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First of all, I would like to welcome Haila (read: hay-la) to our school, Sekolah

Menengah Agama Setiu. It is a blessing for us to get involved in this ETA programme and it is
definitely lucky for us to welcome another ETA at this moment because we are desperately in
need of English teachers. At first, we have five teachers but now we are only left with
(two/three). So, I really hope with your presence here you can help the students with the English
language by any means.
Let me briefly explain about our lovely school. SMA Setiu currently has about 54
teachers. This school is one of the religious school we have in the district of Setiu. Many parents
were eager to send their children to our school and only selected students are offered places in
this school. For your information, last year, we have had good result in PT3 exam. PT3 is an
examination for form 3 students, the 15 years old. It was an outstanding achievement compared
to the previous years. We are really happy with the result. So, I hope by having Haila (read: hayla) in this school, English subject will continue to improve and the students can converse using
English well.
Lastly, I would like to say once again, welcome to our school. I hope you will feel
comfortable working here and enjoy your stay here. Thank you.
Prepared by,
English Panel
Sekolah Menengah Agama Setiu.

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