonight, maybe he
influenced her in some way. (Timekeeper sighs)
Timekeeper: Never mind that, what happened after you died?
Journalist: Darkness, until I was thrust into a field. I was completely unrecognizable from my
original form, and my head was filled with screams. Millions of them. They told me their lives
were cut short from atomic blasts, and it was all my fault. I was aimlessly living my life, bearing
the pain in my head, till Bryan resurfaced in the news.
TImekeeper: And you eventually killed him.
Journalist: Yes, but that wasn't my intent; only Emily was supposed to die.
Timekeeper: Do you blame it all on her?
Journalist: Course not, I feel so much sorrow for everything I did within this form. Its my
punishment, I suppose, and a fitting one.
TImekeeper: Why are you here?
Journalist: I came to save her, but was too late. (sighs) In a few moments Ill have to return to
the others. Before I go, I have an offer for you; join us, and you can happy with me, Clara, and
the rest.
Timekeeper: Like I said, if I leave another war will break out.
Journalist: Very well. I promise that, when the time comes, well all be together someday.
Farewell, my friend. (EXIT Journalist. Timekeeper shakes her head)
Timekeeper: I sacrificed my happiness long ago. (blackout)
Scene Nine
(ENTER Timekeeper, Edgar, Cassius, & Omar)
Timekeeper: September 15th, 6:45AM. Citizens of The United States, the hunt for Paul Keating
has become international. Tapes exist showing him driving Emily Morgan to suicide, and using
supernatural power to prevent her rescue. That is not all, however. Due to several factors, I will
be resigning as Empress of this world... (Cassius and Edgar react)
Cassius: Holy shit. (notiving Omars reaction) Omar-
Omar: It isn't that big of a deal. (they look at him) Ive known for a while now.
Edgar: Will you both shut up? I wanna watch this. (Omar and Cassius move away from the
couch and into a corner. Timekeeper mouths words)
Cassius: So... who's gonna adopt these kids? (ENTER Gordon & Heather, the former preset on
a hospital bed)
Omar: No one for Heather, we identified her parents in a refugee camp outside the capitol
Cassius: What if Gordon doesn't make it?
Omar: Ill watch over his son, considering you're in no condition to handle him.
Cassius: Agreed. When do you suppose this madness is gonna end?
Omar: Soon- (Heather rushes towards Edgar)
Heather: Edgar, come with me! Gordon may not make it. (beat. The two rush towards hospital
bed. Omar and Cassius follow them. EXIT Timekeeper. Couch and other chairs are replaced
with basement props)
Cassius: Whats happening?
Heather: Theres poison in his system, and I cant get rid of it.
Gordon: Edgar...
Edgar: Don't speak, save your strength.
Gordon: No. I have some words for you (he starts coughing, Edgar reaches for him. His lines
are interrupted by random bouts of coughing) Theres a big chance I won't make it out of this.
Omar: Don't say that.
Gordon: Ive been optimistic my whole life, but this is different. I feel my head throbbing, my
hands shaking, and my visions so foggy... Edgar. Listen to me. No matter what happens, I want
you to promise me that youll live on.
Edgar(lying): Ill try.
Gordon: Please, try your hardest. I'm sorry Im leaving you like this, but life works like that, sure
we all know by now. (he coughs up lots of blood) Edgar... no matter what, Ill always... be with...
(he suddenly loses consciousness, the heart monitor connected to him starts going crazy. Omar
and Cassius move to save him. Edgar runs out. EXIT Edgar)
Heather(aside): No Heather, don't run after him. Remember the last times you tried to save
people? (ENTER Edgar running into the basement. She looks at Gordon) Hes your friend. Its
not your job to help others, but I'm all he has left. (Blackout, EXIT all but Edgar. Spotlight on
him. He looks around, only to find a package and a note inside. He pulls out a blood stained
knife, the same one Clara used to kill herself)
Edgar: This knife is your ticket to freedom -Clara. You get the last laugh after all, don't you?
Won't take too long for them find to you. (raises the knife to his throat) Well all be together in
Heather(offstage): Edgar! (She is in technically in the basement, but to Edgar, she might as
well not be. Hence, her being offstage. He faces her, knife still near his throat)
Edgar: Stay there, move another step and I die.
Heather(offstage): This isn't the answer-
Edgar: Sure it is! My father was the only reason I didn't off myself years ago, and now that
reason is withering away. I have no one left.
Heather(offstage): That isn't true, there are plenty of people that care. Did you hear Omar
talking about you? And thats not all, I care for you too.
Edgar: We weren't friends, I only hung out with you out of boredom. I read your thoughts, they
made quite a stink about Project Altius, and the people it killed. I found it so pitiful, you're pitiful
and a means to fill up the hole in my head.
Heather(offstage): If thats the case, I don't place any blame upon you. But we can set this
Edgar: If you were a better person, then sure. But considering you're the same girl who killed
three people, only to try slitting a delusional girls neck. Because you wanted so desperately to
get rid of him.
