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Kaitlyn ONeill

Commented [parkercog1]: Great MLA format here

Adam Padgett
English 102
28 February 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Inquiry: Should the Federal Government be allowed to regulate information on the Internet?

Commented [parkercog2]: I love your question. It is not

too broad but it still allows you to find good and specific
information in your research.

Proposed thesis: The federal government should not be allowed to regulate information on the

Commented [parkercog3]: This is good thesis because it

states your opinion and what youre going to be discussing

Bajaj, Vikas. "Obama for Net Neutrality." New York Times 10 Nov. 2014: n. pag. New York
Times. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.

The article titled, Obama for Net Neutrality is about net neutrality, which means
keeping the Internet free. From the article the author Vikas Bajaj writes, President
Obama wrote on Monday that the Federal Communications commission should issue
strong regulations to prevent cable and phone companies from dividing the Internet into
fast and slow lanes (Bajaj). The reason for this would be for everyone to get the same

Commented [parkercog4]: Great job integrating a quote


Internet speed anywhere on the Internet, which would prohibit the companies from
meddling with anything the customers are doing on the Internet. The article was

Commented [parkercog5]: This is a great analysis of your

summary of the article!

published in The New York Times, and it was written by Vikas Bajaj. The New York
Times is known for being credible, otherwise people would not buy it, and the newspaper
would not make money. The article was published in November of 2014, so this article is
a more recent article, which means that it would be more reliable than an older article.

Commented [parkercog6]: You did great here explaining

why your source is credible

Since net neutrality relates to Internet censorship in the way that both concepts deal with
having freedoms on the Internet, the article could be a suitable source for my project.

Commented [parkercog7]: I would discuss a little bit more

here the biases (or lack of) in the article and I would also
maybe include some insight as to where you could use this
in your essay!

Brown, Doug. "Congress Faces Cyber-Agenda." Inter@Ctive Week 7.2 (2000): 69. Academic
Search Complete. Web. 1 Mar. 2016

The article talks about how people do not want the government to regulate information on
the Internet. For example, the article says, Industry has generally howled against any
government involvement in regulating privacy. Let us regulate ourselves," corporate
executives repeated like a mantra throughout 1999, "and both consumers and industry
will benefit" (Brown). The article also mentions some solutions that the government
came up with, such as the Online Privacy Protection Act. According to the article, it
would provide general guidelines for how companies would handle their online privacy
policies, from requiring that Web sites post notices telling users exactly what sort of
information will be gathered and how it will be used, to forcing companies to give Web
visitors the ability to opt out of the information-gathering process (Brown). It is credible
because it is a primary source, but I could not find any information about the author. It

Commented [parkercog8]: I think this source is very

credible and contains useful information toward your thesis.
I think you did a great job summarizing and including
valuable quotes as well!

was published around the year 2000, which means that it is not a recent source. There is
some bias in this article because it pushes more toward being against the idea of

Commented [parkercog9]: Good job explaining the bias


censoring the Internet. The article is a suitable source for my project because with this
article, one is able to see both the people and governments opinions on the topic.

Commented [parkercog10]: Good job explaining that this

source is useful for your essay- I might also include where
you can use it in your final paper to be a little more specific!

Charatan, Fred. "Buyer Beware" Remains US Policy Towards Information on the Net. BMJ:
British Medical Journal 324.7337 (2002): 566566. Web.

The article talks about health websites and how the government does not have a law that
adjusts information on them (Charatan). It states, healthcare experts try to ensure the

integrity of health information on the internet (Charatan). The reason for this is so that
people can trust what they read and not have to worry about it being false information.
Although, one should not trust everything that they read on the Internet because there is
false information posted. Plus health information has to do with a persons well-being,
which does not give the government a reason to censor or change this information. The

Commented [parkercog11]: Here I would have loved to

hear some of your opinion on what you thought about the
information presented in this source.

article is credible because it is a peer-reviewed and primary source. It was published in

the year 2002, so it is not exactly recent, which means that there is a possibility that it is
not up to date. One can tell that this article is biased through the Buyers Beware part of
the title. It gives more of a negative connotation to information of the Internet. It is a
suitable source for my project because it gives an example of something that should not
be regulated by the government on the Internet, but at the same time its not all one
hundred percent true.

Commented [parkercog12]: Okay youre really killing it on

this essay! Great job using quotes and explains how and
why the source is credible and including insight to the bias

Dann, Elijah, and Neil Haddow. "Proxy Login - University Libraries - USC." Proxy Login University Libraries - USC. Springer International Publishing, 30 Mar. 2007. Web. 08
Feb. 2016.

