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North Davis Jr High Choir

Citizenship Rubric

Student has a positive attitude and is respectful to teacher, classmates and guests;
Student has no unexcused absences; Student never has gum, food or drinks (except
water bottles); Student always uses healthy singing posture and is prepared for
rehearsal at the bell with music, journals and a pencil; Student consistently notates
in score with pencil; Student is very attentive and actively involved in the rehearsal
process and does not distract the director or other students in any way

Student has a positive attitude and is respectful to teacher, classmates and guests;
Student has no unexcused absences; Student is seldom reminded to get rid of gum,
food or drinks (except water bottles); Student regularly uses healthy singing posture
and is prepared for rehearsal at the bell with music, journals and a pencil; Student
usually notates in score with pencil; Student is attentive and actively involved in the
rehearsal process most of the time and rarely distracts the director or other students.

Student usually has a positive attitude and responds to teacher instructions; Student
has no more than one unexcused absence; Student sometimes has gum, food or
drink (except water bottles); Student shows some effort to use healthy singing
posture and is usually prepared for rehearsal at the bell with music, journals and a
pencil; Student sometimes notates in the score with pencil; Student is involved in
the rehearsal process but causes some distraction to the director or other students.
Student struggles to be positive and is sometimes disrespectful to teacher,
classmates and guests; Student has no more than two unexcused absences; Student
needs to be reminded to get rid of gum, food or drinks (except water bottles);
Student rarely uses healthy singing posture and is unprepared for rehearsal at the
bell with music, journals and a pencil; Student must be asked to notate in score with
pencil; Student is minimally involved in the rehearsal process most of the time and
distracts the director and other students.

Student is often disrespectful to teacher, classmates and guests; Student has more
than two unexcused absences and/or 4 or more tardies; Student needs to be
reminded often to get rid of gum, food or drinks (except water bottles); Student
rarely uses healthy singing posture and is unprepared for rehearsal at the bell;
Student does not notate in score with pencil, is minimally involved in the rehearsal
process and is usually a distraction to the director and other students.

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