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January Regents

Things to consider when school is in session: 2016

Proctor schedules- 3 adults per exam session- check with teachers of
the subject if they need to be in the room for the entire exam or can
one person start off the exam and substitutes stay in the room.
Teachers can always plan to return to pick up the exam at the end.
Scoring- does it need to occur immediately following the exam (either
later that day or the following day) or could it be done on the rating
day when no students are in session. How many teachers are needed
for scoring the different exams- more for reading essays than for
scoring multiple choice sections.
Room assignments- 2016 needed to have desks and chairs moved to
the examination room (107), alert students and advisor that that room
was unavailable for the day, put 2 different exams in the same room as
long as nothing needs to be read to students. If using the study hall
room (217-218) plan with those study hall teacher where they will go
Who is responsible for alerting the students that they could take the
exam and who is providing extra help to prepare students to take the
Lunch- students and substitutes need to be alerted to have lunch
before the exam. Students might need to leave lunch to go to exam.
Students need to understand that they will need to possibly go to a
different lunch. Alert lunch staff.
Global calling- notice to families that school will be in session
Substitutes will need to know where to go to allow teachers to start
exams then when the teacher returns to the classroom the substitute
goes to proctor the exam.
Special Ed students- who is taking the exams? What modifications
do they need? Substitutes for those teachers? 504 kids as well
Vocational students- need to stay back or not go over so they can
take exams. Need to let vocational school know.
Send a list of students taking exams to all the teachers.
Conflicts happened last minute.

complied by Kirsten Henderson, 1/2016

Lots of stress getting all the exams scored (and all end of semester
grading completed) on the last day for those who did not get the time
during the week. Learning how the State will score a question for each
question takes time.

complied by Kirsten Henderson, 1/2016

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