The article titled, Just Doing Business or Doing Just Business: Google, Microsoft,
Yahoo! And the Business of Censoring Chinas Internet is about how companies, such
as Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo, do online business with China. It states, In the case of
Google, the concern was providing China with a version of a search engine that omitted
references to the 1989 events of Tiananmen Square, terms like freedom, and Falun
Gong the banned religious group (Dann 219). It shows that information on the
Internet, especially in China, is censored because in this case, the Chinese government
keeps an eye out on what they want to keep the people of China from knowing. Just like

in the quote pulled in from the article shows examples of terms that are censored in
China. The articles argument aims toward the online companies rights of freedom of
speech on the Internet is being messed with by having to follow Chinas governments
rules on what is allowed on the Internet and what is not. For this article, an interest at
stake is the Internet companies that are doing business in China because if they violate
Chinas governments rules, then the government will censor it. The article mentions

Commented [parkercog13]: I thought your summary of

this source was very detailed and specific. I also think the
quotes you decided to use were powerful and would go
great in your final essay

examples of situations where people got arrested for placing their views and opinions on
the Internet for others to read, and a lot of the time it is for criticizing the government
online. The article is a primary source, which makes it more credible than if it were a
secondary source, and it comes from the Journal of Business Ethics. It was written in
2007, so this article is kind of old, which makes it not as reliable as one that is more
recent. The article does have a sense of bias leaning toward as the article states, censoring
information on the Internet being a violation of persons negative rights to freely trade
information with others (Dann 219). The source is suitable for my project because it
talks and takes a stand about censoring information on the Internet.
Males, Michael. "Mythology And Internet Filtering." Teacher Librarian 28.2 (2000):
16. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Mar. 2016.
The article talks about the Internet being censored specifically for teenagers and students
that are in school. The article is claiming that the purpose behind censoring the Internet,

Commented [parkercog14]: I like this source because it

discusses censoring specifically for teenagers in school. I
think this source will be important to include in your essay
because it really made me connect a little bit more to your

like in schools, is to keep students from looking up items or information that they should
not be looking up, and it is to keep them on task. The article states, Congressnow
wants to use federal funds to force even more school censorship such as mandatory
library blockers (Males). In high school, we were told that everything that we do on the
Internet can be seen by the district office. When doing research for a research paper, a

myriad of websites were blocked so that we could not access them, which lessened the
resources that were able to be used. The article is a primary source and a peer-reviewed

Commented [parkercog15]: Oh yeah peer reviewed


source, which makes it credible. It was published in 2000, which means that it needs to
be taken into account that this article is not very recent. The article is a suitable source for
my project because I can relate to and oppose of claims in this article from experience.

Commented [parkercog16]: Include something about

biases and where you would want to include this source in
your essay

Petrie, Sean J. Indecent Proposals: How Each Branch of the Federal Government Overstepped
Its Institutional Authority in the Development of Internet Obscenity Law. Stanford Law
Review 49.3 (1997): 637665. Web. 8 Feb. 2016.

The article is about the government regulating information on the Internet and
establishing Obscenity Laws. It talked about how there is a line between what they can
but have to be careful to do because of the first amendment to the Constitution. In the
article it mentioned why information involving obscenity or dirty information on the
Internet should be censored because that is not something that people, especially the
younger generations, should have to see. It brings us to a value that is at stake for the
article, which is the fact that even though it would be violating Internet freedoms, it is not
necessarily a negative thing for the government to censor the obscenity on the Internet,
and that is practically what this article is trying to convey. The article is a primary source,
and it is a peer-reviewed source since it is an academic journal from JStor, which makes
it credible. The copy right date for this article is 1997, which makes it about 19 years old,
so this article may not be as reliable as a more recent one. The article shows another side
of the argument, which is why it is a suitable source for my project because good
arguments show both sides.

I thought all of your sources were credible and they explored a variety of reasons why or why

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not censoring can be a good/ bad thing. I liked your article about censoring in schools because it
allowed me to get a better understanding as to a place where censorship is prevelant. Overall,
you did a great job answering all of the questions outlined in the prompt. This only thing I
would add is to maybe go back through and insert a little bit of your opinion or insight as to
where you would use each source in your final essay! Great job! I can tell you worjed hard to
find good/ detailed and credible sources.

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