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January 4, 2016

I attended meetings with the Assistant Principal, Ms. Menkiena regarding discipline
issues. I excused myself from one meeting because the student was familiar to me from
the community. A principal needs to be well aware of the code of conduct and
consequences for infractions and refer to the code of conduction that is the front of the
student agenda that every student receives.
January 5, 2016
I also attended a parent meeting. This parent has a child with a 504 plan. The mother
described the childs school history that led to the need for modifications to her general
education program. Teachers were asked to alert the mother to upcoming graded
assignments. One teacher was not providing the needed information. Ms. Menkiena
called that teacher to the meeting. She brought a union representative with her. Ms.
Menkiena assured the teacher that the meeting was just to brainstorm ideas to help this
student. After the meeting we had a discussion about the teachers attitude at the
meeting, how she doesnt seem to understand what is needed for this student and that she
commented that she felt that the student is just choosing to behave the way she does, not
because of a disability. An administrator needs to balance the needs of the faculty with
the needs of a family, supporting both parties.
January 8, 2016
Happenings and Incidents (No Principal for half the day or Assistant
Principal all day) as I was the intern-in-charge.
Daryl wanted permission to drive himself to Vocational. I left messages
with both parents. Daryl phoned his Dad who gave permission for him
to drive to Carrier.
At 9:12- Selena came to the office to report that when coming from
FACS Richard told her Jocelyn (unknown last name) called Selena an
A** and B*****. Selena then asked Jocelyn why she said that. Jocelyn
said she didnt care then said Selena called her that and that she was
going to report her. I told Selena that she should not have spoken with
the other student. In the future come directly to an adult.
Irregular absentee report- Josh and Trevor from period 3, study hall
with. Josh stated he was in gym and could get a pass. Trevor said he
forgot to sign out of study hall but he was in gym. I will follow up with
both teachers.
Mrs. K came to the office to report an incident during FACS. Ms. H.
(teacher) will be turning in an incident report regarding Richard and
Josephine. He said something, she cut him with a knife. Ms. H turned

in the incident report. She told me that she spoke with/emailed both
parents. Josie is out of the next lab as direct discipline from this event.
The students will not be in the same group any longer. I spoke with
both students. After a discussion with Jeff Cervoni, Principal and Shawn
Johnson, Director of Pupil Personnel, it was decided that Josie would get
2 nights detentions. I spoke with one parent and left a message for
another. I felt strongly that I did not want to leave it all weekend if I could help it. I
was able to speak with the mother regarding the incident from my home that evening.
There needs to be some coordination for Josie to serve detention. She
is a North Collins student. Her mom recently set up for her to go to the
Boys and Girls club on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Amy P.-teacher- came in to share that students were upset about the
EdenYAS77 twitter account. Unsure if it was up again or copied
somehow from the other day. I was aware of the situation from the
other day and shared it with Mr. Cervoni, Principal.
January 15, 2016
There was follow up on student in crisis yesterday. She ended up going to Eastern
Niagara Health Systems in Lockport. She will spend 7-10 days there. There was also a
follow up on a transgender student with Ms. Menkiena and a teacher. The teacher
seemed concerned about confidentiality. I assured her that I do not discuss situations at
home. (My 2 children attend the high school.)
January 25, 2016
I completed the call downs for students needing to attend AEP for the week. One student
came to the office to check on detention for tomorrow. I was supposed to check back
with her last week due to tardiness to school. Her father was driving her. I needed to
stay on top of this situation and check back with Ms. Menkiena and I did not do that. I
did not make a note about it to myself, only to Ms. Menkiena about the situation for this
student. After checking with Ms. Menkiena, the student needed to stay after on Thursday.
The parent called and explained the situation to Ms. Menkiena and the student will not be
serving the detention.
January 28, 2016
Ms. Menkiena and I reviewed the Title IX requirements to be sure the poster would
suffice. We checked the website to be sure all the pertinent information was there as
well. I reminded her about a letter she found regarding gender-neutral bathrooms. She
could not find it on her computer but I found it on mine and sent it to her so she could
add it to her transgender binder.

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