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LPH Meeting Minutes

5:04: Introductions
5:08: T-Shirt sales
- Decided to keep the same design from last year
- Order forms will be in the office and also online a
5:10: Attendance Policy
- Must attend 2 out of the 4 meetings
- Contact the secretary if you are not able to attend
- Dates have been sent in advance to avoid work conflicts etc.
5:13: Graduate School Dr. Lind
KSU does have a Masters program
- Classes very similar to undergrad with variation in workload and
- Benefits: Self-fulfillment, Networking, Teaching Experience,
Resume Builder
- KSU offers a tuition reimbursement program if you teach, tuition
is free and there is a modest stipend as well
- Full load of hours is 10. Typical load is 9
- Things to do now:
o Plan for the GRE
o Begin to decide where your interests specifically lie
o Go to an undergraduate research conference, even if its
just as a spectator
o Decide if you are geared to more of a research program or
a professional program
- If you have any question contact Dr. Lind
o Office is Nichols 211
5:25: Charity Ideas
- Crisis Center
o Monetary donations
o We can also do specific items
- Big brothers big sisters
o Host events
o Do donations through the department
- Second Helping
o Soup Kitchen
o More of a time commitment versus item commitment
- Humane societies a no due to the extra training necessary
- Colby brought up a couple of foundations that could function as a
fundraiser while also giving money towards another cause
o He and Lauryn are going to look in to those a little more
5:29: Mentoring Program
- Contact Jordan if you are willing to be a mentor


We decided to move forward with the program

Could send out an e-mail to the department to find people
interested in having a mentor
Locked up Manhattan
Potential to use some of our funds for a fun event
Will send out a sign up sheet to find those interested
Asking members to pass out flyers about new potential members
Hoping to induct this Spring
Next meeting
Asking Dr. Riforgiate to come and speak about internships
Will open up this presentation to the department as a whole
Meeting adjourned

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