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Spencer Heilig

ISM- Period 6
Zatsiorsky, Vladimir M. Science and Practice of Strength Training. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics,
1995. Print.
Concentric- muscles shorten like bicep curls
Eccentric- muscles are lengthened while under tension
Phosphagen pathway- short time exercise, high energy
Glycolytic Pathway- several minutes of sustainable work
Oxidative Pathway- longer than several minutes and can be sustained for a long time
Fast twitch muscles are trained with low rep powerful/fast movements or high weight for low
Fast twitch muscle training is more neurological work out than physical and muscular workout
Metabolic training is like doing a set of 10 reps. Puts more tension on muscles than nervous
Stretching you muscles immediately makes you weaker because it tells your muscles to turn off
and relax. After several months of stretching it makes you stronger because your muscles are
longer and can contract more
Long period muscle stretching like around 3 minutes actually stretches the fascia that surrounds
you muscles as well as your muscle itself
3 sec stretch = static. 30 second stretch= relaxing. 3 minute stretch= fascia stretch
Hypertrophy- when your muscle grows because the muscle cells fill up with fluid and look
Hyperplasia- when your muscle grows because the fibers that make up the muscles split and you
now have more muscle. Doesnt happen in very many muscles
Intermuscular coordination- ability for multiple muscles to work together
Intramuscular coordination- ability for a muscle to do its one job
Creatine- turns adp into atp. Without it, you cramp and get rigor mortis
Muscles are naturally contracted, your body has to work a little to let your muscles not contract,
thats why when you die you go into rigor mortis
A muscle contracts when a nerve connected to a muscle releases acetyl coline which causes the
muscle to relax
With strength training. You get stronger because you are able to release more acetyl coline or
activate more nerves to release acetyl coline more muscle fibers contract
This source was great and well explained by my mentor to help me have a strong
base on understanding how muscles work

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