Heather(offstage): I want you to think this through; everything your saying is the result of deep,
unconscious feelings bubbling out due to shock. Think about all the happiness in your
memories, I know you were happy. Mainly with your father, but with your ex, spouts of it with
myself, five years ago.(ENTER Heather, no spotlight for her)
Edgar: Stay back!
Heather: You told me several months ago about it all. I want you to know that, if you slit your
throat, youll be missing out on making anymore of those memories. Youll be creating a
temporary solution to what is a fixable problem. Youll leave behind those who continue to care
for you, even your father.
Edgar: You don't know my life; my fathers tried so hard to cure me, but nothings worked.
Maybe if you spoke to me before July, itd have been possible. (he faces the audience. Heather
slowly moves towards him) But now its merely a pipedream. I helped Emily harm all her victims.
How do I live with that knowledge, when at least one of them cared for my wellbeing. I don't
deserve help, Heather, Im a monster, a freak of nature- (Heather disarms him of the knife, and
brings them both to the floor. Edgar struggles. ENTER Omar) Let me go, let me go!
Heather: You do deserve help, no one is exempt from that privilege. (Edgar stops struggling)
No matter what happens, Ill help you reach a future where that pit is filled with happy feelings. It
won't be an easy road to take, and there will be bumps. I cant cure your self loathing and
depression with my powers; thats beyond their scope. But I and several others will help you
reach that future, and no where on that trip will you be alone. I promise you that. (Edgar tries to
read her mind, but finds no signs of malice. He starts to sob. Lights up)
Edgar: I'm sorry for everything....
Heather: No need for apologies, I understand your pain. (ENTER Cassius)
Omar: If you need any help from any one of us, well always be able to give it to you.
Edgar: Is my Dad gonna live?
Cassius: Hes in a stable condition, I just checked to see if hed stay that way.
Edgar: Thank you, alll of you. (he continues to hug Heather. ENTER Timekeeper)
Timekeeper: Omar. (they all look towards her) I want to speak with you.
Omar: Of course. (they move away from the crowd as they make stage business)
Timekeeper: I have several apologies I neglected to give. Id like to apologize for the death of
your wife, and the death of Bryan. Both of these incidents were the result of my judgement,
clouded by the tragedy of the past.
Omar: Thank you. Is that all?
Timekeeper: With my resignation, I want you to lead The Peacekeepers. Can you do that?
Omar: Yes. Before you leave, I wanna know how long you intend to help our species.
Timekeeper: As long as we see necessary.
Omar: What will become of your palace?
Timekeeper: A new base of operations for The Peacekeepers, youll think of the rest, won't
you? Anyhow, I suppose this is an end to our partnership. (they shake hands) I hope youll
managing of the Peacekeepers is successful. Farewell. (EXIT Timekeeper)
Omar(deeply moved): I never thought Id hear those words. (the group moves over to him)
Friends, I don't know how long well have to stay here. However, I think its safe to say that, no
matter what happens, everything will turn out right in the end. Everything will be ok. (blackout)
(ENTER Omar with a notepad)
Omar: June 11th, its been a year and some weeks since my life took a swerve for the worst.
The revolution had officially ceased its functions by late September, thanks in no part to three
reasons. One, the revolutionists themselves truly were a vocal minority, and support dwindled
away. Some of it came from reason #2, The Timekeepers resignation, Keatings manhunt and
her call for peace. What caused the remaining diehards to give up their guns was reason #3;
Keating turned himself in a week or so after September 5th. Didn't say why. Around February,
all that remained in his cell was a jacket drenched in blood. (ENTER Franklin, senators #3 &
Senator #3: Why was our bill vetoed? Its very important.
Omar: Prime Minister Franklin has been engaged in a political stalemate for months.
Franklin: Legalizing Cocaine in Nevada is not important, lets focus on other issues-
Senator #2: If this bill is not passed, well just keep stalemating the other bills. (EXIT Senators)
Omar: Those two were fired a few days later. (ENTER Franklin, Senators #1, #4, & #5) One of
the consequences we foresaw is the chaos of Timekeeper leaving. This has been fixed, though
some do lament The Timekeepers disappearance.
Senator #1: I miss The Timekeeper, we had a sense of order with her.
Senator #4: We wouldn't be in this mess with her still here.
Senator #5: I could get my bills passed with Timekeeper around! (the other two look at him)
Omar: Despite inheriting a mess, Franklin and her vice minister have been doing a decent job
at running the country, having gotten several reforms passed. Some are within political limbo,
too many in Congress for it and against it. Why she has not resorted to Executive Orders,
confuses many. Whatever the case, many of these same congressmen were before The
September Revolution. (ENTER Cassius & Jack, the two conversing over the phone)
Cassius: Hows life in Canada been?
Omar: Today, Cassius plans to rendezvous with his ex. I hope the best for him.
