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Location Visit Sheet

Product title: Advertisement

Client: Alfie Weare


Date: 19/01/2016

School meeting room
Access: I will need to get permission to see if I can use this space as there
may be interviews going ahead in this room.
Space: An average size interview room, so lots of room for an interview.
Permissions: I will need to get permission to film in one of the interview
rooms as they may be in use.
Lighting: light in the room
Power: electricity
Health and Safety: I will need to tuck all chairs under the table and
make sure there are no wires hanging out of the wall that you can
trip over. I will also need to make sure all bags are out of the way as
they will be a hazard when walking through.

Positives/negatives about filming here:

Positives: Easy to access, no need to travel, good lighting sources
Negatives: Could be in use, disruption from bells and students.
Name and number of location contact:

Stephen Hume
Tel- 020 8644 6307

Sketch or photo of location:

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