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Nice 2718-16 All About Starfish Have you ever seen a starfish on the beach? If you have, then you probably know that they aren’t really fish! Even though starfish live in the sea, they cannot swim. Another way they are different from fish is that they do not have backbones. Sometimes starfish are called sea stars. That is because they have arms growing outward from the center of their body, giving them a starlike shape. Some starfish have five arms, but others have many more. If a starfish loses an arm, it usually grows back. Hundreds of tiny tube feet cover the underside of each arm. These.feet-enable.the: animal-to-move-in-all.directions» Many starfish have suction cups at the tip of each foot that help them climb steep surfaces. The mouth of a starfish is on the underside of its body, right in the "center. Using the suckers at the end of its tube feet, a starfish can attach itself to a shellfish, such as an oyster or clam. Then it pulls apart the shell to get to the animal. Some starfish swallow their food whole. Others push their stomach out through their mouth and reach into the shell of their prey to digest the food. Then they pull their stomach back in. Starfish eat many kinds of seafood, such as clams, oysters, coral, and fish. The next time you see a starfish on the beach, take a closer look. Starfish are one of nature’s strange but interesting creatures. Name - © Houghton Min Harcourt Publishing Company c-16A Literacy Too! Kit How did I do today? (Circle your answer.) 1, Did I understand hak I read? (Yes s) Somewhat 2 Did I use different strategies to help me understand the text? Yes cA few strategies) No 3. Did I work hard today? ( Yes) A Little No - 4. What can I do next time to make sure Iam even more successful? Nick's Turker KeSConseS 2-18 -\e Coo| yee nS s i “MY Manuel Sher Gee

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