Jack: Quieter, I needed to get away from it all. However, Ive grown to appreciate this type of
life moreso then the old one. Whats happened with you?
Cassius: I got fired for leaving my post, against Omars wishes. He tries to help me financially,
but it isn't enough. Losing you left a hole in my heart that has yet to be filled.
Jack: We both know all too well our relationship wont come back.
Cassius: I know, I just wanted to apologize for everything I put you through.
Jack: I forgave you long ago, now you need to forgive yourself. Find someone else, a hobby,
anything to fill that void.
Cassius: I will, dont worry. Cause no matter what... (blackout on them. EXIT Jack)
Omar: Edgar Backman was briefly charged for the assistance of Emily Morgans murders.
However, he was soon acquitted. (ENTER Edgar, Heather, visiting Bryan and Clara's grave)
Last I saw him, he appeared to be within better spirits. As with Heather, who's become one of
his best friends.
Heather: Funny how time flies. Well, here we are.
Edgar: Feels like it all happened yesterday.
Heather: Sometimes, I have that same feeling. I feel like, no matter how many years pass...
Omar: No matter how much times passes by...
Cassius: Even on my death bed...
Omar, Heather, Cassius: Ill never forget the pain and suffering it took to reach this point.
(EXIT Omar & Cassius)
Edgar: Agreed. (Edgar places more flowers upon Claras grave) Have you been getting sleep?
Heather: For the most part. Granted, the occasional nightmare happens, but I figure thatll
happen for the rest of my life.
Edgar: Sounds rough. Honestly I'm in the same boat, cause mine have gotten worse.
Heather: What are they now? (ENTER Nothingness)
Edgar: Theyre about Emily, driving me through a dark forest. Yesterday, I saw her face, rotting
away and covered with dirt. She warned me about coming here.
Heather: Why didn't you listen? (ENTER Bryan and Emily beside Nothingness)
Edgar: I figured it was just a weird dream. (Edgar turns around to see the three staring right at
him. Confused, Heather looks towards his direction)
Heather: I think we should go, now. (She moves away. Edgar stands there. The three beckon
for him to join them) Edgar, we need to leave. Edgar? (He faces the audience, filled with shock
and unsure what to do. Blackout)
End of Project Altius
Bryan Hayes- Green polo shirt and black-colored slacks. Wears a rich looking black winter coat
in outdoor scenes
Clara Norton- red bomber jacket over a white shirt and black combat pants.
Wears a dark red overcoat in outdoor scenes.
Heather Lombardi- A light blue blouse and a turquoise-colored long skirt. Wears black leggings,
a multi-colored scarf, and a rich looking blue winter coat in her outdoor scenes (3, 11)
Edgar Backman- Grey wrinkled T-shirt and faded jeans. Wears a grey trench coat in
his outside scene (2nd half of 10).
Omar Hyperia- Navy colored generals outfit.
Timekeeper- Dark green overcoat with markings. Black collared shirt and pants
Norma Zefania- A blue suit.
Cassius Zefania- Tan-colored unzipped jacket over a gray undershirt and khakis. After Act One
Scene Six he wears a cast on his left arm.
Jack Watson- Gray colored hat, jacket with lighter gray slacks.
Alex Johnson- A black suit. Wears a black winter coat over the suit in her outdoor scene (6)
Abraham Zefania- A white suit. In Act Two he wears an orange prison jumpsuit.
The Journalist- A light brown trenchcoat and beige hat. White collared shirt, black tie, and black
slacks. In Act Two Scene One he wears an orange jumpsuit.
Emily Morgan- Wears a copy of what Bryan wears. In Act Two she wears a crimson red dress.
Nothingness- A copy of what Bryan wears in Act One. In Scene Thirteen and Act Two he wears
a violet suit and bright red tie.
Roger White- Black long sleeved turtleneck and White pants.
Senator Franklin-
Lance York- Bright red T-shirt and khakis.
Lightkeeper- Light blue overcoat with markings. White collared shirt and pants
The setting is intentionally vague and minimalist. The only details we know is that it takes place
in a very distant, post-apocalyptic future, and much of action takes place in the capital New
D.C of The New United States of America. The only locale we see beyond the capitol is The
Timekeepers Palace (in an unknown location). This is to reflect the confusion and helplessness
many of the characters feel throughout the play.
Sets in Act One(In Order of Appearance):
Bryans Living Room, Heywood Auditorium, Former Artillery room, Alexs Office, TV Corner,
P.A. General Room, Bryans Bedroom, Omars Bar, C
laras Porch, ATC Building, S enate
Chamber, Interrogation Room, Heathers House, Martins room, Lonely Road, Torn up Diner,
Hospital Room, The Forest Reserve.
Sets in Act Two(In Order of Appearance):
Graveyard, Pendleton, Senate Room, P.A. General Room, Interrogation Room, Outside,
Edgar's House, Cassius Bedroom, Normas House, Palace Room, Torn up Streets, Cassius
HQ, Omars Hideout.

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