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Name: Jenn

Lesson Plan
Target Age Group: 8-10
Theme:Earth Day
Title of Activity: I Can Help the Earth
Curricular Area: Science
Date to Use Activity: 4.21.15
Developmental Goals

Learning Objectives

Materials Required

Cognitive- understanding
Earth Day terms

Given a writing prompt, the

children will write about how
they will help the Earth.

Writing prompt, white board,

pencils, white board markers,

Fine Motor- writing with a

Emotional/Social- Waiting for
a turn to speak, listing to
classmates speak

Today were going to talk about Earth Day.
1. Print out the writing prompt. 2. Gather children. 3. Ask them questions about Earth Day and
the terms, reducing, reusing, and recycling. Then ask a few of them for examples on how they
would help the Earth. 4. Pass out the prompts. 5. Have them put their names on it. 6. Tell them
the directions and have them finish the prompt. 6. Collect the projects and hang on student work

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