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Briana Clift

Sensory Integration Practical Reflection

OTA 1290 Peds Lecture/Lab
1. What did you do to prepare for this practical?
To prepare for our practical, we first decided on an under the sea theme. We then
looked at the different ways to facilitate the different senses required. We chose one
main activity for each that we thought most appropriate to vestibular,
proprioceptive, tactile and fine motor. We also decided on a back-up activity that
could be easily added if needed. We also created a shopping list of items we would
need purchase and what items we already had. We got together to buy the items
we needed. We visualized the session and planned out how to position our
equipment so that we would flow through activities appropriately.
2. Did you and your partner participate in the planning 50/50 or did one
of you do more? In what waydescribe.
Rebecca and I worked well together on this activity. We were able to spend equal
amounts of time together to prepare, and plan for our practical. She is a fantastic
3. In the session, did you and partner participate 50/50 or did one of
you do more? In what waydescribe.
In our session, we had planned to work as a team having one of us led an activity
and the other assist. We thought having both of us involved would make the session
flow well and prevent awkwardness. We wanted the child to be as comfortable as
possible. I felt Rebecca was a bit more talkative throughout but I was still able to
direct the proprioceptive and fine motor sections successfully.
4. What did you learn from the experience of watching your
I appreciated the insight of seeing other groups go first. We immediately realized it
would be helpful to have music playing in the background during our session. We
also decided to add an overview of what wed be doing throughout so that our child
had an idea of what would be happening next. I really enjoyed seeing the creativity
of my classmates. There were so many ideas and approaches. The most valuable
thing I learned was the flexibility that is required when working with kids you need
to be able to change the activity so that it works for them as well as grading it
5. What did you learn from participating?
I learned that creating a conversation with the kids is really important to try and
understand how they are feeling during the session, some from verbal but really
watching the non-verbal cues.
6. If you had it to do over, what changes would you make?
I think we did really well however, toward the end we had several back up activities
to use if time was an issue. We ended up utilizing several of them and I felt that our
kid really liked playing with the bubbles and didnt have enough time to really play
through that activity before we moved onto another one that was rushed as well.
Next time I would give him the option to do one or the other and end the session a
little shorter but give him the time to enjoy whichever option he wanted.
7. What was the best thing about your practical?
I felt that we had really good transitions throughout our session. The flow from each
activity wasnt abrupt and was easy for our child to follow. I also really enjoyed our

tactile activity. I liked the variety of textures and colors that can be implemented in
this activity. I also think it would be easy to manipulate it to whatever my clients
preference and needs were.

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