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Student Impact Study Lesson #3: Re-Teaching Re-tells 2-2 -\b Learning Goal: Implement a differentiated approach of instruction to re-teach a familiar skill. Rationale: The student of this study has worked on writing re-tells of a provided text throughout the school year. Every other week, students in the resource room participate in progress monitoring, from Read Naturally, in order for the teacher to maintain a collection of data, The most recent progress monitoring revealed some concems with students? re-tell writing. Writing re-tells is an essential skill for students to develop in order to demonstrate a through understanding of a provided text. This re-teaching lesson goes along with the student’s original goal of increasing monitoring understanding during reading as well as overall comprehension + English Language Arts Standard 1.2 Reading Informational Text: Students read, understand, and respond to informational text — with an emphasis on comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and making connections among ideas and between texts with a focus on textual evidence © CC.1.2.5.A - Determine two or more main ideas in a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. Source: Read Naturally ~ Progress Monitoring Objective: ‘+ Student will write a fluid, effective re-tell based on a given text, using the provided checklist Materials: + Progress Monitoring completed earlier in the week + Retell checklist * Lined paper Procedure: Introduction + Engagement: How did you feel? © Discuss how student felt he did on progress monitoring © What strategies did you use to write your re-tell? © Show student score from progress monitoring Lesson Development Have student re-read re-tell + Display re-tell checklist © Important parts of a re-tell © Student should = checklist to rewrite re-tell eon Oe ) Oe x S \ o Ae ae CS SoS Opps + Have student write a new re-tell on the same passage © Assist student in starting off with a topic sentence — readers need to know what you are writing about © Note whether or not student uses checklist effectively Conclusion \ + Have student read new re-tell out loud se ce * How do you feel about this new re-tell? oc’ a + Provide all students with laminated re-tell checklist for next class ¥ HO Assessment: WO Ke nees> we + Formative assessment © New re-tell > did the re-teaching work? Is the student including all of the important parts of a re-tell in his writing? Re-tell Checklist: Re-Tell: What is important? Make sure you have... 1. Introductory Sentence 2. 3-4 Supporting Details/Facts 3. Capitals & Punctuation 4. Closing Sentence 5. Re-read: Does your writing make sense?

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